
1. Wang S, Xie F, Chu F, Zhang Z, Yang B, Dai T, Gao L, Wang L, Ling L, Jia J, van Dam H, Jin J, Zhang L#, Zhou F#. YAP antagonizes innate antiviral immunity and is targeted for lysosomal degradation through kinase-IKKe mediated phosphorylation. Nat Immunol. 2017.

2. Xu H, Su C, Pearson A, Mody CH, Zheng C. Herpes Simplex Virus 1 UL24 Abrogates the DNA Sensing Signal Pathway by Inhibiting NF-kappaB Activation. Journal of virology. Apr 01 2017;91(7).

3. Su C, Zheng C. Herpes Simplex Virus 1 Abrogates the cGAS/STING-Mediated Cytosolic DNA-Sensing Pathway via Its Virion Host Shutoff Protein, UL41. Journal of virology. Mar 15 2017;91(6).

4. Zhang P, Su C, Jiang Z, Zheng C. Herpes Simplex Virus 1 UL41 Protein Suppresses the IRE1/XBP1 Signal Pathway of the Unfolded Protein Response via Its RNase Activity. Journal of virology. Feb 15 2017;91(4).

5. Acharya D, Wang P, Paul AM, Dai J, GateD, Lowery JE, Stokic DS, Leis AA, Flavell RA, TownT, Fikrig E, Bai F.. Interleukin-17A Promotes CD8+ T Cell Cytotoxicity To Facilitate West Nile Virus Clearance. Journal of virology.Jan 01 2017;91(1).

6. Zhang H, Yue Y, Sun T, Wu X, Xiong S. Transmissible endoplasmic reticulum stress from myocardiocytes to macrophages is pivotal for the pathogenesis of CVB3-induced viral myocarditis. Scientific reports. Feb 08 2017;7:42162.

7. Qi X, Xiong S. Intein-mediated backbone cyclization of VP1 protein enhanced protection of CVB3-induced viral myocarditis. Scientific reports.Feb 02 2017;7:41485.

8. Fan X, Yue Y, Xiong S. Incorporation of a bi-functional protein FimH enhances the immunoprotection of chitosan-pVP1 vaccine against coxsackievirus B3-induced myocarditis. Antiviral research.Jan 28 2017;140:121-132.

9. Wan F, Yan K, Xu D, Qian Q, Liu H, Li M, Xu W. Vgamma1+gammadeltaT, early cardiac infiltrated innate population dominantly producing IL-4, protect mice against CVB3 myocarditis by modulating IFNgamma+ T response. Molecular immunology. Jan 2017;81:16-25.

10. He X, Gao B, Zhou L, Xiong S. Green Tea Polyphenol Epigallocatechin-3-gallate-Alleviated Coxsackievirus B3-induced Myocarditis Through Inhibiting Viral Replication but Not Through Inhibiting Inflammatory Responses. Journal of cardiovascular pharmacology. Jan 2017;69(1):41-47.

11. Xu Y, Zhao F, Qiu Q, Chen K, Wei J, Kong Q, Gao B, Melo-Cardenas J, Zhang B, Zhang J, Song J, Zhang DD, Zhang J, Fan Y, Li H, Fang D. The ER membrane-anchored ubiquitin ligase Hrd1 is a positive regulator of T-cell immunity. Nature communications.2016;7:12073.

12. Kong S, Yang Y, Xu Y, Wang Y, Zhang Y, Melo-Cardenas J, Xu X, Gao B, Thorp EB, Zhang DD, Zhang B, Song J, Zhang K, Zhang J, Zhang J#, Li H#, Fang D#. Endoplasmic reticulum-resident E3 ubiquitin ligase Hrd1 controls B-cell immunity through degradation of the death receptor CD95/Fas. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.Sep 13 2016;113(37):10394-10399.

13. Li Y, Jin K, van Pelt GW, van Dam H, Yu X, Mesker WE, Ten Dijke P,Zhou F, Zhang L. c-Myb Enhances Breast Cancer Invasion and Metastasis through the Wnt/beta-Catenin/Axin2 Pathway. Cancer research.Jun 1 2016;76(11):3364-3375.

14. Ren Y, Zhao P, Liu J, Yuan Y, Cheng Q, Zuo Y, Qian L, Liu C, Guo T, Zhang L, Wang X, Qian G, Li L, Ge J, Dai J, Xiong S#, Zheng H#. Deubiquitinase USP2a Sustains Interferons Antiviral Activity by Restricting Ubiquitination of Activated STAT1 in the Nucleus. PLoS pathogens. Jul 2016;12(7):e1005764.

