骨科研究所学术报告:Biomimetic Coatings Using Simulated Body Fluids: A Brief Review
时间:2016年11月14日 编辑:骨科研究所

报告题目:Biomimetic Coatings Using Simulated Body Fluids: A Brief Review

报告时间:2016年11月14日(星期一) 下午14:00-15:00

报告地点:18新利体育 南区1号楼3楼骨科研究所317学术报告厅

报告人:Dr. Sarit B. Bhaduri, Professor,University of Toledo,USA    

骨科研究所学术报告:Biomimetic Coatings Using Simulated Body Fluids: A Brief Review   


Biomimetic coating process is one of the most versatile techniques developed for coating various orthopedic implant surfaces. The surface of an orthopedic implant, whether it is biodegradable or non-biodegradable, needs to be bioactive for osseointegration (direct bonding with bone). The above mentioned coating technique is employed to deposit a bone-like apatite (calcium phosphate) on the implant surfaces, so that the implants become more bioactive, resulting in osseointegration. Simulated body fluids (SBFs) play a critical role in this method. This short review describes and critiques the progresses made in this field by focusing on:

(1)The compositional aspects of various SBFs;

(2)The strategies to enhance the coating kinetics;

(3)Examples of coating various types of surfaces of implants fabricated from polymers and metals, both biodegradable and non-biodegradable in nature.


Dr.Sarit B. Bhaduriis the Professor in the Department of Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering andin the Department of Surgery (Division of Dentistry)at University of Toledo, Toledo.He received his B.S. degree in Physics (Honors) from Indian Institute of Technology in 1974, his M.S.in Physics from the Indian Institute of Technology in 1976 and Ph.D. in Materials Science & Engineering from Stony Brook University in 1981.His research explores the use of bionanotechnology in ubiquitous materials science issue. Specifically, his current research interests mainly focus on the Development and evaluation of dental/orthopedic materials; Processing of nanocomposites for tissue engineering applications (especially for orthopedics/craniomaxillofacial);Electrospinning of nanocomposite scaffolds for tissue engineering and Synthesis and densification of nanoceramics by microwaves. He has completed extensive studies on the applications of various calcium phosphate materials in orthopaedics and has graduated/supervised over 70 visiting faculty, clinical fellows, post-doctoral students, and thesis completing B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. students.