18新利体育 大分子与生物表界面重点实验室(MacBio)筹建于20101月,并于2012813日被正式批准为校重点实验室。实验室立足于高分子学科,利用材料科学与生命科学交叉融合的优势,集合材料设计与合成、生物材料表界面的修饰与表征以及生物学领域的各种优秀人才,从分子层面上设计和构建生物活性材料表面入手,利用先进的表征手段,拟阐明生物分子、细胞与材料相互作用的机制,并在这些理论研究的基础上设计和制备体内植入材料、生物检测材料及生物分离材料等,目前已经形成独立的、有鲜明特色的研究方向(1)表面拓扑结构对细胞黏附及功能的影响;(2)生物材料的表面改性与功能化;(3)蛋白质、细胞与生物材料表面的相互作用机理研究;(4)生物材料的分子识别与信号传导。


The Macromolecules and Biointerface Lab (MacBio) of Soochow University was established in January, 2010 and was officially approved as a university-level key laboratory in August 13rd, 2012. Our lab, rooted in the field of polymer science, consists of researchers in multiple disciplines including chemistry, biology, material science and physics, and thereby has the natural advantage of carrying out cross-disciplinary research at the interface between polymer science and biology. On the fundamental level, our research spans from the design and development of bio-functional material surfaces at the molecular level to uncovering interaction mechanisms between biomolecules/cells and materials through advanced characterization methods. Moreover, we are also working on the design and preparation of materials for biomedical implantation, biosensors and bioseparation. To date, our lab has developed research directions with distinct and independent features. These include (1) exploring effects of surface topology on cell adhesion and function, (2) surface modification and functionalization of biomaterials, (3) uncovering interaction mechanisms between protein/cell and biomaterial surfaces, as well as (4) molecular recognition and signal transduction of biomaterials.

Surrounding the core scientific problem that is the regulation of biointerface, the long-term goal of our research is to develop materials with the function of disease diagnosis and treatment and with improved performance. As a step further, we also explore the possibility of turning fundamental research into technological applications to develop technologies with independent intellectual property rights.


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