ࡱ> 9 Rpbjbj2EIl^^^^^^^r^ ^ ^ ^ \ $rk? ZD D D D D \ h 2<4<4<4<4<4<4<$/A OCNX<^p D D p p X<x6^^D D %?x6x6x6p "^D ^D 2<x6p 2<x6x6(7:;,^^<D 8r^ -; <;?0k?;RC2C<x6rr^^^^2013t^f[bShevU_ Qi Wang, Xiangke Wang, Zhifang Chai and Wenping Hu*. Low-temperature plasma synthesis of carbon nanotubes and graphene based materials and their fuel cell applications Chem. Soc. Rev., 2013;42: 8821-8834. IF=24.892 Chunying Chen, Yu-Feng Li, Ying Qu, Zhifang Chai, Yuliang Zhao. Advanced nuclear analytical and related techniques for the growing challenges in nanotoxicology, Chemical Society Review, 2013(42) 8266-8303. IF=24.892 Zhanjun Gu, Liang Yan, Gan Tian, Shoujian Li, Zhifang Chai, Yuliang Zhao, Recent advances in design and fabrication of upconversion nanoparticles and their safe theranostic applications, Advanced Materials, 2013 (25) 3758-3779. IF=14.829 Sai-jun Fan, Qing-hui Meng, Jia-Ying Xu, Yang Jiao, Lin Zhao, Xiao-dong Zhang, Fazlul H, Sarkar, Milton L Brown, Anatoly Dritschilo and Eliot M Rosen. DIM (33-diindolylmethanel) confers protection against ionizing radiation by a unique mechanism. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2013; 110(46): 18650-18655. IF=9.771 Jinxia Li, Xueling Chang, Zhanjun Gu, Feng Zhao, Zhifang Chai, Yuliang Zhao, Toxicity of Inorganic Nanomaterials in Biomedical Imaging, Biotechnology Advances, accepted, Dec. 12, 2013. Ms. Ref. No.: JBA-D-13-00166R1 Accepted. IF=9.559 Xin Tian, Motao Zhu, Libo Du, Jing Wang, Zhenlin Fan, Jun Liu, Yuliang Zhao, and Guangjun Nie*. Intrauterine Inflammation Increases Materno-Fetal Transfer of Gold Nanoparticles in a Size-Dependent Manner in Murine Pregnancy Small. 2013;9(14):2432-2439. IF=7.823 Weisheng Guo, Na chen, Yu Tu, Chunhong Dong, Bingbo Zhang,* Chunhong Hu and Jin Chang,Synthesis of Zn-Cu-In-S/ZnS Core/Shell Quantum Dots with Inhibited Blue-Shift Photoluminescence and Applications for Tumor Targeted Bioimaging,Theranostics,2013, 3(2):99-108. IF= 7.806 S Zhang, H Chen, X Zhao, J Cao, J Tong, J Lu, W Wu, H Shen,Qwei and D Lu* REV3L 3 UTR 460 T>C polymorphism in microRNA target sites contributes to lung cancer susceptibility Oncogene. 2013;32(2):242-250. IF=7.41 Yaling Wang, Yanyan Cui, Ru Liu, Yueteng Wei, Xinglu Jiang, Huarui Zhu, Liang Gao, Yuliang Zhao, Zhifang Chai Xueyun Gao. Blue two-photon fluorescence metal cluster probe precisely marking cell nuclei of two cell lines, Chem. Commun., 2013, DOI: 10.1039/C3CC46690F. IF=6.378 Wei-ting Yang, Zhi-Qiang Bai, Wei-Qun Shi*, Li-Yong Yuan, Tao Tian, Zhi-Fang Chai*, Hao Wang, Zhong-Ming Sun*. MOF-76: From Luminescent Probe to Highly Efficient UVI Sorption Material. Chem.Commun. 2013(49), 10415-10417. IF=6.378 Zaixing Yang, Zhen Xia, Tien Huynh, Jonathan A. King and Ruhong Zhou*. Dissecting 1 the contributions ofb-hairpin tyrosine pairs to the folding and stability of long-lived human  D-crystallins. Nanoscale. DOI: 10.1039/c3nr03782g. IF=6.233 Zaixing Yang,Seung-gu Kang and Ruhong Zhou*. Nanomedicine: 1 de novodesign of nanodrugs. Nanoscale. DOI: 10.1039/c3nr04535h. IF=6.233 Shouwei Zhang, Wenqing Xu, Meiyi Zeng, Jie Li, Jiaxing Li, Jinzhang Xu and Xiangke Wang* Superior adsorption capacity of hierarchical iron oxide@magnesium silicate magnetic nanorods for fast removal of organic pollutants from aqueous solution J. Mater. Chem. A. 2013;1:11691-11697. IF=6.101 Yingjie Wang, Wei Huang, Li Huang, Shuang Zhang, Daoben Hua* and Xiulin Zhu. Synthesis ofwalnut-like polystyrene particles using  giant surfactant and itssuperhydrophobic property Polymer Chemistry. 