15. Ni R, Zheng D, Xiong S, Hill DJ, Sun T, Gardiner RB, Fan GC, Lu Y, Abel ED, Greer PA, Peng T. Mitochondrial Calpain-1 Disrupts ATP Synthase and Induces Superoxide Generation in Type 1 Diabetic Hearts: A Novel Mechanism Contributing to Diabetic Cardiomyopathy. Diabetes. Jan 2016;65(1):255-268.

16. Wang Q, Zhou Y, Song B, Zhong Y, Wu S, Cui R, Cong H, Su Y, Zhang H#, He Y#. Linking Subcellular Disturbance to Physiological Behavior and Toxicity Induced by Quantum Dots in Caenorhabditis elegans. Small.Jun 2016;12(23):3143-3154.

17. Zhou F, Li F, Fang P, Dai T, Yang B, van Dam H, Jia J, Zheng M, Zhang L. Ubiquitin-Specific Protease 4 Antagonize Osteoblast Differentiation through Dishevelled. Journal of bone and mineral research : the official journal of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research. Oct 2016;31(10):1888-1898.

18. Zheng D, Yu Y, Li M, Wang G, Chen R, Fan GC, Martin C, Xiong S, Peng T. Inhibition of MicroRNA 195 Prevents Apoptosis and Multiple-Organ Injury in Mouse Models of Sepsis. The Journal of infectious diseases.May 15 2016;213(10):1661-1670.

19. Yang Y, Xu J, Chen H, Fei X, Tang Y, Yan Y, Zhang H, Zhang J. MiR-128-2 inhibits common lymphoid progenitors from developing into progenitor B cells. Oncotarget. Apr 5 2016;7(14):17520-17531.

20. Su N, Yue Y, Xiong S. Monocytic myeloid-derived suppressor cells from females, but not males, alleviate CVB3-induced myocarditis by increasing regulatory and CD4(+)IL-10(+) T cells. Scientific reports. 2016;6:22658.

21. Ni R, Cao T, Xiong S, Yu Y, Chen R, Sun T, Wang W, Fan GC, Greer PA, Gardiner RB, Peng T. Therapeutic inhibition of mitochondrial reactive oxygen species with mito-TEMPO reduces diabetic cardiomyopathy. Free radical biology & medicine. Jan 2016;90:12-23.

22. Li S, Zhang L, Ni R, Cao T, Zheng D, Xiong S, Greer PA, Fan GC, Peng T. Disruption of calpain reduces lipotoxicity-induced cardiac injury by preventing endoplasmic reticulum stress. Biochimica et biophysica acta.Nov 2016;1862(11):2023-2033.

23. Li L, Qian G, Zuo Y, Yuan Y, Cheng Q, Guo T, Liu J, Liu C, Zhang L, Zheng H. Ubiquitin-dependent Turnover of ADAR1 is Required for Efficient Antiviral Activity of Type I-interferon. The Journal of biological chemistry. Nov 25 2016;291(48):24974-24985.

24. Lu M, Xu W, Gao B, Xiong S. Blunting Autoantigen-induced FOXO3a Protein Phosphorylation and Degradation Is a Novel Pathway of Glucocorticoids for the Treatment of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. The Journal of biological chemistry.Sep 16 2016;291(38):19900-19912.

25. Ren XX, Wang HB, Li C, Jiang JF, Xiong SD, Jin X, Wu L, Wang JH. HIV-1 Nef-associated Factor 1 Enhances Viral Production by Interacting with CRM1 to Promote Nuclear Export of Unspliced HIV-1 gag mRNA. The Journal of biological chemistry. Feb 26 2016;291(9):4580-4588.

26. Zhang D, Su C, Zheng C. Herpes Simplex Virus 1 Serine Protease VP24 Blocks the DNA-Sensing Signal Pathway by Abrogating Activation of Interferon Regulatory Factor 3. Journal of virology.Jun 15 2016;90(12):5824-5829.

27. Yu X, Li Y, Chen Q, Su C, Zhang Z, Yang C, Hu Z, Hou J, Zhou J, Gong L, Jiang X, Zheng C#, He S#. Herpes Simplex Virus 1 (HSV-1) and HSV-2 Mediate Species-Specific Modulations of Programmed Necrosis through the Viral Ribonucleotide Reductase Large Subunit R1. Journal of virology.Jan 2016;90(2):1088-1095.

