
通讯地址:苏州工业园区仁爱路199, 邮编215123



200709月至201106     云南大学化工学院, 本科

201109月至201406     南开大学化学学院,硕士,导师:严秀平教授

201509月至20197       香港城市大学材料学院,博士,导师:王锋教授



201503月至201509     香港浸会大学(研究助理)                                         


201903月至202210     香港中文大学物理系-北京计算18新利备用网站 中心 (联合博士后)   







1. Xueqing Yang, Yi Liu, Shiu Hei Lam, Jing Wang, Shizheng Wen, Lei Shao*, Jianfang Wang*, Site-Selective Growth of MOFs on Gold Nanobipyramids for SERS Detection, Nano Letters,2021, 21, 8205.

2. Xueqing Yang, Yao LuYi Liu, Lei Shao*, Jianfang Wang*,Rational design of anisotropic plasmonic metal heterostructuresand their applications, Small Structures, 2021,2,2100101.

3. Hua Zou,Xueqing Yang, Bing Chen, Yangyang Du, Biyun Ren, Xinwen Sun, Xvsheng Qiao, Qiwei Zhang, Feng Wang*, Thermal Enhancing of Upconversion by Negative Lattice Expansion in Orthorhombic Yb2W3O12, Angewandte ChemieInternational Edition2019, 58, 17255.

4. Yongbiao Zhai, Xueqing Yang, Feng Wang*, Zongxiao Li, Guanglong Ding, Zhifan Qiu, Yan Wang, Ye Zhou,* and Su-Ting Han*, Infrared-Sensitive Memory Based on Direct-Grown MoS2-upconversion Nanoparticle heterostructure, Advanced Materials 2018, 30,1803563.

5.Xueqing Yang, Hua Zou, Xinwen Sun, Tianying Sun, Chen Guo, Lawrence Chi-Man Wu, Xvsheng Qiao, Feng Wang*. One-Step Synthesis of Mixed Lanthanide Metal-Organic Framework Films for Sensitive Temperature Mapping, Advanced Optical Materials2019, 7, 1900336.

6. Xueqing Yang, Wei Chen, Haidong Bian, Tianying Sun, Yangyang Du, Zhenyu Zhang, Wang Feng*, et al. Synthesis of Mesoporous ZIF‐8 Nanoribbons and Their Conversion into Carbon Nanoribbons for High‐Performance Supercapacitors. Chemistry – A European Journal 2018, 24, 11185.

7. Xueqing Yang, Chengxiong Yang, Xiuping Yan*. Zeolite Imidazolate Framework-8 as Sorbent for On-Line Solid-Phase Extraction Coupled with High-Performance Liquid Chromatography for Determination of Tetracyclines in Real Water Samples, Journal of Chromatogram A 2013, 1304, 2.

8. Xueqing Yang, Zian Lin, Xiuping Yan*, Zongwei Cai*. Zeolitic Imidazolate Framework Nanocrystals for Enrichment and Direct Detection of Environmental Pollutants by Negative Ion Surface-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry. RSC Advances 2016, 6, 23790.

9. Minghua Lu, Xueqing Yang, Yixin Yang, Peige Qin, Xiuru Wu, Zongwei Cai*. Nanomaterials as Assisted Matrix of Laser Desorption/Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry for the Analysis of Small Molecules. Nanomaterials 2017, 7, 87.

10. Zian Lin, Jiangnan Zheng, Guo Lin, Zhi Tang, Xueqing Yang, Zongwei Cai*. Negative Ion Laser Desorption/Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometric Analysis of Small Molecules Using Graphitic Carbon Nitride Nanosheet Matrix. Analytical Chemistry 2015, 87, 8005-8012.

11. Wei Chen, Xiaoman Zhang, Fujin Ai, Xueqing Yang, Guangyu. Zhu, and Feng Wang*. Graphitic Carbon Nanocubes Derived from ZIF-8 for Photothermal Therapy, Inorganic Chemistry 2016, 55,5750-5752.

12. Yangyang Du, Yunfeng Wang, Zhiqin Deng, Xian Chen, Xueqing Yang, Tianying Sun, Xin Zhang, Guangyu Zhu, Siu Fung Yu, Feng Wang*. Blue-Pumped Deep Ultraviolet Lasing from Lanthanide-Doped Lu6O5F8 Upconversion Nanocrystals, Advanced Optical Materials 2020, 8, 1900968.



1. 博士后国际引进人才项目(201910-202107月)

2. 基于纳米材料的负离子LDI-MS分析小分子物质的研究, 香港浸会大学化学系,中国分析测试协会, 一等奖2016 (蔡宗苇,林子俺,卢明华,张建刚,杨雪,王书娟,沈阳)