Online teaching arrangement notice


  1. 2020-2021-1学期正式上课时间为97日周一

    2020-202-1 semester Online classes will begin on SEP-7th which is Monday.

  2. 课表和课程名单(包括各科目重修生)见留学生网站,汉语和医学汉语每个年级各有两个班,请注意所在的班级,特别是重修生和留级生。请注意,课表中的时间为印度时间,请注意转换为当地的时间。

    Timetable and namelist including restudies will be posted on the students international website. Chinese and Medical Chinese will be divided into two classes , so please pay attention to your class especially for the restudy and degraded students. Timetable is set according to indian time and please change to your local time.

  3. 每门课程都组建了课程微信群,二维码见网站附件,请于827日前扫码入群。课程通知、学习材料、作业等及上课链接均在微信群里公布。

    Each subject has created Wechat group and QR code will be posted on the website. Please scan and join each group by AUGUST-27th. All the notices together with the learning material, homework and online class link will be announced in the Wechat group.

  4. 本学期课程将采用雨课堂和腾讯会议平台,请同学们及时下载VOOV meeting 。开课前一周将会进行效果测试。

    The online teaching will be conducted by RAIN class and Tencent meeting. Please download the VOOV meeting APP and get ready for the effective testing one week before the online class.

  5. 本学期形成性评价及期末考试将会施行视频监考,每位学生至少需要准备两台设备,一台用于答题,一台用于监考,如无法保证将不允许参加考试。

    Formative asses**ents and final exam will be monitored by video, so student need to prepare two devices as one for answering questions and the other for monitoring. Student will be not allowed for the exam if can not guarantee.

  6. 任何因个人原因或者客观原因不能参加在线学习的,可以申请休学。请于827日前向班主任完成休学申请。

    Student can apply to caretaker for suspension before AUGUST 27th if any personal reason or objective reason.

  7. 任课教师和班主任将会网上考勤,无故缺勤三分之一者不允许参加课程考核。

    Teachers and caretakers will check attendance online together, students are not allowed for the exam if are absent for 1/3 of classes with on reason.

2020-2021(1)留学生课表 - 网络版.doc

2020-2021-1 namelist.xlsx

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