




要求:工作自觉上进、有志于18新利备用网站 、有创新思维、甘于寂寞、敢于突破和探索、勇于创造。
有意向者请联系:  zhoufangfang@suda.edu.cn

周芳芳2008年毕业于清华大学生物科学与技术系并获博士学位。2008-2013年在荷兰莱顿大学医学中心先后任职博士后、研究员。2013-2014年在荷兰莱顿大学医学中心任研究助理教授。201410月受聘18新利体育 生物医学研究院特聘教授及博士生导师。周芳芳实验室致力于固有免疫响应的分子机制研究,取得了多项科研成果。独立开展工作后以通讯或共同通讯在国内外期刊如Nature Immunology2017, 2018, 2022)、Nature Cell Biology2012, 2021)、Molecular Cell2013, 2020)、Nature Structural & Molecular Biology (2023)Nature Communications (2017, 2022)EMBO Journal (2022)Trends in Biochemical Sciences (2013)Advanced Materials2021)、Cell Reports (2022)Advanced Science (2019, 2020a, 2020b, 2021, 2022a, 2022b, 2023a, 2023b)Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy (2020a, 2020b, 2020c, 2021a, 2021b, 2022a, 2022b, 2022c, 2022d, 2023a, 2023b, 2023c, 2023d)Molecular Cancer (2021)Cell Death & Differentiation (2017)Protein Cell (2014)Cancer Research (2016)Cell & Molecular Immunology (2020, 2021, 2022)J Mol Cell Biol (2022, 2023)MedComm (2022a, 2022b, 2023a, 2023b)Molecular Biomedicine (2022a, 2022b)Frontiers in Immunology (2021) MBoC2011)等发表论文70余篇。



1. 固有免疫响应的分子机制和生理、病理调控;

2. 固有免疫防御病毒的机制及干预策略;

3. 肿瘤逃脱固有免疫监视的分子机制;


代表性论文*Corresponding author:

1. DeSUMOylation by SENP1 inhibits MAVS aggregation and antagonizes IRF3 activation. Dai T, Zhang L, Ran Y, et al., Lin S*, Zhang L*, Zhou F*. Nature Structure & Molecular Biology. 2023

2. Biomolecular condensates: formation mechanisms, biological functions and therapeutic targets. Niu X, Zhang L, Wu Y, et al., Liu J*, Zhang L*, Zhou F*. MedComm. 2023

3. Deciphering dynamic changes of the aging transcriptome with COVID-19 progression and convalescence in the human blood. Li R, Zou J, Pei D, Pan T, et al., Chen Y*, Zhou F*, Zhang L*. Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy. 2023

4. The loss of epigenetic information: not only consequences but a cause of mammalian aging. Pan C, Zhou F*, Zhang L*. Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy. 2023

5. The fungal mycobiome: a new hallmark of cancer revealed by pan-cancer analyses. Z Zong, Zhou F*, Zhang L*. Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy. 2023

6. Motile cilia and microvillar: accomplices of SARS-CoV-2 in penetrating mucus barrier and infecting airway epithelium. Su P, Zhou F*, Zhang L*. Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy. 2023

7. A review of gut microbiota-derived metabolites in tumor progression and cancer therapy. Yang Q, Wang B, Zheng Q, et al., Meng X*, Zhou F*, Zhang L*. Advanced Science. 2023

8. A review of extracellular vesicles in COVID-19 diagnosis, treatment and prevention. Su P, Wu Y, Xie F, Zeng Q, et al., Meng X*, Zhou F*, Zhang L*. Advanced Science. 2023

9. WNK1, a molecular crowding sensor, links phase separation to cellular physiological stress.  Lan T, Zhou F*, Zhang L*. MedComm. 2023

10. Breast Cancer Cell-derived Extracellular Vesicles Promote CD8+ T cell Exhaustion via TGF-β type II receptor Signalling. Xie F, Zhou X, et al., Zhang L*, Zhou F*. Nature Communications. 2022

11. LPA maintains innate antiviral immunity in a pro-active state via STK38L-mediated IRF3 Ser303 phosphorylation. Wang S, et al., Zhang L*, Zhou F*. Cell Reports. 2022

12. Emerging implications of phase separation in cancer. Ren J, Zhang Z, Zong Z, Zhang L*, Zhou F*Advanced Science. 2022

13. Wang YFang X, Wang S, Wang B, Chu F, Zhang L*, Zhou F*. The role of O-GlcNAcylation in innate immunity and inflammation. Journal of Molecular Cell Biology. 2022 

14. Wang B, Zhang L, Zhou F*. Zhang L*. Potential mechanisms by which impaired ketogenesis links metabolism to T-cell dysfunction in patients with severe COVID-19. Medcomm. 2022      

