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卢正军博士在Adv. Funct. Mater.上发表论文“Wafer-Scale Growth of Aligned C60 Single Crystals via Solution-Phase Epitaxy for High-Performance Transistors”



Fullerene (C60) single crystals withexceptionally low defects and nearly perfect translational symmetry make themappealing in achieving high-performance n-type organic transistors. However,because of its natural 0D structure, control over continuous crystallization ofC60 over a large area is extremely challenging. Here, the authors report asolution-phase epitaxial approach for wafer-scale growth of continuouslyaligned C60 single crystals. This method enables the rational control of thedensity of nucleation event at meniscus front by confining the size and shapeof meniscus with a microchannel template. In this case, a single nucleus asseed crystal can be formed at the front of meniscus, and then epitaxial growthfrom the seed crystal occurs with continuous retreat of the meniscus. As aresult, highly uniform C60 single-crystal array with ultralow defect density isobtained on 2-inch substrate. Organic field-effect transistors made from the C60 single-crystal array show a high average electron mobility of 2.17 cm2 V1 s1, along with a maximum mobility of5.09 cm2 V1 s1, which is muchsuperior to the C60 polycrystalline film-based devices. Thisstrategy opens new opportunities for the scalable fabrication ofhigh-performance integrated devices based on organic crystals.

