骨科研究所学术报告:Biomimetic materials for regeneration
时间:2017年05月15日 编辑:骨科研究所

报告题目:Biomimetic materials for regeneration

报告时间:2017515日(周一) 1000

报告地点:18新利体育 南校区1号楼3楼骨科研究所317学术报告厅
报告人:Peter X. Ma教授(美国密歇根大学)



Regenerative medicine aims to produce replacement tissues and organs by utilizing the highly regenerative potentials of stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells. There is a growing recognition of 3D matrix microenvironments in regulating the fate and function of stem cells. A key challenge facing regenerative medicine is to create the microenvironments that can recapitulate those in a developmental or healing program to maintain stemness, to accelerate proliferation, or to direct stem cells to differentiate along a specific therapeutic lineage. Our lab takes a biomimetic approach to design biodegradable polymers to modulate 3D microenvironments on the micro, nano and molecular scales for stem cells to regenerate tissues. Several examples of regenerating orthopaedic, dental/craniofacial, and cardiofascular tissues will be presented to demenstrate the impact of biomimetic polymer microenvironments in regenerative medicine.



Peter X Ma is the Richard H Kingery Endowed Collegiate Professor of Biologic and Materials Sciences, Biomedical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, and the Macromolecular Science and Engineering at the University of Michigan. His research is in the areas of biomaterials, biomedical polymers, controlled release, tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. He pioneers biomimetic scaffold development to design microenvironment for cells and tissue regeneration. He also develops controlled delivery systems for non-viral nucleic acids, peptides, proteins, and small molecules in sustained, pulsatile, and targeted fashions.

Dr. Ma received a Whitaker Foundation Biomedical Engineering Young Investigator Award, a DuPont Young Professor Award, a Distinguished Scientist Award (Isaac Schour Memorial Award) from International Association of Dental Research, and a Clemson Award from the Society for Biomaterials.He was named one of the Top 100 materials scientists in the world by Thomson Reuters. Heis an elected Fellow of the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering, Fellow of Biomaterials Science and Engineering, Fellow of the Materials Research Society, Fellow of American Association for the Advancement of Science.