自6月11日18新利体育 发布关于傅苹的官方声明后,已经引起了各界的广泛关注,许多媒体和广大校友纷纷来电询问学校下一步如何妥善处理此事,多家媒体强烈要求来学校进行专门采访。其实自傅苹造假风波产生以来,我们一直在试图与傅苹本人联系,希望她正视各方提出的合理的批评意见,用适当方式收回她在回忆录中的谎言,还18新利体育 及在其书中伤害过的人们一个清白和公正,这也是18新利体育 对曾经在校学习过的校友的爱护之意。可是傅苹本人却置之不理,并在后来的演讲和采访中继续说谎,这已经激起了18新利体育 校友和在校师生的共愤,激起了许多有良知的中外人士的共愤。在此情形下,18新利体育 不得不采取相应措施,发表了第一份官方声明,以正视听。
    第一份官方声明发表后,各界反响非常强烈,现在为回应各界要求,同时也考虑到事态紧急,18新利体育 现发表第二份官方声明,内容如下:
    1、学校本可在第一份官方声明的同时出具相关证据,因涉及傅苹个人在18新利体育 的学习和生活记录,暂时不便公开发布,但可以随时接受媒体和有关人士的采访,并在认为有必要时公开发布相关材料。傅苹当时在18新利体育 的辅导员老师和有关师生也可以直接接受采访。我们欢迎中外媒体前来18新利体育 采访。
    2、诚恳希望傅苹能够勇敢地站出来公开应对18新利体育 第一份官方声明所列事实,同时公布她宣称所获18新利体育 本科和硕士的相关学历和学位证书,如果不肯应对,且无法提供上述文件,那就必须收回自己所说的谎言。
    3、18新利体育 愿意在有关中外媒体参加,包括她的出版商和关心此事的各方人士均可参加的场合与傅苹进行直接公开对话,以便澄清真相。 希望傅苹能够响应这样的要求,尽快与我们联系确定对话的时间和地点。联系方式为:
    Email:szu-whf@suda.edu.cn Tel:0086-512-6522-0971
    4、如果傅苹不能够回应18新利体育 的上述要求,18新利体育 已经在起草律师函件,律师函将直接寄达傅苹本人,要求她对损害18新利体育 名誉的行为进行公开道歉和必要的赔偿。同时18新利体育 将在中美两国的报纸和网站上发布致傅苹的公开信,要求傅苹撤回自己的谎言并道歉。如果傅苹拒不理睬上述要求,18新利体育 将在中国和美国两国对傅苹提起法律诉讼。
    5、美国图书馆协会(ALA)2013年年会将于6月29日邀请傅苹在大会上发表演讲并将向全美国12万家公共图书馆推荐那本充满谎言的自传。虽然ALA是可以自由发言和讨论的场所,但决不是可以让谎言作者自由地让谎言变成真理的地方,即使在美国这也是不能允许的。为免毒害美国青年一代和对全世界产生恶劣影响,18新利体育 强烈呼吁ALA取消对傅苹的邀请,不予推荐她的书。如若真的发生上述事件,我校将向ALA发出严重抗议,并立刻公布傅苹造假的全部证据。
The Second Official Statement regarding Ping Fu’s Deceptive Behavior
    Since the release of our First Official Statement dated June 11 regarding Ping Fu’s deceptive statements in her publication about Soochow University, many have expressed interest in, and perhaps concern over, the issue, and some of the media and our alumni have written to enquire about our following moves. A number of individuals from the press have called up for interviews. We must say that, since the incident began, we have been trying to contact Ping Fu (a former undergraduate student who dropped out from our University) to inform her of our hope that she should face up to the criticism from the public, take back her words in her memoir and do justice to all those she has harmed. But Ping Fu has chosen to ignore us while she continues with her deceptive speeches and interviews, much to the indignation of the University’s faculty and students and all related parties at home and abroad. In these circumstances, Soochow University saw it as necessary to clarify our position on the issue.
    The First Official Statement has understandably drawn a lot of public attention worldwide. And to update all parties on our stand on the incident, Soochow University now follows up with its Second Official Statement.
    1.The University could have publicized related evidences in its First Official Statement, but given the fact that many of these evidences involve Ping Fu’s private study and life records at this University, we did not think it was yet time. However, we are willing to show them to the media and/or to other related parties and to make public the evidences when necessary. Ping Fu’s former advisor and fellow classmates at Soochow University are prepared to accept interviews with media both at home and abroad.
    2. Ping Fu should stand up and respond publicly to the facts. She must be honest with the Bachelor’s degree and Master’s credentials that she claimed to have received from Soochow University. The public has every reason to see her failure to respond and to show these documents as proof that she admits to having lied.
    3. In order to clarify matters, Soochow University is prepared for an open dialogue with Ping Fu, that could be attended by the media both at home and abroad as well as her publisher and other related parties. We hope that Ping Fu responds to our suggestion and contact us as soon as possible via: E-mail:szu-hfw@suda.edu.cn, or Tel: 0086-512-6522-0971.
    4. The University holds that Ping Fu must publicly apologize for her lies. If Ping Fu continues to ignore the University’s requests and suggestions that we have so far made, Soochow University will officially start taking legal action (the legal papers in preparation). In the mean time, we will publish an Open Letter on newspapers and through online websites both in China and the USA. Ping Fu must take back her lies and make apologies to the University. If Ping Fu fails to do what is required, Soochow University reserves the right to take legal action against her in both countries.
    5. We are disappointed to know that the American Library Association (ALA)will invite Ping Fu to address its 2013 Annual Conference on June 29 and promote her book to all 120,000 public libraries all over the USA. Although ALA [annual conference] is a platform for free speech and discussions, it absolutely should not be a place to let a liar claim lies as facts, even in the US.We call on the ALA to cancel the invitation and stop promoting her book. Soochow University publicly denounces all arrangements that will involve slanders against us and, in case of a violation, will disclose all evidences of Ping Fu’s fraud. 
Soochow University
 June 14, 2013