15. Deactylation by SIRT1 enables liquid-liquid phase separation of IRF3/7 in innate antiviral immunity. Qin Z, Fang X, et al., Zhou F*, Zhang L*. Nature Immunology. 2022

16. IRF3 and IRF7 require SIRT1 for liquid-liquid phase separation and transactivation of INF-I. Zhou F*, Zhang L*. Nature Immunology (Research Briefing). 2022

17. Targeting USP8 inhibits Cancer Progression and Prevents Extracellular-Vesicle TβRII-Induced Exhaustion of CD8+ T cells. Xie F, Zhou X, et al., Zhou F*, Zhang L*. EMBO Journal. 2022 

18. Microbiota in tumors: from understanding to application. Xie Y, Xie F, Zhou X, et al., Zhang L*,  Zhou F*. Advanced Science. 2022

19. SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant: recent progress and future perspectives. Fan Y, Li X, Zhang L, Wan S, Zhang L*,  Zhou F*. Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy. 2022 

20. Cuproptosis: a new form of programmed cell death. Wang Y, Zhang L, Zhou F*. Cellular & Molecular Immunology. 2022

21. Guan J, Zhang L*, Zhou F*. PI3K-PANK4: a new target for de novo synthesis of coenzyme A. Molecular Biomedicine. 2022

22. Wei X, Xie F, Zhou X, Yan H, Liu T, Huang J*, Wang F*, Zhou F*, Zhang L*. Developments in the understanding of pyroptosis and its potential role in the treatment of inflammation and cancer. Cellular & Molecular Immunology. 2022

23. SUMOylation in Viral Replication and Antiviral Defense. Fan Y, Li X, Zhang L,et al., Zhang L*,  Zhou F*. Advanced Science. 2022

24. STING, a critical contributor to SARS-CoV-2 immunopathology. Li H, Zhou F*, Zhang L*. Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy. 2022 

25. Ferroptosis in cancer and cancer immunotherapy. Zhao L, Zhou X, Xie F, Zhang L, et al., Zhou F*, Chen J*, Zhang L*. Cancer Communications. 2022

26.Novel pyroptosis-independent functions of gasdermins. Qin Z, Zhou F*, Zhang L*. Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy. 2022

27. Post-translational modifications in liquid-liquid phase separation: a comprehensive review. Li J, Zhang M, et al., Zhou F*, Zhang L*. Molecular Biomedicine. 2022

28. Alterations in microbiota of patients with COVID-19: potential mechanisms and therapeutic interventions. Wang B, Zhang L, et al., Zhou F*, Zhang L*. Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy. 2022 

29. ADP-riboxanation: a new pyroptosis evasion strategy. Li H, Zhou F*, Zhang L*. J Mol Cell Biol. 2022

30. Wang S, Dai T, Qin Z, Pan T, et al., Zhou F*. Targeting liquid-liquid phase separation of SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid protein promotes innate antiviral immunity via elevating MAVS activity. Nature Cell Biology. 2021

31. Xie F, Su P, Pan T et al., Zhang L*, Zhou F*. Engineering extracellular vesicles enriched with palmitoylated ACE2 as COVID-19 therapy. Advanced Materials. 2021

32. ISGylation in Innate Antiviral Immunity and Pathogen Defense Responses: A Review. Zhang M, et al., Zeng L*,  Zhou F*. Front Cell Dev Biol. 2021

33. Wang B, Dai T, Ren J,et al.,Zhou F*.Protein N-myristoylation: functions and mechanisms in control of innate immunity.Cellular & Molecular Immunology. 202134. Zong Z, Wei Y, Ren J, et al., Zhou F*. The intersection of COVID-19 and cancer: signaling pathways and treatment implications. Molecular Cancer. 2021

35. Xie Y, Xie F, Zhou F*. Targeted anti-tumor immunotherapy using tumor infiltrating cells. Advanced Science. 2021

36. Dong Y, Dai T, Wang B, Zhou F*. The way of SARS-CoV-2 vaccine development: success and challenges.Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy.2021

37. Fan Y, Zhang L*, Zhou F*. cGAS-like receptors: new RNA sensors in Drosophila. Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy.2021

38. Guo H, Zhou L, et al., Zhou F*. Promising immunotherapies against COVID-19. Advanced Therapeutics. 2021

39. Zhang Y, Qin Z, Sun W, Chu F, Zhou F*.Function of Protein S-Palmitoylation in Immunity and Immune-Related Diseases.Frontiers in Immunology. 2021 

40. Gao L, Zhou F*.Comprehensive Analysis of RUNX and TGF-β Mediated Regulation of Immune Cell Infiltration in Breast Cancer.Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. 2021