28. Jiang Z, Su C, Zheng C. Herpes Simplex Virus 1 Tegument Protein UL41 Counteracts IFIT3 Antiviral Innate Immunity. Journal of virology.Dec 15 2016;90(24):11056-11061.

29. Wang K, Wang J, Sun T, Bian G, Pan W, Feng T, Wang P, Li Y, Dai J. Glycosphingolipid GM3 is Indispensable for Dengue Virus Genome Replication. International journal of biological sciences.2016;12(7):872-883.

30. Dong N, Dong C, Xiong S. Janus effects of ADAR1 on CVB3-induced viral myocarditis at different infection stages. International journal of cardiology. Nov 15 2016;223:898-905.

31. Wang C, Dong C, Xiong S. IL-33 enhances macrophage M2 polarization and protects mice from CVB3-induced viral myocarditis. Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology.Dec 29 2016;103:22-30.

32. Qian G, Ren Y, Zuo Y, Yuan Y, Zhao P, Wang X, Cheng Q, Liu J, Zhang L, Guo T, Liu C, Zheng H. Smurf1 represses TNF-alpha production through ubiquitination and destabilization of USP5. Biochemical and biophysical research communications.Jun 3 2016;474(3):491-496.

33. Zhang M, Dong C, Xiong S. Heterologous boosting with recombinant VSV-846 in BCG-primed mice confers improved protection against Mycobacterium infection. Human vaccines & immunotherapeutics.Dec 14 2016:0.

34. Chen S, Huang A, Chen H, Yang Y, Xia F, Jin L, Zhang J. miR-34a inhibits the apoptosis of MDSCs by suppressing the expression of N-myc. Immunology and cell biology.Jul 2016;94(6):563-572.

35. Zhang M, Liu L, Zhi F, Niu P, Yang M, Zhu X, Diao Y, Li Y, Wang J, Zhao Y. Inactivation of semicarbazide-sensitive amine oxidase induces the phenotypic switch of smooth muscle cells and aggravates the development of atherosclerotic lesions. Atherosclerosis.Jun 2016;249:76-82.

36. Wu A, Chen H, Xu C, Zhou J, Chen S, Shi Y, Xu J, Gan J, Zhang J. miR-203a is involved in HBx-induced inflammation by targeting Rap1a. Experimental cell research.Nov 15 2016;349(1):191-197.

37. Ju L, Wang Y, Xie Q, Xu X, Li Y, Chen Z, Li Y. Elevated level of serum glycoprotein bifucosylation and prognostic value in Chinese breast cancer. Glycobiology.May 2016;26(5):460-471.

38. Shi X, Chen Z, Tang S, Wu F, Xiong S, Dong C. Coxsackievirus B3 infection induces autophagic flux, and autophagosomes are critical for efficient viral replication. Archives of virology. Aug 2016;161(8):2197-2205.

39. Li F, Gao B, Xu W, Chen L, Xiong S. The Defect in Autophagy Induction by Clinical Isolates of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Is Correlated with Poor Tuberculosis Outcomes. PloS one. 2016;11(1):e0147810.

40. Peng Y, Wang J, Zhang M, Niu P, Yang M, Yang Y, Zhao Y. Inactivation of Semicarbazide-Sensitive Amine Oxidase Stabilizes the Established Atherosclerotic Lesions via Inducing the Phenotypic Switch of Smooth Muscle Cells. PloS one.2016;11(4):e0152758.

41. Liang J, Yan R, Chen G, Feng J, Wu W, W, Ren W, Zhu C, Zhao Y, Gao XM, Wang J. Downregulation of ZBTB24 hampers the G0/1- to S-phase cell-cycle transition via upregulating the expression of IRF-4 in human B cells. Genes and immunity.Jul 2016;17(5):276-282.

42. He Y, Xie Q, Wang Y, Liang Y, Xu X, Li Y, Miao J, Chen Z, Li Y. Liquid chromatography mass spectrometry-based O-glycomics to evaluate glycosylation alterations in gastric cancer. Proteomics. Clinical applications. Feb 2016;10(2):206-215.

43. Su C, Zhan G, Zheng C. Evasion of host antiviral innate immunity by HSV-1, an update. Virology journal.2016;13:38.

44. Hu L, Gao CH, Hong C, Zhong Q, Dong HL, Gao XM. Expression, purification, and breast cancer cell inhibiting effect of recombinant human lactoferrin C-lobe. Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry.2016;80(2):257-263.

