‘Study in China’-The 2nd Clinical & Skills Competition of International Medical Students



                                                                                       13th October 2018, Soochow University  participated in 2nd Clinical & Skills Competition of  International  Medical  Students held at Dalian Medical University.

The Competition was being organized by China Association for International Education (CAFSA) at Dalian Medical University. Participation was made by 30 different Medical Universities in China represented by corresponding 120 Undergraduate Students around 28 different countries.




The clinical skills remain crucial for effective patient care in today’s medical environment. Research works have shown that if the student is informed about the significance of clinical skills which not only evaluates the student on a theory exam section but also on a clinical skills exam section, this may lead to increase focus and practice of the clinical skills more often by the students. The students will prepare themselves in such a way that the clinical skills can be performed when asked to be performed on the clinical skills section of the certification exam. Also on passing such certification exams with a clinical skills exam section on it, will not only evaluates the student’s knowledge but may also exhibit the employer that the student has performed the clinical skills exam and a theory exam to get certified. The most significant approach like this will not only motivate the student to work harder on the clinical skills exam but will also encourage the student to learn and practice the skills to a level that it can be performed on the clinical skills

                                                      Soochow University at the event was being Represented by CHAUDHARI GAURAV VITTHAL, VAIBHAV PATEL, BATOOL ABDULAZIZ ABDULHUSAIN HASAN MAHDI AND STEPHEN OMEGA BENITTA





The competition was divided into two rounds covering subjects such as Internal Medicine, Surgery , Obstetrics & gynecology, Pediatrics, First Aid etc. First round was about accuracy , behavior and interaction with patients together with the cases associated with puncture techniques, Pediatric asses**ent ,physical examinations and also  surgical basic operations. Second round was all about dealing with first aid of accident victims consisting of Handling and fixation techniques, manual reduction with fracture fixation ,CPR, Endotracheal Intubation, Defibrillation etc.

The closing ceremony took place by announcing winners by Chief Referee Li Jingnian. Soochow University was being awarded for Best organization, Merit team and also Indivisual award for clinical skills in Internal Medicine.The Honorable guests presented award to winning teams and indivisuals.



