
电话:0512-65880063     传真:0512-65884380

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2003南京大学物理系 理学学士

2010美国Emory大学 计算机硕士和物理博士双学位。

2011 至今18新利体育  医学部放射医学与防护学院工作。




  1. 医学物理

  2. 辐射防护

  3. 软凝聚态



    1. 2013年主持江苏省自然科学基金(青年),电离辐射前后肿瘤细胞在四维时空中生长模式的实验比较和建模分析BK20130279,20万,已结题

    2. 2013年主持国家自然科学基金(青年),电离辐射前后肿瘤细胞在四维时空中生长模式的实验比较和建模分析11304212,30万,已结题



    1. D Chen*, D Semwogerere, J Sato, V Breedveld, and ER Weeks, Microscopicstructural relaxation in a sheared supercooled colloidal liquid, Physical ReviewE, 81, 011403, 2010.

    2. D Chen*, KW Desmond, and ER Weeks, Topological rearrangementsand stress fluctuations in quasi-two-dimensional hopper flow of emulsions, SoftMatter, 8, 10486, 2012.

    3. L Wang, D Chen, J Olson,SF Ali, T Fan, and H Mao*, Re-examine tumor-induced alterations in hemodynamic responses of BOLD fMRI: implications in presurgical brain mapping, Acta Radiologica, 53, 802, 2012.

    4. L Wang, D Chen, XF Yang,J Olson, K Gopinath, T Fan, and H Mao*Group independent component analysis and functional MRI examination of changes in language area, PLoS ONE 8(3)2013.

    5. KW Desmond, PJ Young, D Chen, and ER Weeks*, Experimental studyof forces between quasi-two-dimensional emulsion droplets near jamming, SoftMatter, 9, 3424, 2013.

    6. D Chen*, KW Desmond, and ER Weeks*, Experimental observation of local rearrangements in dense quasi-two-dimensional emulsion flow, Physical Review E 91, 062306, 2015.

    7. Q Ma, D Chen(co-first author), Hong-Peng Sun, Ning Yan, Yong Xu, and Chen-Wei Pan*, Regular Chinese green tea consumption is protective for diabetic retinopathy: A clinic-based case-control study, Journal of Diabetes Research, 2015, 231570, 2015.

    8. X Lv, D Chen(co-first author), L Yang, N Zhu, J Li, J Zhao, Z Hu, F Wang*, LW Zhang*, Comparative studies on the immunoregulatory effects of three polysaccharides using high content imaging system, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 86, 2842, 2016.

    9. D Chen, NA Monteiro-Riviere and LW Zhang*, Intracellular imaging of quantum dots, gold, and iron oxide nanoparticles with associated endocytic pathways, WIREs Nanomed Nanobiotechnol 2016, doi: 10.1002/wnan.1419.

    10. D Chen and Liang Sun*, Application of microdosimetry on biological physics for ionizing radiation, Chin. Phys. B 27, 028701,2018.

    11. D Chen*, L Yang, X Chen, X Zhang, Y Liu, Z Guo*, and LW Zhang*, Automated contour analysis of  multi-cellular spheroids spreading through high content imaging, Phys. Biol. 15, 026006, 2018.




