美国纽约州立大学石溪分校钦逸仙教授18新利体育 客座教授聘任仪式及学术讲座
时间:2017年12月01日 编辑:岳秀飞

 2017年12月1日,美国纽约州立大学石溪分校钦逸仙教授来访18新利体育 并受聘为18新利体育 客座教授。18新利体育 医学部主任秦樾教授会见了钦教授。18新利体育 骨科研究所杭雪花副所长、李斌教授、陈建权教授、赛吉拉夫教授等领导和教授参加了会见。骨科研究所的教职工及骨科研究生参加了聘任仪式。

    钦逸仙教授客座教授聘任仪式在18新利体育 南校区骨科研究所317会议室进行。仪式由李斌教授主持。秦樾主任热烈欢迎钦教授的到来,并详细介绍了18新利体育 尤其是医学部的发展及现状。李斌教授介绍了钦逸仙教授的学术经历和学术成就。随后,秦樾主任向钦逸仙教授颁发聘书、佩戴校徽并讲话。杭雪花副所长代表骨科研究所致辞。最后,双方进行了合影留念。钦逸仙教授的加入为为骨科研究所的发展注入新的活力,特别为18新利体育 骨科生物力学和再生医学研究提供了强有力支持。










    Dr. Yi-Xian Qin is Professor in the Department of Biomedical Engineering (BME), and the Director of Orthopaedic Bioengineering Research Laboratory at Stony Brook University. He is co-appointed as Professor at Orthopaedics, Physiology and Biophysics, and Electrical Engineering at Stony Brook University. He is a Fellow of the American Institute of Medicine and Biological Engineering (AIMBE), and an Academician of the International Astronautics Academy (IAA). His research has been focused on musculoskeletal tissue regeneration and translation through physical regulation and characterization of tissue quality, as well as evaluating the mechanisms responsible for tissue remodeling. The laboratory is currently interested in the areas of bone tissue engineering, mitigation of bone loss, implant fixation, bone fluid flow controlled bone remodeling and cellular activities, promotion of fracture healing and regeneration, and ultrasonic diagnostics and therapeutics for osteopenia and fracture. Dr. Qin and his lab have extensive experience in cellular culture and mechanistic evaluation, various in vivo models, and ultrasound imaging. His work has been continuously funded by NIH, DOD, NASA/NSBRI, and industries for the last two decades. He has published more 100 peer-reviewed scientific journal articles and book chapters, with H-Index of 30. He served as Chair of the Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering Special Int. Group of the Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES), and President & Chair of Board of the ICMRS/ICHTS.