时间:2023年07月07日 编辑:骨科研究所

报告一:From Organ Printing to the Future of Surgery

报告人:   舒文淼  教授  (University of Strathclyde

报告时间: 202377日(周五) 1030-1100

报告二:Vascular tissue engineering and organ regeneration

报告人:   吴骏锡  教授  (University of Strathclyde

报告时间: 202377日(周五) 1100-1130

报告地点:18新利体育 北校区骨科研究所201学术报告厅



舒文淼教授:现任英国思克莱德大学(University of Strathclyde) 的生物工程系的教授。他于英国剑桥大学工程系电子工程专业获得博士学位,随后在剑桥大学从事博士后研究,并在多个知名大学,如麻省理工学院(MIT)、斯坦福大学(Stanford University)、赫瑞瓦特大学(Heriot-Watt University)从事学习,访问,教学和研究工作。 他所在思克莱德大学成立于1796年, 其生物工程系成立于1960年代,是世界上最早成立的生物工程专业之一。他是该大学首位Hay生物工程讲席教授。他是爱丁堡皇家科学院杰出青年(Royal Society of Edinburgh, Young Academy),并担任国际著名学术期Biofabrication的编委,担任国际生物制造协会的理事会成员。他在3D生物打印方面的研究成果被包括自然杂志(Nature),自然医学(Nature Medicine)BBC等刊物及媒体广泛报道。他的技术已经转化成三家英国初创公司,包括Accufluidics Ltd (2012年成立), Palpation Diagnostics (2015年成立),和Organlike Ltd (2016年成立)


吴骏锡教授:Dr J Wu is a Chancellor’s Fellow/Lecturer in cell and tissue engineering in University of Strathclyde. Trained as a vascular biologist, he pioneers in the field of vascular tissue engineering to develop functional tissue-engineered blood vessel for vascular reconstruction surgery, innovative vascularisation strategies for organ regeneration, and organ-on-a-chip model of human vascular disease.



Current tissue engineering research largely relies on development of innovative bio-material and microfabrication technologies. My group attempts a different approach of reverse engineering the morphological structure of native tissue, in particular, blood vessels. With an ultimate goal of development of a functional hierarchical vascular network, we take different strategies to fabricate large conduit artery for clinical translation and microvascular network for organ regeneration. Derived from these projects, we also develop organ-on-a-chip model to investigate vascular diseases.