2013;4:2255-2259. IF=5.321 Wei Huang, Yingjie Wang, Shuang Zhang, Li Huang, Daoben Hua* and Xiulin Zhu. A FacileApproach for Controlled Modification of Chitosan under -Ray Irradiation forDrug Delivery Macromolecules. 2013; 46:814-818. IF=5.167 Tao Wen, Xilin Wu, Xiaoli Tan, Xiangke Wang* and Anwu Xu. One-Pot Synthesis of Water-Swellable Mg-Al Layered Double Hydroxides and Graphene Oxide Nanocomposites for Efficient Removal of As(V) from Aqueous Solutions ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces. 2013; 5:3304-3311. IF=5.008 Cong-Zhi Wang, Wei-Qun Shi,* Jian-Hui Lan, Yu-Liang Zhao, Yue-Zhou Wei, Zhi-Fang Chai*. Complexation Behavior of Eu(III) and Am(III) with CMPO and Ph2CMPO Ligands: Insights from Density Functional Theory. Inorg.Chem. 2013(52), 10904-10911. IF=4.593 Cong-Zhi Wang, Jian-HuiLan, Yu-Liang Zhao, Zhi-Fang Chai, Yue-Zhou Wei, Wei-Qun Shi. Density functional theory studies of UO22+ and NpO2+ with carbamoylmethylphosphine oxide ligands complexes. Inorg. Chem. 2013(52), 196-203. IF=4.593 Yubing Sun, Shubin Yang, Guixia Zhao, Qi Wang and Xiangke Wang*. Adsorption of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons on Graphene Oxides and Reduced Graphene Oxides Chem. Asian J. 2013; 8:2755-2761. IF=4.572 Li-Qiang Qin#, Jia-Ying Xu#, Jia-Yi Dong, Youyou Zhao, Peter van Bladeren and Weiguo Zhang*. Effect of lactotripeptide intake on arterial blood pressure: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. (Qin and Xu contributed equally to the work), Nutrition, Metabolism & Cardiovascular Diseases. 2013; 23(5): 395-402. IF=3.978 Shitong Yang, Guodong Sheng, Gilles Montavon, Zhiqiang Guo, Xiaoli Tan, Bernd Grambow, Xiangke Wang*. Investigation of Eu(III) immobilization on -Al2O3 surfaces by combining batch technique and EXAFS analyses: Role of contact time and humic acid Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 2013;121:84-104. IF=3.884 Ya-Lan Liu, Yong-De Yan, Wei Han, Mi-Lin Zhang*, Li-Yong Yuan, Ru-Shan Lin, Guo-An Ye, Hui He, Zhi-Fang Chai and Wei-Qun Shi*. Electrochemical Separation of Th from ThO2 and Eu2O3 assisted by AlCl3 in molten LiCl-KCl. Electrochimica Acta. 2013, In Press. IF=3.777 Kui Liu, Ya-Lan Liu, Li-Yong Yuan, Xiu-Liang Zhao, Zhi-Fang Chai*, Wei-Qun Shi*. Electroextraction of gadolinium from Gd2O3 in LiCl-KCl-AlCl3 molten salts. Electrochimica Acta. 2013(109), 732-740. IF=3.777 Xinxing Tang Mingchen Zheng Yuanyuan Zhang Saijun Fan Chang Wang*. Estimation value of plasma amino acid target analysis to the acute radiation injury early triage in the rat model Metabolomics. 