会议将于2014年2月16日至2013年2月19日在18新利体育 数学科学学院举办。本次参加会议的专家有上海师范大学蒋继发教授、中国科学技术大学王毅教授、18新利体育 曹永罗教授以及杨大伟教授等。参加会议的还有一批其他活跃在18新利备用网站 前沿的青年学者。

承办单位:18新利体育 数学科学学院
报告题目: Comparison Theorem for Stochastic
Functional Differential Equations with
Application to Delayed Hopfield Neural
Network Model  (I)        
 时间: 2014年2月17日(周一)下午 14:30 至 15:20
 报告内容简介:The comparison theorem is proved for stochastic functional differential equations
(SFDEs) whose drift term satisfies the quasimonotone condition and diffusion term is
independent of delay. Meanwhile, it is proved that a system of random functional dif-
ferential equations (RFDEs), satisfying global Lipschitz condition, generates a random
dynamical system (RDS). Applying these results to delayed Hopfield neural network
model with multiplicative noise, we get that it generates a RDS. If the connection ma-
trix is positive and activation functions are sublinear, then it generates a sublinear
order-preserving RDS, therefore, it has a trichotomy dynamics.
报告题目:   Stability of Nonlinear Dirac Solitary Waves
 时间: 2014年2月17日(周二)上午 15:30 至 16:20
In this talk, we first present a brief introduction to the nonlinear Dirac equation and then raise the stability issue of its solitary wave solutions from several new numerical observations. Using the exact analytic form for
rest frame solitary waves, we study their stability numerically and discuss the validity
of various approaches to understand the stability that were successful in the nonlinear SchrÖdinger equation.
In particular we study the validity of a version of Derrick's theorem,
the criterion of Bogolubsky as well as the Vakhitov-Kolokolov criteria. Further remarks and future directions are also presented.
 时间: 2014年2月18日(周二)上午 09:30 至 10:20
报告题目: Comparison Theorem for Stochastic
Functional Differential Equations with
Application to Delayed Hopfield Neural
Network Model  (II)        
 时间: 2014年2月18日(周二)上午 10:30 至 11:20
 报告内容简介:The comparison theorem is proved for stochastic functional differential equations
(SFDEs) whose drift term satisfies the quasimonotone condition and diffusion term is
independent of delay. Meanwhile, it is proved that a system of random functional dif-
ferential equations (RFDEs), satisfying global Lipschitz condition, generates a random
dynamical system (RDS). Applying these results to delayed Hopfield neural network
model with multiplicative noise, we get that it generates a RDS. If the connection ma-
trix is positive and activation functions are sublinear, then it generates a sublinear
order-preserving RDS, therefore, it has a trichotomy dynamics.
报告题目:   The integrability on  dominated splitting        
 时间: 2014年2月18日(周三)上午 10:30 至 11:30
 报告内容简介:we construct diffeomorphism on 2-torus with the dominated splitting E +F such that its splitting are robustly non-integrable
2.题目:  Homoclinic Orbits for NLS with Spatially-Dependent and Unbounded Perturbations
 时间: 2014年2月18日(周三)下午 14:30 至 15:20
   摘要: For an integrable focusing cubic nonlinear Schrodinger equation (NLS) under spatial periodic boundary conditions, it is known that there are whiskered tori which form homoclinic orbits to periodic orbits with different asymptotic phases as time approaches plus and minus infinity. In this talk, we consider the integrable NLS under diffusive (unbounded) perturbation and spatially dependent time periodic forcing and show (based on singular perturbation method) that there exist orbits homoclinic to some saddle points. We note that as the normally elliptic invariant slow manifold does not necessarily persist under the spatially-dependent forcing, we need to apply a modified averaging technique to obtain a sufficiently accurate approximate invariant slow manifold. This is joint work with Shui-Nee Chow (GT) and Chongchun Zeng (GT).