报告题目: Abrupt Bifurcations in Chaotic Scattering: view from the anti-integrable limit
Abstract:  Bleher, Ott and Grebogi found numerically an interesting chaotic phenomenon in 1989 for the scattering of a particle in a plane from a potential field with several peaks of equal height. They claimed that when the energy E of the particle is slightly less than the peak height E_c there is a hyperbolic suspension of a topological Markov chain from which chaotic scattering occurs, whereas for E> E_c there are no bounded orbits. They called the bifurcation at E=E_c an abrupt bifurcation to chaotic scattering. The aim of this presentation is to present a rigorous mathematical explanation for how chaotic orbits occur via the bifurcation, from the viewpoint of the anti-integrable limit.