2013; 9:853-863. IF=3.608 Xiao-Dong Liu, Ru Sun, Jian-Feng Ge*, Yu-Jie Xu*, Ying Xu and Jian-Mei Lu*. A squaraine-based red emission off on chemosensor for biothiols and its application in living cells imaging Org. Biomol. Chem. 2013; 11:4258-4264. IF=3.568 Judong Luo, Xifa Zhou, Xin Ge,Pengfei Liu, Jianping Cao, Xujing Lu, Yang Ling* and Shuyu Zhang*. Upregulation of Ying Yang 1 (YY1) suppresses esophageal squamous cell carcinoma development through heme oxygenase-1 Cancer Science. 2013;104 (11) :1544-1551. IF=3.480 Xiaomin Yang#, Lin Zhao#, Laszlo Almasyd, Vasil M. Garamus, Aihua Zoua, Regine Willumeit, Saijun Fan. Preparation and characterization of 4-dedimethylamino sancycline (CMT-3) loaded nanostructured lipid carrier (CMT-3/NLC) formulations. International Journal of Pharmaceutics. 2013; 450: 225-234. IF=3.458 Zhiyong Liu Shaoming Pan, Yong Yin, Renfeng Ma, Jianhua Gao, Fei Xia, Xu Yang. Reconstruction of the historical deposition environment from210Pb and 137Cs records at two tidal flats in China Ecological Engineering. 2013;61:303-315. IF=2.958 Zhen Xia, Zaixing Yang, Tien Huynh, Jonathan A. King & Ruhong Zhou*. UV-radiation Induced Disruption of Tightly-Packed Dry-Cavities in Human D-crystallin Results Decreased Stability and Faster Unfolding SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 3:1560. DOI: 10.1038/srep01560. IF=2.927 Ligong Wang*, Gregory Chang,Jenny Bencardino, James S. Babb, Svetlana Krasnokutsky, Steven Abramson and Ravinder R. Regatte. T1rho MRI of Menisci in Patients with Osteoarthritis at 3T: A Preliminary Study Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. DOI 10.1002/jmri.24437. IF=2.770 Ligong Wang*, Renata La Rocca Vieira, Leon D. Rybak, James S. Babb, Gregory Chang, Svetlana Krasnokutsky, Steven Abramson, Ravinder Regatte. Relationship between Knee Alignment and T1rho Values of Articular Cartilage and Menisci in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis European Journal of Radiology (Eur J Radiol). 2013; 82: 1946-1952. IF=2.645 32. Ligong Wang*, Gregory Chang, Jenny Bencardino, James S. Babb, Andrew Rokito, Laith Jazrawi, Orrin Sherman, Ravinder R. Regatte. T1rho MRI at 3T of Menisci in Patients with Acute Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Injury. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging; DOI: 10.1002/jmri.24594. IF=2.556 33. Ligong Wang*, Ravinder R. Regatte. Quantitative Mapping of Human Cartilage at 3.0T: Parallel Changes in T2, T1, and dGEMRIC. Academic Radiology 2014; 21(4): 463  471. IF=1.914 Yanqi Wei, Wei Huang, Yuan Zhou, Shuang Zhang, Daoben Hua*, Xiulin Zhu Modification of chitosan with carboxyl-functionalized ionic liquid for anion adsorption International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2013;62:365-369. IF=2.596 Guixia Zhao, Jiaxing Li, Xuemei Ren, Jun Hu, Wenping Hu* and Xiangke Wang*. Highly active MnO2 nanosheet synthesis from graphene oxide templates and their application in efficient oxidative degradation of methylene blue RSC Adv., 2013; 3:12909-12914. IF=2.562 Ya-Lan Liu, Yong-De Yan, Wei Han, Mi-Lin Zhang*, Li-Yong Yuan, Kui Liu, Guo-An Ye, Hui He, Zhi-Fang Chai, Wei-Qun Shi*. Extraction of thorium from LiCl-KCl molten salts by forming Al-Th alloys: A new pyrochemical method for the reprocessing of Thorium-based spent fuels. RSC Advances. 