45. Wu M, Li M, Yue Y, Xu W. DNA vaccine with discontinuous T-cell epitope insertions into HSP65 scaffold as a potential means to improve immunogenicity of multi-epitope Mycobacterium tuberculosis vaccine. Microbiology and immunology. Sep 2016;60(9):634-645.

46. Zhang Y, Li W, Li L, Li Y, Fu R, Zhu Y, Li J, Zhou Y, Xiong S#, Zhang H#. Structural Damage in the C. elegans Epidermis Causes Release of STA-2 and Induction of an Innate Immune Response. Immunity. Feb 17 2015;42(2):309-320.

47. Huang Z, Wu SQ, Liang Y, Zhou X, Chen W, Li L, Wu J, Zhuang Q, Chen C, Li J, Zhong CQ, Xia W, Zhou R, Zheng C, Han J. RIP1/RIP3 binding to HSV-1 ICP6 initiates necroptosis to restrict virus propagation in mice. Cell host & microbe.Feb 11 2015;17(2):229-242.

48. Zhou Y, Wang Q, Song B, Wu S, Su Y, Zhang H#, He Y#. A real-time documentation and mechanistic investigation of quantum dots-induced autophagy in live Caenorhabditis elegans. Biomaterials.Dec 2015;72:38-48.

49. Zheng D, Ma J, Yu Y, Li M, Ni R, Wang G, Chen R, Li J, Fan GC, Lacefield JC, Peng T. Silencing of miR-195 reduces diabetic cardiomyopathy in C57BL/6 mice. Diabetologia. Aug 2015;58(8):1949-1958.

50. Ni R, Zheng D, Wang Q, Yu Y, Chen R, Sun T, Wang W, Fan GC, Greer PA, Gardiner RB, Peng T. Deletion of capn4 Protects the Heart Against Endotoxemic Injury by Preventing ATP Synthase Disruption and Inhibiting Mitochondrial Superoxide Generation. Circulation heart failure. Sep 2015;8(5):988-996.

51. Liu Y, Wu Y, Wang Y, Cai Y, Hu B, Bao G, Fang H, Zhao L, Ma S, Cheng Q, Song Y, Liu Y, Zhu Z, Chang H, Yu X, Sun A, Zhang Y, Vignali DA, Wu D, Liu H. IL-35 mitigates murine acute graft-versus-host disease with retention of graft-versus-leukemia effects. Leukemia. Apr 2015;29(4):939-946.

52. Zhong L, Hu J, Shu W, Gao B, Xiong S. Epigallocatechin-3-gallate opposes HBV-induced incomplete autophagy by enhancing lysosomal acidification, which is unfavorable for HBV replication. Cell death & disease. 2015;6:e1770.

53. Zheng D, Wang G, Li S, Fan GC, Peng T. Calpain-1 induces endoplasmic reticulum stress in promoting cardiomyocyte apoptosis following hypoxia/reoxygenation. Biochimica et biophysica acta.May 2015;1852(5):882-892.

54. Zhou L, He X, Gao B, Xiong S. Inhibition of Histone Deacetylase Activity Aggravates Coxsackievirus B3-Induced Myocarditis by Promoting Viral Replication and Myocardial Apoptosis. Journal of virology. Oct 2015;89(20):10512-10523.

55. Ge R, Zhou Y, Peng R, Zhou X, Chen W, Li L, Wu J, Zhuang Q, Chen C, Li J, Zhong CQ, Xia W, Zhou R, Zheng C, Han J. Conservation of the STING-Mediated Cytosolic DNA Sensing Pathway in Zebrafish. Journal of virology.Aug 2015;89(15):7696-7706.

56. Xu G, Liu G, Xiong S, Liu H, Chen X, Zheng B. The histone methyltransferase Smyd2 is a negative regulator of macrophage activation by suppressing interleukin 6 (IL-6) and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) production. The Journal of biological chemistry. Feb 27 2015;290(9):5414-5423.

57. Wei L, Gao J, Zhang S,  Yang Y, Yu H, Wang Y: Identification and Characterization of the First Cathelicidin from Sea Snakes with Potent Antimicrobial and Anti-inflammatory Activity and Special Mechanism. J Biol Chem. 2015, 290(27):16633-52.

