美国哈佛大学医学院Yu Shrike Zhang(张宇)教授来我所交流
时间:2019年04月03日 编辑:骨科研究所

201943日,18新利体育 骨科研究所邀请了美国哈佛大学医学院Yu Shrike Zhang(张宇)教授来我所交流并做专题报告,研究所教职工及骨科研究生参加了该报告。

张宇教授的报告题目为Putting 3D Bioprinting to the Use of Tissue Model Fabrication。张教授从药物制备及筛选方面入手,分别利用微流控技术、3D打印及生物制造方面实现了组织器官模拟。通过对生物打印墨水及打印装置的改进,实现了多材料快速生物打印,比传统打印技术速度快10倍之多。利用微流控技术精准控制材料的形状及尺寸,制备的中空微管纤维可以很好的模拟血管组织。不仅如此,张教授建立的纸质血管化模型更是实现了生物材料的长期保存。张教授的讲座精彩纷呈,引起了大家激烈的讨论。





Professor Zhang is focused on innovating medical engineering technologies, including 3D bioprinting, organs-on-chips, microfluidics, biomedical imaging, and biosensing, to recreate functional tissues and their biomimetic models. Microphysiological systems are microfluidic three-dimensionalminiature human tissue and organ models that recapitulate the important biological and physiological parameters of their in vivo counterparts. They have recently emerged as a viable platform for personalized medicine and drug screening. These biomimetic microtissues are anticipated to supplement the conventional planar, static cell cultures, and to bridge the gaps between the current pre-clinical animal models and the human body. In addition, multiple microtissues may be channeled together through the microfluidics in a similar manner they arrange in vivo, providing the capacity to analyze interactions among these models. He has published more than 120 publications in the leading journals including Science, Nat Rev Mater, Adv Mater, Biomaterials, Angew Chem, ACS Nano, etc.