骨科研究所学术报告: Osteochondral scaffold innovation: bench to bedside
时间:2023年04月18日 编辑:骨科研究所

报告题目:Osteochondral scaffold innovation: bench to bedside

报告时间:2023420日(周) 1400

报告地点:18新利体育 北校区骨科研究所201学术报告厅

报  告 人:刘朝宗  教授  (英国伦敦大学学院外科与介入医学部)


刘朝宗英国伦敦大学学院外科与介入医学学部骨科生物医学工程专业教授、肌肉骨骼科学硕士课程负责人、骨科生物医学研究组组长,英国皇家国立骨科医院客座研究员。研究方向主要是生物材料创新研究,骨科疾病治疗、骨骼组织修复与再生的高效医疗器械的研发等。这方面的研究受到了来自英国欧盟中国科技部等政府以及医疗企业等的支持与资助。其中研制的骨软骨支架显示出优异的骨和软骨再生能力,可以用于骨关节炎的早期介入治疗,推迟或避免使用关节置换。英国Professor Noel Fitzpatrick教授将这种支架植入宠物狗的肩上,治疗宠物狗的软骨缺损,实验证明取得了很好的效果。他在英国Innovate UK – MOST资助和欧盟的Horizon 2020的资助极大地推动了他在这一领域的研究。目前,骨软骨支架技术在VERSUS ARTHRITIS NHS 的资助下在英国皇家国立骨科医院进行临床试验。



The repair of osteochondral defects is one of the major clinical challenges in orthopedics. Well-established osteochondral tissue engineering methods have shown promising results for the early treatment of small defects. However, less success has been achieved for the regeneration of large defects, which is mainly due to the mechanical environment of the joint and the heterogeneous nature of the tissue.

In this study, we developed a multi-layered osteochondral scaffold to match the heterogeneous nature of osteochondral tissue by harnessing additive manufacturing technologies and combining the established art laser sintering and material extrusion techniques. The developed scaffold is based on a titanium and polylactic acid matrix-reinforced collagen “sandwich” composite system. The microstructure and mechanical properties of the scaffold were examined and its safety and efficacy in the repair of large osteochondral defects were tested in an ovine condyle model.

The in vivo evaluation period revealed extensive and significantly higher bone in-growth in the multi-layered scaffold compared with the collagen-HAp scaffold, and the achieved stable mechanical fixation provided strong support to the healing of the overlying cartilage, as demonstrated by hyaline-like cartilage formation. The histological examination showed that the regenerated cartilage in the multi-layer scaffold group was superior to that formed in the control group. Chondrogenic genes such as aggrecan and collagen-II were upregulated in the scaffold and were higher than those in the control group. The findings showed the safety and efficacy of the cell-free “translation-ready” osteochondral scaffold, which has the potential to be used in a one-step surgical procedure for the treatment of large osteochondral defects.