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樊薇:Separated Sparse Representation Model for Bearing Fault Detection

时    间:2017年10月27日,周五13:30
地    点:阳澄湖校区交通大楼一楼学术报告厅
题    目:Sparse Representation Model for Bearing Fault Detection
摘    要
Vibration  signal from a rolling bearing with localized faults always contains  periodic transients and background noise. This talk will present a novel  fault detection technique by utilizing the sparsity of the transients.  The separated sparse representation (SSR) model with a tunable  separation time parameter is constructed. In the implementation of the  model, a B-spline dictionary is adopted to represent the transient due  to its inherent ability to model sparsity and its impressive  flexibility, and then the model is solved by split augmented Lagrangian  shrinkage algorithm (SALSA). The power value calculated by the  reconstructed signal will reach the maximum when the separation time  parameter is the same as the true fault period, which is proposed as a  criterion to detect the fault period. The performance of the proposed  method is compared with conventional methods in the simulation studies.  Finally, case studies are used to illustrate the effectiveness of the  proposed methodology in fault period detection.

Wei  Fan received her bachelor’s degree and master’s degree both from  Soochow University. She is currently working towards the Ph.D. degree in  Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management at City  University of Hong Kong. Her research interests focus on statistical  process control, signal processing and machinery fault diagnosis.