2013, DOI: 10.1039/C3RA43292K. IF=2.562 Yuanyuan Xu Lei Yang Xin Jiang Jiahua Yu Jicheng Yang Haowen Zhang Guomei Tai Xiaopeng Yuan Fenju Liu*. Adenovirus-Mediated Coexpression of DCX and SPARC Radiosensitizes Human Malignant Glioma Cells Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology. 2013;07.DOI 10.1007/s10571-013-9963-2. IF=2.293 Jian-Hui Lan, Lin Wang, Li-Yong Yuan, Yi-Xiao Feng, Yu-Liang Zhao, Zhi-Fang Chai, Wei-Qun Shi. First principles modeling of zirconium solution in bulk UO2. J. Appl. Phys. 2013; 113: 183514-183517. IF=2.21 Jian-Hui Lan, Zi-Chen Zhao, Qiong Wu, Yu-Liang Zhao, Zhi-Fang Chai. First-principles DFT+U modeling of defect behaviors in anti-ferromagnetic uranium mononitride. J. Appl. Phys. 114, 223516 (2013); doi: 10.1063/1.4846217. IF=2.210 Gu Qing Feng Tienan Cao Han Tang Yiting Ge Xin Luo Judong Xue Jiao Wu Jinyong Yang Hongying Zhang Shuyu* Cao Jianping*. HIV-TAT mediated protein transduction of Cu/Zn-superoxide dismutase-1 (SOD1) protects skin cells from ionizing radiation Radiation Oncology. 2013, 8:253 doi:10.1186/1748-717X-8-253. IF=2.11 Wei Yang*, Jing Wei, Ting Sun and Fenju Liu. Effects of knockdown of miR-210 in combination with ionizing radiation on human hepatoma xenograft in nude mice Radiation Oncology. 2013, 8:102-111. IF=2.11 RAN ZHU, SHI-TAO ZOU, JIAN-MEI WAN, WEI LI, XIN-LI LI and WEI ZHU*. BTG1 inhibits breast cancer cell growth through induction of cell cycle arrest and apoptosis Oncology Reports. 2013;30: 2137-2144. IF=2.297 Ke-Kang Sun, Ning Zhong, Yang Yang, Lin Zhao and Yang Jiao*. Enhanced radiosensitivity of NSCLC cells by transducer of erbB2.1 (TOB1) through modulation of the MAPK/ERK pathway, Oncology Reports. 2013 ;29(6):2385-2391. IF=2.297 Jun Che, Yan-Wei Lu, Ke-Kang Sun, Chan Feng, Ai-Jing Dong and Yang Jiao*. Overexpression of TOB1 confers radioprotection to bronchial epithelial cells through the MAPK/ERK pathway, Oncology Reports. 2013 ;30(2):637-642. IF=2.297 Lin Zhao, Jiaying Xu, Yang Yang, Yu Chong, Chang Liu, Yang Jiao and Saijun Fan* Inhibitory impacts of chemically modified tetracycline-3 and underlying mechanism in human cervical cancer cells Anticancer Drugs. 2013 ;24(8):799-809. IF=2.232 Ji Zhang, Fengmei Cui, Lei Li, Jiangtao Yang, Liyuan Zhang, Qiu Chen* and Ye Tian*. Contrasting effects of Krppel-like factor 4 on X-ray-induced double-strand and single-strand DNA breaks in mouse astrocytes Cell biochemistry and function. DOI:10.1002/cbf.3007. IF=1.854 Weiming DUAN, Yaxiang XU, YuJin DONG, Lili CAO, Jian TONG and Xinwen ZHOU*. Ectopic expression of miR-34a enhances radiosensitivity of non-small cell lung cancer cells, partly by suppressing the LyGDI signaling pathway, Journal of Radiation Research. 