41. Zhang Z, Fang X, et al., Zhou F*. Acetylation-dependent deubiquitinase OTUD3 controls MAVS activation in innate antiviral immunity. Molecular Cell. 2020

42. Dong Y, Dai T, Wei Y, et al., Zheng M*, Zhou F*. A systematic review of SARS-CoV-2 vaccine candidates. Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy. 2020

43. Zhou X, Xie F, Wang L, et al., Zhou F*. The function and clinical application of extracellular
 vesicles in innate immune regulation. Cellular & Molecular Immunology. 2020

44. Wang S*, Zhou L, et al., Zhou F*. The Crosstalk Between Hippo-YAP Pathway and innate Immunity. Frontiers in Immunology. 2020

45. Dong Y, Dai T, et al.,Zhou F*. Coronavirus in continuous flux: from SARS-CoV to SARS-CoV-2.  Advanced Science. 2020

46. Zong Z, Zhang Z, et al.,Zhou F*. The functional deubiquitinating enzymes in control of innate antiviral immunity. Advanced Science. 2020

47. Jin K, et al., Zhou F*. An Effective Platform for Cancer Immunotherapy: Pooled Knockin Targeting for Genome Engineering Immunotherapies. Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy. 2020

48. Cheng Z, Dai T, et al.,Zhou F*. The interaction between cGAS-STING pathway and pathogens. Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy. 2020

49. Zhou L, Zhang Y, et al.,Zhou F*. A dual role of type I interferons in antitumor immunity. Advanced Biosystems. 2020

50. Xie F, Zhou X, Fang MY, et al.,Zhou F*. Extracellular Vesicles in Cancer Immune Microenvironment and Cancer Immunotherapy. Advanced Science. 2019

51. Gao L, Wang L, Dai T, Jin K, Zhang Z, et al.,Zhou F*, Zhang L*. Tumor-derived exosomes antagonize innate antiviral immunity. Nature Immunology. 2018

52. Wang S, et al., Zhang L*, Zhou F*. YAP antagonizes innate antiviral immunity and is targeted for lysosomal degradation through kinase-IKKe mediated phosphorylation. Nature Immunology. 2017

53. Zhang L*, Xie F, et al., Zhou F*. SUMO-triggered ubiquitination of NR4A1 controls macrophage cell death. Cell Death Differentiation. 2017

54. Xie F, Jin K, Shao L, et al., Zhou F*, Zhang L*. FAF1 phosphorylation by AKT accumulates TGF-β type II receptor and drives breast cancer metastasis. Nature Communications. 2017

55. Li Y, et al., Zhou F*, Zhang L*. c-Myb Enhances Breast Cancer Invasion and Metastasis through the Wnt/beta-Catenin/Axin2 Pathway. Cancer Research. 2016

56. Zhang J, et al., Zhang L*, Zhou F*. The regulation of TGF-β/SMAD signaling by protein deubiquitination. Protein Cell. 2014

57. Zhang L*,Zhou F*, ten Dijke P*. (2013) Signaling interplay between transforming growthfactor-β receptor and PI3K/AKT pathways in cancer. Trends in Biochemical Sciences. 2013

58. Zhang L,Zhou F*, et al., Ten Dijke P*. TRAF4 promotes TGF-β receptor signaling and drives breast cancer metastasis. Molecular Cell. 2013

59. Zhang L, Zhou F*, et al., ten Dijke P*. (2012) USP4 is regulated by Akt phosphorylation and directly deubiquitinates TGF-β type Ireceptor. Nature Cell Biology. 2012

60. Zhang L,Zhou F*, et al., Fas-associated factor 1 antagonizes Wnt signaling by promoting β-catenin degradation. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 2011


E-mail: zhoufangfang@suda.edu.cn

OfficeDushu lake 703-B314 


王帅 副研究员 硕导

王帅博士于2010年获得山东大学生物化学与分子生物学博士学位。2010年加中国科学院武汉病毒研究所担任助理研究员职位。2013年加入18新利体育 生物医学研究院,目前担任周芳芳课题组副研究员职位。

谢枫 副教授



张正奎 特聘副教授

张正奎于2018年毕业于浙江大学生命18新利备用网站 院并获得细胞生物学博士学位。2018-2020年加入周芳芳教授课题组任职博士后。2020-2022年在荷兰国家癌症研究所任职博士后。202212月加入周芳芳教授课题组受聘为18新利体育 特聘副教授。

褚峰 助理研究员

褚峰于2014年获得18新利体育 发育生物学专业硕士学位,同年加入18新利体育 周芳芳教授课题组担任技术员职位。







E-mail: zhoufangfang@suda.edu.cn