



通讯地址:苏州工业园区仁爱路199, 邮编215123


一直从事核医学和分子影像的研究工作,近年来,开展了核素标记的纳米材料针对肿瘤诊疗一体化的研究,致力于放射性标记化合物在生物医药中的应用研究。现任中国医师协会核医学医师分会科普与翻译工作组副组长,日本国立放射线医学综合研究所客座研究员。近年来,先后主持国家自然科学基金项目1项、省厅级项目4项。在科技部重点研发计划“纳米专项”项目中任独立PI。以第一作者和通讯作者在Adv. Fun .MaterNanoscale等学术期刊上发表学术论文十余篇,受邀Nanoscale等期刊的审稿人。曾获华夏医学科技奖三等奖1项、苏州市科技进步奖二等奖1项、三等奖1项。



1992-1997    年苏州医学院放射医学系本科

2000-2003    年18新利体育 放射医学硕士(导师:范我教授)

2008-2010    年18新利体育 放射医学博士(导师:樊赛军教授)








1.Radionuclide 188Re-Loaded Photothermal Hydrogel for cancer theranostics.
Yangyun Wang, Linlin Li, Xingpeng Shi, Liu Dong, Yihang Yang, Youjiu Zhang, Guolin Wu* and Ran Zhu*
Particle and Particle Systems Characterization2020doi.org/10.1002/ppsc.201900421

2. Plant-derived chlorophyll derivative loaded liposomes for tri-model imaging guided photodynamic therapy
Hailin Zhou, Lu Xia, Jing Zhong, Saisai Xiong, Xuan Yi, Ran Zhu,* Quanliang Shi* and Kai Yang *
Nanoscale, 2019,
Nov 14;11(42):19823-19831

3. Detection of lymph node metastasis with nearinfrared upconversion luminescent nanoprobes
 Shanshan Qiu
 Jianfeng Zeng, Yi Hou, Lei Chen,Jianxian Ge, Ling Wen, Chunyan Liu, Youjiu Zhang, Ran Zhu*and Mingyuan Gao*
Nanoscale, 2018, 10, 21772-21781

4. Tamoxifen promotes apoptosis and inhibits invasion in estrogenpositive breast cancer MCF-7 cells
Wei Li ,Xingpeng Shi ,Yan Xu, Jianmei Wan, Shaohua Wei* and Ran Zhu*

Mole.med.reports,2017, 16: 478-484.

5. Modulation of Hypoxia in Solid Tumor Microenvironment with MnO2 Nanoparticles to Enhance Photodynamic Therapy
Wenwen Zhu, ziliang Dong, Tingting Fu, Jingjing Liu, Qian Chen, Yonggang Li, Ran zhu*, Ligeng Xu*, Zhuang Liu*

Adv. Fun .Mater., 2015, 26,5490-5498

6. Imaging Tumor Metastases With Molecular Probes
Ruirui QiaoRan Zhu, and Mingyuan Gao*
Curr Pharm Des., 2015

7. Upregulation of BTG1 Enhances the Radiation Sensitivity of Human Breast Cancer in Vitro and in Vivo
Ran ZhuWei LiYan XuJianmei WanZengli Zhang*

Oncol Rep., 2015,34(6):3017-24.

8. Biological effects of irradiating hepatocellular carcinoma cells by internal exposure with (125)i-labeled 5-iodo-2'-deoxyuridine-chitosan drug loading nanoparticles
 Yang C#, Zhu R#, Wan J, Jiang B, Zhou D, Song M, Liu F*
Cancer Biother Radiopharm, 2014,29(9):395-402.

9.BTG1 inhibits breast cancer cell growth through induction of cell cycle arrest and apoptosis
 Zhu R#, Zou ST, Wan JM, Li W, Li XL, Zhu W*
Onology Reports, 2013, 30(5): 2137-44

10. B-cell translocation 1 gene inhibits cellular metastasis-associated behavior in breast cancer
 Li W, Zou ST, Zhu R, Wan JM, Wu,HR*
Mol. Med. Rep., 2014; 9(6):2374-80.
