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肖彦玲博士在Adv. Funct. Mater.上发表论文“Water-Surface-Mediated Precise Patterning of Organic Single-Crystalline Films via Double-Blade Coating for High-Performance Organic Transistors”



Application-oriented growth of patterned organic semiconductor (OSC) thin films with a single domain is a nonnegotiable requirement for the manufacturing of high-performance organic electronic devices. However, the prevalent selective-wetting patterning method remains a challenge in controlling the density of nucleation events in microscale spaces, resulting in thin films with high grain boundary density and no preferential orientation spherulites. Herein, a simple double-blade-coating printing technique using a combination of wetting-patterned substrates to produce an array of highly crystalline OSC thin films is developed. Specifically, the approach confines the OSC crystallization on a molecular-flat water surface in specific areas, enabling a significant reduction in the number of nuclei. Consequently, patterned 2,7-dioctyl[1]benzothieno[3,2-b] benzothiophene (C8-BTBT) thin films comprising single-crystal domains are achieved with an exceptionally high yield of 62.5%. The organic field-effect transistor array developed from such patterns of C8-BTBT single-crystalline films exhibits an excellent average mobility of 11.5 cm2 V−1 s−1 which is 12.5-fold higher compared to that of the reference sample fabricated via conventional single-blade coating. It is believed that this approach can be widely applied to other soluble organic materials, thereby opening up opportunities for fabricating multicomponent integrated electronics.  


