Workshop on Mathematical Modeling of Molecular Biology Suzhou, May 28,2013

Invited  Speakers:

Huang, Jingfang    University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Cheng, Xiaolin     Oak Ridge National Lab                       
Lu, Benzhuo        Chinese Academy                            
Yang, Lin          Soochow University                    
Yang, Ying         Gulin University of Electronic technology                  
Chen, Minxin       Soochow University   
Xu, Shixin         University of Science and Technology of China                  


Huang, Jingfang     University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Lu, Benzhuo         Chinese Academy  
Yue, Xingye         Soochow University                     


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18新利体育 数学与科学学院


May 28th , 2013 Tuesday

Site: 数学楼(精正楼)二楼学术报告厅

09:20:9:30      Opening

9:30-12:10      Chair: Lu, Benzhuo

9:30-10:20      Huang, Jingfang     
                       Fast algorithms for Brownian dynamics simulations with  hydrodynamic interactions 
10:20-11:10    Cheng, Xiaolin  TBA

10:10-10:25    Break

11:25-12:15    Yang, Lin 
                       Transcriptional "frequency modulation" of mammalian circadian

12:15-2:00      Lunch

2:00-4:50       Chair: Huang, Jingfang

2:00-2:50       Lu, Benzhuo 
                      Finite element simulation of ion channel systems: continuum model, 
numerical method,  and software platform

2:50-3:40       Yang, Ying 
                      Some Error Bounds for the Finite Element Approximation to the Steady-State Poisson-                     Nernst-Planck Equations

3:40-4:00       Break

4:000-4:50     Chen, Minxin/ Xu, Shixin 
                      Modeling and Simulating Asymmetrical Conductance Changes in Gramicidin Pores

5:30               Dinner