58. Zhang R, Wang K, Ping X, Yu W, Qian Z, Xiong S#, Sun B#. The ns12.9 Accessory Protein of Human Coronavirus OC43 Is a Viroporin Involved in Virion Morphogenesis and Pathogenesis. Journal of virology. Nov 15 2015;89(22):11383-11395.

59. Xie M, Xuan B, Shan J, Pan D, Sun Y, Shan Z, Zhang J, Yu D, Li B, Qian Z. Human cytomegalovirus exploits interferon-induced transmembrane proteins to facilitate morphogenesis of the virion assembly compartment. Journal of virology.Mar 2015;89(6):3049-3061.

60. Bai Y, Xuan B, Liu H, Zhong J, Yu D, Qian Z. Tuberous Sclerosis Complex Protein 2-Independent Activation of mTORC1 by Human Cytomegalovirus pUL38. Journal of virology.Aug 2015;89(15):7625-7635.

61. Qi X, Sun Y, Xiong S. A single freeze-thawing cycle for highly efficient solubilization of inclusion body proteins and its refolding into bioactive form. Microbial cell factories. 2015;14:24.

62. Xuan W, Qu Q, Zheng B, Xiong S, Fan GH. The chemotaxis of M1 and M2 macrophages is regulated by different chemokines. Journal of leukocyte biology. Jan 2015;97(1):61-69.

63. Ren XX, Li C, Xiong SD, Huang Z, Wang JH, Wang HB. Antibodies to P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 block dendritic cell-mediated enterovirus 71 transmission and prevent virus-induced cells death. Virulence. Nov 17 2015;6(8):802-808.

64. Gui J, Chen R, Xu W, Xiong S. Remission of CVB3-induced myocarditis with Astragaloside IV treatment requires A20 (TNFAIP3) up-regulation. Journal of cellular and molecular medicine. Apr 2015;19(4):850-864.

65. Cheng Q, Ma S, Lin D, Mei Y, Gong H, Lei L, Chen Y, Zhao Y, Hu B, Wu Y, Yu X, Zhao L, Liu H. The S1P1 receptor-selective agonist CYM-5442 reduces the severity of acute GVHD by inhibiting macrophage recruitment. Cellular & molecular immunology. Nov 2015;12(6):681-691.

66. Lin D, Lei L, Zhang Y, Hu B, Bao G, Liu Y, Song Y, Liu C, Wu Y, Zhao L, Yu X, Liu H. Secreted IL-1alpha promotes T-cell activation and expansion of CD11b(+) Gr1(+) cells in carbon tetrachloride-induced liver injury in mice. European journal of immunology.Jul 2015;45(7):2084-2098.

67. Dong C, Qu L, Wang H, Wei L, Dong Y, Xiong S. Targeting hepatitis B virus cccDNA by CRISPR/Cas9 nuclease efficiently inhibits viral replication. Antiviral research. Jun 2015;118:110-117.

68. Li M, Yan K, Wei L, Yang J, Lu C, Xiong F, Zheng C, Xu W. Zinc finger antiviral protein inhibits coxsackievirus B3 virus replication and protects against viral myocarditis. Antiviral research.Nov 2015;123:50-61.

69. Chai D, Yue Y, Xu W, Dong C, Xiong S. AIM2 co-immunization favors specific multifunctional CD8(+) T cell induction and ameliorates coxsackievirus B3-induced chronic myocarditis. Antiviral research. Jul 2015;119:68-77.

70. Zha X, Yue Y, Dong N, Xiong S. Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Aggravates Viral Myocarditis by Raising Inflammation Through the IRE1-Associated NF-kappaB Pathway. The Canadian journal of cardiology. Aug 2015;31(8):1032-1040.

71. Song T, Dong C, Xiong S. Signaling lymphocyte-activation molecule SLAMF1 augments mycobacteria BCG-induced inflammatory response and facilitates bacterial clearance. International journal of medical microbiology : IJMM. Jul 30 2015.

72. Wei L, Che H, Han Y, Lv J, Mu L, Lv L, Wu J, Yang H. The first anionic defensin from amphibians. Amino acids.Jul 2015;47(7):1301-1308.

73. Wei L, Huang C, Yang H, Li M, Yang J, Qiao X, Mu L, Xiong F, Wu J, Xu W. A potent anti-inflammatory peptide from the salivary glands of horsefly. Parasites & vectors.2015;8:556.

