骨科研究所学术报告:Stem cell therapy and skeletal tissue engineering – clinical reality
时间:2017年06月05日 编辑:骨科研究所

报告题目:Stem cell therapy and skeletal tissue engineering – clinical reality


报告地点:18新利体育 南校区1号楼3楼骨科研究所317学术报告厅
报告人:Xuebin Yang教授(英国利兹大学)



The ability to regenerate/repair skeletal tissue using stem cells therapy offers tremendous therapeutic opportunities in a variety of musculo-skeletal diseases. Since 1999, we have focused on the isolation and characterization of stem cells from human bone marrow, human dental pulp and peridontal tissues, and used these cells for skeletal tissue enigneering (including bone, cartilage, osteochondral, dentine, dental pulp, ligament, adipose tissue and complex/functional tissues) in vitro and in vivo in combination with 3D novel biomimetic biomaterials and bioactive growth factors.  This talk will introduce different ex vivo, in vivo models used in our studies and research on promoting human stem/stromal cells adhesion, migration, growth and differentiation on 3-D scaffolds in vitro as well as enhencing bone and cartilage tissue regeneration in vivo. At the end of this talk, Dr Yang will highlight current development in using novel approaches, such as the use of controlling P2X signalling pathway, epengenetics, 3D printed scaffolds and multilayered cell sheet technology for stem cell therapy and skeletal tissue engineering.



Dr Xuebin Yang (XY), the head of tissue engineering research at School of Dentistry, University of Leeds, UK, is also a ‘Concurrent Professor’ in Nanjing University, China (2009-), ‘Invited Professor’ in Tokyo Women’s Medical University, Japan (2011-) and Honorary Professor’ in School of Medicine, Henan University of Science and Technology, China (2012-). He is now the Deputy Postgraduate Research Tutor at School of Dentistry and in charge for the MSc/PhD student recruitment, training and career development. His research profile combines 12 years’ expertise in clinical orthopaedics with highly specialised research expertises (Since 1999) in skeletal tissue engineering using stem cell therapy, biomimetic biomaterials and in vitro, in vivo models. Originally, a orthopaedic surgeon, XY completed his primary medical education in 1984. Subsequently, he was awarded an MSc degree in hand/microsurgery (1992, Fudan University) and a PhD degree in bone tissue engineering (2002, Southampton University). XY currently lead a team of 12 PhD students and a postdoctoral research fellow who are working on stem cell therapy and skeletal tissue engineering in regenerative medicine and dentistry. XY holds a Home Office Project License for 8 different in vivo models for pre-clinical testing. He plays a key role in the University’s major tissue engineering and regenerative medicine research programmes (WELMEC, CDT, IKC, LMBRU, Regener8). He developed and provide leadership (PIs) for 6 international consortia which include partners in USA, Japan, New Zealand, China, Australia and EU countries. XY has been the Honorary Treasurer & Trustee of the British Orthopaedic Research Society, the vice-president of the Luoyang Hand Surgery Society, a member of the scientific committees for many prestigious conferences, grant review panels (e.g. FP7, Horizon2020, NSFC) and editorial board for professional journals.