时间:2023年06月20日 编辑:骨科研究所

2023614日,18新利体育 骨科研究所邀请了瑞典乌普萨拉大学材料科学与工程系夏炜教授来我所交流并作专题报告。研究所教职工及研究生参加了该学术活动。

夏炜教授以Phosphate and oxide ceramics for biomedical applications”为题,介绍了其团队多年的研究成果与方向,同时还分享了自己做研究的心得。夏教授分别从气泡介导的空心磷酸钙微球合成及在医学领域的应用,以及高强、透明生物玻璃陶瓷的制备两方面为大家做了详细的阐述。夏教授团队以临床需求为导向,在口腔、骨科医用生物陶瓷领域做了大量的工作。讲座过程中,夏教授结合了无机非金属材料基础研究以及生物材料临床转化相关研究,为生物材料的研发和临床转化带来了新的思路。夏教授的报告给与会人员留下了深刻印象,并引发了热烈提问和讨论。




Prof. Wei Xia is a Professor in Applied Materials Science at Uppsala University, currently leading the research on “Ceramics in Medicine”. His research interests include: (1) Advanced glass ceramics/ceramics for dental and spinal applications;(2) Nano-structured bioactive ceramics for bone   repair   and   regeneration; (3) Antipathogenic materials; (4) Additive manufacturing in ceramics and (5) Ceramics for DDS, e.g. guided neuron growth, ASIT, pain reliever, transdermal delivery. He has received Swedish Research Council starting grant, and his research is funded by VR, VINNOVA, STINT, Carltrygger, UU Innovation, MAXIV and Horizon 2020. He is also the recipient of the Bona Postulata Prize. He has authored over 200 journal articles and conference contributions, edited a book, and written six book chapters. Additionally, He holds ownership of more than 40 patents (both applied and granted) within 15 patent families. His research in bioceramics has been recognized by Uppsala Innovation magazine and Swedish Television (SVT) through interviews. Presently, he is honored to serve as the President of the Swedish Academy of Ceramic Odontology, and he is a member of the editorial board for Bioactive Materials. Furthermore, he has co-founded three biotech spin-offs and actively engaged in collaborative product development with international leading companies.