74. Wei L, Mu L, Wang Y, Bian H, Li J, Lu Y, Han Y, Liu T, Lv J, Feng C, Wu J, Yang H. Purification and characterization of a novel defensin from the salivary glands of the black fly, Simulium bannaense. Parasites & vectors.2015;8:71.

75. Wang J, Bian G, Pan W, Feng T, Dai J. Molecular characterization of a defensin gene from a hard tick, Dermacentor silvarum. Parasites & vectors. 2015;8:25.

76. Lu M, Yu S, Xu W, Gao B, Xiong S. HMGB1 Promotes Systemic Lupus Erythematosus by Enhancing Macrophage Inflammatory Response. Journal of immunology research. 2015;2015:946748.

77. Li X, Yue Y, Zhu Y, Xiong S. Extracellular, but not intracellular HMGB1, facilitates self-DNA induced macrophage activation via promoting DNA accumulation in endosomes and contributes to the pathogenesis of lupus nephritis. Molecular immunology. May 2015;65(1):177-188.

78. He L, Zang A, Du M, Ma D, Yuan C, Zhou C, Mu J, Shi H, Li D, Huang X, Deng Q, Xiao J, Yan H, Hui L, Lan K, Xiong S, Li X, Huang Z, Xiao H. mTOR regulates TLR-induced c-fos and Th1 responses to HBV and HCV vaccines. Virologica Sinica. Jun 2015;30(3):174-189.

79. Ding L, Gu H, Gao X, Xiong S, Zheng B. Aurora kinase a regulates m1 macrophage polarization and plays a role in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Inflammation. Apr 2015;38(2):800-811.

80. Hu XM, Xu YR, Yan R, Sun SL, Dong HL, Wang J, Gao XM. A Novel Murine Anti-Lactoferrin Monoclonal Antibody Activates Human Polymorphonuclear Leukocytes through Membrane-Bound Lactoferrin and TLR4. BioMed research international.2015;2015:285237.

81. Gao F, Yang Y, Wang Z, Gao X, Zheng B. BRAD4 plays a critical role in germinal center response by regulating Bcl-6 and NF-kappaB activation. Cellular immunology.Mar 2015;294(1):1-8.

82. Su C, Zhang J, Zheng C. Herpes simplex virus 1 UL41 protein abrogates the antiviral activity of hZAP by degrading its mRNA. Virology journal.2015;12:203.

83. Luo S, Hu K, He S, Wang P, Zhang M, Huang X, Du T, Zheng C, Liu Y, Hu Q. Contribution of N-linked glycans on HSV-2 gB to cell-cell fusion and viral entry. Virology. Sep 2015;483:72-82.

84. Chen Y, Zhao Y, Cheng Q, Wu D, Liu H. The Role of Intestinal Microbiota in Acute Graft-versus-Host Disease. Journal of immunology research.2015;2015:145859.

85. Li G, Feng T, Pan W, Shi X, Dai J. DEAD-box RNA helicase DDX3X inhibits DENV replication via regulating type one interferon pathway. Biochemical and biophysical research communications.Jan 2 2015;456(1):327-332.

86. Pan W, Bian G, Wang K, Feng T, Dai J. Effects of Different Doses of Nucleocapsid Protein from Hantaan Virus A9 Strain on Regulation of Interferon Signaling. Viral immunology.Oct 2015;28(8):448-454.

87. Zhu T, Xu L, Xu X, Wang Z, Zhu J, Xie Q, Zhang B, Wang Y, Lu L, He Y, Ye X, Zhou D, Li Y: Analysis of breast cancer-associated glycosphingolipids using electrospray ionization-linear ion trap quadrupole mass spectrometry. Carbohydrate Research 2015, 402:189–199.

88. Zhang L, Jiang G, Yao F, Liang G, Wang F, Xu H, Wu Y, Yu X, Liu H. Osthole promotes anti-tumor immune responses in tumor-bearing mice with hepatocellular carcinoma. Immunopharmacology and immunotoxicology.Jun 2015;37(3):301-307.

89. Wu Y, Ma S, Liu Y, Lei L, Hu B, Liu H. The dynamic impact of hydrodynamic gene transfer on the immune system. International journal of clinical and experimental medicine.2015;8(6):8540-8550.

90. Ma S, Cheng Q, Cai Y, Gong H, Wu Y, Yu X, Shi L, Wu D, Dong C, Liu H. IL-17A produced by gammadelta T cells promotes tumor growth in hepatocellular carcinoma. Cancer Res. Apr 1 2014;74(7):1969-1982.