2013; 54: 611-619. IF=1.447 Cong-Zhi Wang, Jian-Hui Lan, Yi-Xiao Feng, Yue-Zhou Wei, Yu-Liang Zhao, Zhi-Fang Chai, Wei-Qun Shi. Extraction complexes of Pu(IV) with carbamoylmethylphosphine oxide ligands: A relativistic density functional study. Radiochim Acta. 2013. Accepted. IF=1.373 Hui-Ping Qiao, Wei-Shi Gao, Jian-Xin Huo, Zhan-Shan Yang*. long Non-coding RNA GAS5 Function as a Tumor Suppressor in Renal Cell Cacinoma ASION PACIFIC J CANCER PREVENTION. 2013;14 (2): 1077-1082. IF=1.270 Haihua Yang, Yu Tu, Wei Wang, Wei Hu, Weijun Ding, Changhui Yu, Chao Zhou. A comparison of anatomical and dosimetric variations in the first 15 fractions and between fractions 16 and 25 of intensity-modulated radiotherapy for nasopharyngeal carcinoma. JOURNAL OF APPLIED CLINICAL MEDICAL PHYSICS, 2013,14(6). IF=0.959 Judong Luo, Xialin Chen, Guanglie Chen, Xifa Zhou, Xujing Lu, Yang Ling, Shuyu Zhang, Wei Zhu, Jianping Cao*. Dihydroartemisinin induces radiosensitivity in cervical cancer cells by modulating cell cycle progression Saudi Med J. 2013; 34 (3): 254-260. IF=0.619 Jia-Ying Xu, Lin Zhao, Yu Chong, Yang Jiao, Li-Qiang Qin, Sai-jun Fan. Potential protection of BALB/c mice with WBI by sanguinarine. Brazilian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Accepted. IF=0.373 Jun Che, Fu Zheng Zhang, Chao Qian Zhao, Xu Dong Hu, Sai Jun Fan *. Cyclopamine is a novel Hedgehog signaling inhibitor with significant anti proliferative, anti invasive and anti estrogenic potency in human breast cancer cells Oncology Letters. 2013;5(4):1417-1421. IF=0.237 Xiaohui Xu#, Xiaodong Yang#, Chungen Xing, Shuyu Zhang, Jianping Cao. miRNA: The nemesis of gastric cancer (Review) . ONCOLOGY LETTERS. 2013;6: 631-641. IF=0.237 Yu-Song Zhang, Zhi-Xiang Zhuang, Qing-Hui Meng, Yang Jiao, Jia-Ying Xu, Sai-Jun Fan. Polydatin inhibits growth of lung cancer cells by inducing apoptosis and causing cell cycle arrest. Oncology Letters. 2013; DOI: 10.3892/ol.2013.1696. IF=0.237 Xiaohui Xu, Xiaodong Yang, Chungen Xing*, Shuyu Zhang* and Jianping Cao. miRNA: The nemesis of gastric cancer (Review) Oncology Letters. 2013;6(3) :631-641. IF=0.236 LIU Haiyan, XU Yuanyuan, CHEN Yun, JIANG Xin, YU Jiahua, YANG Lei, GU Cheng, LIU Fenju*. Semaphorin3B modulates radiosensitivity in hu-man glioma U-87MG cells, Nuclear Science and Techniques. 2013;24 : 010101-010107. IF=0.119 Jia-Ying Xu, Qing-hui Meng, Yu Chong, Yang Jiao, Lin Zhao, Eliot M. Rosen, Sai-jun Fan*. Sanguinarine is a new VEGF inhibitor in suppression of angiogenesis and cell migration. Molecular and Clinical Oncology. 2013; 1(1): 331-336. eBg_ Lin Zhao, Wei Li, Shu Zhu,, Sheena Tsai, Jianhua Li,, Kevin J. Tracey, Ping Wang, Saijun Fan, Andrew E. Sama, and Haichao Wang. Green Tea Catechins Quench the Fluorescence of Bacteria-Conjugated Alexa Fluor Dyes. Inflammation & Allergy - Drug Targets, 2013, 12, 308-314.eBg_ NgOe _[^ga eN &qe _R j[Q*0BTG2ؚhf>fcؚ$v~ހv>e\Oea'`0VE>e\;Sf[8h;Sf[Bg_02013;37(3):129-134. NgOe _`i j[Q*0 YĞ }wQ g$v>e\XOeT\_c$OObST\O(uvxvzۏU\0-NNS>e\;Sf[N2bBg_02013;33(3): 326-330. ] _R hg m &qe _zfQ j[Q*0@9hx[N($vA172~ހuS>e\Oea'`vq_T0-NNS>e\;Sf[N2bBg_02013;33(1):1-5. NgQh *mbv _OV*0AS1411[[LvHeLa~ހ>e\Oea'`vq_T0\xvzN\]zf[b02013,31(4):1-5.  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