英国斯特拉斯克莱德大学Will Wenmiao Shu教授来我所交流访问
时间:2019年12月19日 编辑:骨科研究所

20191218日,18新利体育 骨科研究所邀请了英国斯特拉斯克莱德大学Will Wenmiao Shu教授来我所交流访问并做专题报告,研究所教职工及骨科研究生参加了该报告。

Will Wenmiao Shu教授的报告题目为“3D bioprinting of smart bioinks for human stem cells and 3D biofilms”。Will Wenmiao Shu教授介绍了目前3D打印在生物加工领域的发展情况,并重点介绍打印所需的生物墨水种类的开发,目前已经有海藻酸盐、胶原蛋白、DNA和其他超分子水凝胶等多种智能生物材料被应用于3D生物打印中。同时,Will Wenmiao Shu教授介绍了自己团队采用生物材料支架和无支架方法的3D生物打印方式,实现人类多能干细胞、肝脏和心脏组织的打印研究。并结合细菌培养,发展出了3D生物膜。Will Wenmiao Shu教授的精彩报告,极大地扩展了大家对于3D生物打印研究的知识,获得了在场师生阵阵热烈的掌声。



Professor Will Wenmiao Shu is the Hay Professor in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Strathclyde (Glasgow). He obtained his PhD at the Engineering Department at University of Cambridge. Following his postdoctoral work at Cambridge University, he worked at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh's School of Engineering and Physical Sciences as a lecturer (2007-2012) and a Reader (2012-2016). His research interests cover a range of biomedical engineering topics including 3D biofabrication, biosensors, microsystems and their applications for regenerative medicine. He held a visiting position at Stanford University in 2011. He is an editorial board member for IOP Biofabrication Journal.