91. Lu Q, Lu G, Qi J, Wang H, Xuan Y, Wang Q, Li Y, Zhang Y, Zheng C, Fan Z, Yan J, Gao GF. PILRalpha and PILRbeta have a siglec fold and provide the basis of binding to sialic acid. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.Jun 3 2014;111(22):8221-8226.

92. Dong H, Dai H, Hu X, Xiong SD, Gao XM. The (1->6)-beta-glucan moiety represents a cross-reactive epitope of infection-induced malignancy surveillance. J Immunol.Feb 1 2014;192(3):1302-1312.

93. Dai H, Dong HL, Gong FY, Sun SL, Liu XY, Li ZG, Xiong SD, Gao XM. Disease association and arthritogenic potential of circulating antibodies against the alpha1,4-polygalacturonic acid moiety. J Immunol.May 15 2014;192(10):4533-4540.

94. Zhao L, Mei Y, Sun Q, Guo L, Wu Y, Yu X, Hu B, Liu X, Liu H. Autologous tumor vaccine modified with recombinant new castle disease virus expressing IL-7 promotes antitumor immune response. J Immunol.Jul 15 2014;193(2):735-745.

95. Liang Y, Ma S, Zhang Y, Wang Y, Cheng Q, Wu Y, Jin Y, Zheng D, Wu D, Liu H. IL-1beta and TLR4 signaling are involved in the aggravated murine acute graft-versus-host disease caused by delayed bortezomib administration. J Immunol.Feb 1 2014;192(3):1277-1285.

96. Wang K, Ni L, Wang S, Zheng C. Herpes simplex virus 1 protein kinase US3 hyperphosphorylates p65/RelA and dampens NF-kappaB activation. Journal of virology.Jul 2014;88(14):7941-7951.

97. Shen G, Wang K, Wang S, Cai M, Li ML, Zheng C. Herpes simplex virus 1 counteracts viperin via its virion host shutoff protein UL41. Journal of virology.Oct 2014;88(20):12163-12166.

98. Lu G, Zhang N, Qi J, Li Y, Chen Z, Zheng C, Gao GF, Yan J. Crystal structure of herpes simplex virus 2 gD bound to nectin-1 reveals a conserved mode of receptor recognition. Journal of virology.Dec 2014;88(23):13678-13688.

99. Liu L, Yue Y, Xiong S. NK-derived IFN-gamma/IL-4 triggers the sexually disparate polarization of macrophages in CVB3-induced myocarditis. J Mol Cell Cardiol. Aug 12 2014;76C:15-25.

100. Zhu J, Wang Y, Yu Y, Wang Z, Zhu T, Xu X, Liu H, Hawke D, Zhou D, Li Y. Aberrant fucosylation of glycosphingolipids in human hepatocellular carcinoma tissues. Liver international : official journal of the International Association for the Study of the Liver. Jan 2014;34(1):147-160.

101. Chen B, Zhao Q, Ni R, Tang F, Shan L, Cepinskas I, Cepinskas G, Wang W, Schiller PW, Peng T. Inhibition of calpain reduces oxidative stress and attenuates endothelial dysfunction in diabetes. Cardiovascular diabetology.2014;13:88.

102. Cheng Q, Ma S, Lin D, Mei Y, Gong H, Lei L, Chen Y, Zhao Y, Hu B, Wu Y, Yu X, Zhao L, Liu H. The S1P receptor-selective agonist CYM-5442 reduces the severity of acute GVHD by inhibiting macrophage recruitment. Cellular & molecular immunology. Aug 4 2014.

103. Zhang R, Wang K, Lv W, Yu W, Xie S, Xu K, Schwarz W, Xiong S#, Sun B#. The ORF4a protein of human coronavirus 229E functions as a viroporin that regulates viral production. Biochimica et biophysica acta. Apr 2014;1838(4):1088-1095.

104. Ye T, Yue Y, Fan X, Dong C, Xu W, Xiong S. M cell-targeting strategy facilitates mucosal immune response and enhances protection against CVB3-induced viral myocarditis elicited by chitosan-DNA vaccine. Vaccine. Jul 31 2014;32(35):4457-4465.

105. Wu F, Fan X, Yue Y, Xiong S, Dong C. A vesicular stomatitis virus-based mucosal vaccine promotes dendritic cell maturation and elicits preferable immune response against coxsackievirus B3 induced viral myocarditis. Vaccine. Jun 30 2014;32(31):3917-3926.

