Notice of the Medical College on the Arrangement of Graduation Examination for Foreign Students in MBBS under the Novel Coronavirus


To all MBBS students abroad:

    Due to the world’s novel coronavirus is still not over, foreign students may not be able to return to the school to take the graduation exam in time after completing the internship in the country of origin. In order to ensure the successful graduation of foreign students as soon as possible, the Medical College has decided to arrange two online graduation examinations every year until the students will be allowed to return to the school. The timetable is set at the middle of both May and November each year. Details of each graduation examination will be announced later. Students who meet the following requirements may take the corresponding graduation examinations:

1: Complete all the internships within the specified date before the graduation examination;

2: Provide the certificate of the internship completion issued by the hospital within the specified date before the graduation examination;

3: Apply to attend the graduation examination in advance within the specified date and guarantee the network including other conditions required for the examinations. 


                            Academic Affairs Office of Medical College
