得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校 殷倩博士 12月11日上午学术报告
发布时间:2023-12-05 点击:10

报告人Dr. Qian Yin, University of Texas at Austin

报告题目Unlock the adaptive immune repertoire by controlling innate immunity with biomaterials





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Dr. Qian Yin will join UT Austin BME as Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in January 2024. She received her Bachelor’s degree in polymer chemistry from University of Science and Technology of China, under the supervision of Prof. Shiyong Liu. After completing her PhD with Prof. Jianjun Cheng in the department of Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, she continued her postdoctoral research in immunology with Prof. Mark M. Davis at Stanford University. Her research focuses on developing polymeric materials-centric approaches for advancing the fundamental understanding of immunology and developing immunotherapies. Dr. Yin has 11 first-authored publications in prestigious journals including Nature Materials, PNAS, JACS, Chemical Sciences, Cell Reports, Biomacromolecules, and Polymer Chemistry, among others. She is the recipient of CPRIT First-Time, Tenure-Track Faculty award, Stanford Cancer Institute Fellowship/Ellie Guardino Research Fund, NCI CCNE-TD Pilot Project award, CRI Lloyd J Old Memorial Fellowship and Irvington Postdoctoral Fellowship, NCI M-CNTC Fellowship, Nadine Barrie Smith Memorial Fellowship, Beckman Institute Graduate Fellowship, 3M Graduate Fellow, and Racheff-Intel Award.



The immune system consists of two parts: innate immunity and adaptive immunity. T cells and B cells in the adaptive immune system are two major players to mount an antigen-specific defense and offer long-term protection. However, due to the immune tolerance and immunodominance mechanisms, some T cells and B cells can recognize the antigens but couldn’t develop effective immune responses. My research focus is using synthetic biomaterials to engineer the innate immune system and unlock the non-responsive adaptive immune repertoire for new cancer immunotherapies and infectious disease vaccines. In this seminar, two examples illustrating my research work will be described. In the first example, I develop a toll-like receptor 7 agonist-based nanoparticle (TLR7-NP) adjuvant to alter germinal center (GC) signaling and induce high levels of cross-reactive antibody responses to multiple heterologous viral variants of influenza and SARS-CoV-2. The second example is to design a nanoparticle platform to reverse the anergy of tumor infiltrating self-specific CD8+ T cells for creating a new and effective immunotherapeutic strategy for treating broad cancer patients.


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