106. Wang Y, Gao B, Xiong S. Involvement of NLRP3 inflammasome in CVB3-induced viral myocarditis. American journal of physiology - Heart and circulatory physiology. Nov 15 2014;307(10):H1438-1447.

107. Xia F, Dong F, Yang Y, Huang A, Chen S, Sun D, Xiong S, Zhang J. Dynamic transcription of long non-coding RNA genes during CD4+ T cell development and activation. PLoS One. 2014;9(7):e101588.

108. Zuo X, Pan W, Feng T, Shi X, Dai J. Matrix metalloproteinase 3 promotes cellular anti-dengue virus response via interaction with transcription factor NFkappaB in cell nucleus. PLoS One.2014;9(1):e84748.

109. Huang A, Zhang H, Chen S, Xia F, Yang Y, Dong F, Sun D, Xiong S, Zhang J. miR-34a expands myeloid-derived suppressor cells via apoptosis inhibition. Experimental cell research. Aug 15 2014;326(2):259-266.

110. Dong F, Zhang Y, Xia F, Yang Y, Xiong S, Jin L, Zhang J. Genome-wide miRNA profiling of villus and decidua of recurrent spontaneous abortion patients. Reproduction.Jul 2014;148(1):33-41.

111. Ma L, Shen CJ, Cohen EA, Xiong SD, Wang JH. miRNA-1236 inhibits HIV-1 infection of monocytes by repressing translation of cellular factor VprBP. PloS one. 2014;9(6):e99535.

112. Li B, Yue Y, Dong C, Shi Y, Xiong S. Blockade of macrophage autophagy ameliorates activated lymphocytes-derived DNA induced murine lupus possibly via inhibition of proinflammatory cytokine production. Clin Exp Rheumatol. Sep-Oct 2014;32(5):705-714.

113. Kong H, Dong C, Xiong S. A novel vaccine p846 encoding Rv3615c, Mtb10.4, and Rv2660c elicits robust immune response and alleviates lung injury induced by Mycobacterium infection. Hum Vaccin Immunother. Feb 2014;10(2):378-390.

114. Hu Y, Dong C, Yue Y, Xiong S. In vivo delivery of interleukin-35 relieves coxsackievirus-B3-induced viral myocarditis by inhibiting Th17 cells. Archives of virology. Sep 2014;159(9):2411-2419.

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119. Xiao P, Dong C, Yue Y, Xiong S. Dynamic expression of microRNAs in M2b polarized macrophages associated with systemic lupus erythematosus. Gene. Sep 1 2014;547(2):300-309.

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125. Mao X, Wu Y, Diao H, Hao J, Tian G, Jia Z, Li Z, Xiong S, Wu Z, Wang P, Zhao L, Yin Z. Interleukin-6 promotes systemic lupus erythematosus progression with Treg suppression approach in a murine systemic lupus erythematosus model. Clin Rheumatol. Nov 2014;33(11):1585-1593.

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137. Zhang W, Zhou Q, Xu W, Cai Y, Yin Z, Gao X, Xiong S, Cai Y, Yin Z, Gao X, Xiong S. DNA-dependent activator of interferon-regulatory factors (DAI) promotes lupus nephritis by activating the calcium pathway. The Journal of biological chemistry. May 10 2013;288(19):13534-13550.

138. Wen Z, Xu L, Xu W, Yin Z, Gao X, Xiong S. Interleukin-17 expression positively correlates with disease severity of lupus nephritis by increasing anti-double-stranded DNA antibody production in a lupus model induced by activated lymphocyte derived DNA. PloS one. 2013;8(3):e58161.

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140. Wang M, Yue Y, Dong C, Li X, Xu W, Xiong S. Mucosal immunization with high-mobility group box 1 in chitosan enhances DNA vaccine-induced protection against coxsackievirus B3-induced myocarditis. Clinical and vaccine immunology : CVI. Nov 2013;20(11):1743-1751.

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146. Cao Y, Xu W, Xiong S. Adoptive transfer of regulatory T cells protects against Coxsackievirus B3-induced cardiac fibrosis. PloS one. 2013;8(9):e74955.

147. Cai Y, Zhang W, Xiong S. Mannose-binding lectin blunts macrophage polarization and ameliorates lupus nephritis. PloS one.2013;8(4):e62465.

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