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周如鸿,18新利体育 放射医学及交叉学科研究院特聘教授,博士生导师,美国科学促进会会士 (AAAS Fellow),美国物理学会会士 (APS Fellow)。于1988年获浙江大学物理学学士学位,1990年固体物理硕士学位,后留校在浙江大学物理系担任助教,讲师。1993年赴美留学,于1997年获得美国哥伦比亚大学化学博士学位。2000年加盟IBM Watson研究中心担任副研究员,研究员,杰出研究员;并于2002年开始在哥伦比亚大学化学系担任兼职助理教授,兼职教授,讲授《生物物理化学》和《统计力学》等课程。周教授长期从事生物物理,蛋白质科学,与纳米化学等交叉领域的18新利备用网站 ,拥有或已申请20余项国际专利,在权威学术刊物发表论文160余篇 (其中ScienceNatureNature子刊,和PNAS 16),总引用6700余次。应邀在世界各地大学、研究机构和国际学术会议上做邀请报告 150余次。其研究工作多次在国际著名期刊和网站报道。曾获全美化学学会计算化学奖 (ACS DEC Award)IBM杰出科技贡献奖 (IBM技术类最高奖,200520082013)IBM杰出创新奖 (2012)2009年以IBM蓝色基因组主要成员之一荣获奥巴马总统颁发的美国国家技术奖章(National Medal on Technology)。周如鸿教授是《Current Physical Chemistry》主编(Editor-in-Chief),(NatureScientificReports编辑(Editor),《Nanoscale》特邀客座主编,也是《Molecular Simulation》等六家国际期刊的编委。周如鸿教授同时担任美国分子科学领域顶尖的Telluride18新利备用网站 中心董事会的董事(Board of Directors),和美国芝加哥大学多尺度科学中心的科学顾问(Scientific Advisory Board)。周如鸿教授于2011年当选AAAS Fellow APS Fellow,并于2012年入选IBM全球八大研究院“将对IBM,对世界,可能产生最重大影响”的五名科学家之一。


1. 定量生物与放射医学

2. (辐射)纳米药物设计

3. 纳米材料的生物功能

4. 大分子与生物表界面

5. 蛋白质折叠与功能


1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目紫外线引起的人眼gamma-D晶状体蛋白点突变及白内障机理研究 11374221 20141— 201712 76.00万元负责人

2. 国家自然科学基金重大国际合作研究项目,纳米粒子的跨膜过程及其分子机制的研究,2132010200320141— 201812月,320.00万元,参与人


1. P. Liu, X. Huang, R. H. Zhou* and B. J. Berne*, Observation of a Dewetting Transition in the Collapse of the Melittin Tetramer, Nature, 437, 159-162, 2005

2. R. H. Zhou*, X. Huang, C. Margulius and B. J. Berne*, Hydrophobic Collapse in Multi-domain Protein Folding, Science, 305, 1605-1609, 2004

3. Y. Tu, M. Lv, P. Xiu, T. Huynh, M. Zhang, M. Castelli, Z. R. Liu, Q. Huang*, C. H. Fan, H. P. Fang, and R. H. Zhou*, Destructive Extraction of Phospholipids from E. Coli Membrane by a Graphene Nanosheet, Nature Nanotech. 8, 594-601, 2013

4. Guillaume Stirnemann, Seung-Gu Kang, R. H. Zhou*, and B. J. Berne*, How Force Unfolding Differs from Chemical Denaturation, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 111, 3413-3418, 2014

5. B. Dai, S. G. Kang, T. Huynh, H. Z. Lei, M. Castelli, J. Hu, Y. Zhang and R. H. Zhou*, Salts Drive Controllable Multi-Layered Upright Assembly of Amyloid-like Peptides at Mica/Water Interface, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 110, 8543-8548, 2013

6. P. Das, D. Kapoor, K. T. Halloran, R. H. Zhou*, and C. R. Matthews*, Interplay between Drying and Stability of a TIM Barrel Protein: A Combined Simulation-Experimental Study, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 135, 1882-1890, 2013

7. S. G. Kang, T. Huynh, Z. Xia, Y. Zhang*, H. P. Fang, G. H. Wei and R. H. Zhou*, Hydrophobic Interaction Drives Surface-Assisted Epitaxial Assembly of Amyloid-like Peptides, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 135, 3150-3157, 2013

8. S. G. Kang, G. Q. Zhou, P. Yang, Y. Liu, B. Y. Sun, T. Huynh, H. Meng, L. Zhao, G. M. Xing, C. Y. Chen*, Y. L. Zhao*, R. H. Zhou*, Molecular Mechanism of Pancreatic Tumor Metastases Inhibition by Metallofullerenol Gd@C82(OH)22: Implication for de novo Design of Nanomedicine, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 109, 15431-15436, 2012 (featured article)

9. L. Cong, R. H. Zhou, Y. C. Kuo, M. Cunniff, and F. Zhang, Comprehensive Interrogation of Natural TALE DNA Binding Modules and Transcriptional Repressor Domains, Nature Commun. 3, 968, 2012

Z. Xia, P. Das, E. I. Shakhnovich, and R. H. Zhou*, Collapse of Unfolded Proteins in a Mixture of Denaturants, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 134, 18266-18274, 2012

P. Das, J. A. King, and R. H. Zhou*, Aggregation of Partially Folded gamma-Crystallin Associated with Human Cataracts via Domain Swapping at the C-terminal beta-strands, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 108, 10514-10519, 2011 (featured article)

C. Ge, J. F. Du, L. Zhao, L. Wang, Y. Liu, D. H. Li, Y. Yang, R. H. Zhou*, Y. L. Zhao*, Z. F. Chai, C. Y. Chen*, Binding of human serum proteins on single-wall carbon nanotubes reduces cytotoxicity, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 108, 16968-16973, 2011 (featured article)

Y. Tu, P. Xiu, R. Wan, J. Hu, R. H. Zhou* and H. P. Fang*, Water-mediated signal multiplication with Y-shaped carbon nanotubes, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 106, 18120-18124, 2009

R. Zangi, R. H. Zhou, and B. J. Berne, Urea’s Action on Hydrophobic Interactions, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 131, 1535-1541, 2009

L. Hua, R. H. Zhou, D. Thirumalai, B. J. Berne*, Urea denaturation by stronger dispersion interactions with proteins than water implies a 2-stage unfolding, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 105, 16928-16933, 2008

M. G. Krone, L. Hua, P. Soto, R. H. Zhou, B. J. Berne, and J-E. Shea, Role of Water in Mediating the Assembly of Alzheimer Amyloid-beta Abeta16-22 Protofilaments, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 130, 11066-11072, 2008

J. Li, X. Gong, H. Lu, D. Li, H. Fang* and R. H. Zhou*, Electrostatic Gating of a Nanometer Water Channel, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 104, 3687-3692, 2007

R. H. Zhou*, M. Eleftheriou, A. K. Royyuru, B. J. Berne*, Destruction of long-range interactions by a single mutation in lysozyme, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 104, 5824-5829, 2007

M. Eleftheriou, R. Germain, A. Royyuru and R. H. Zhou*, Thermal denaturing of mutant lysozyme with both OPLSAA and CHARMM force fields, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 128, 13388-13395, 2006

X. Li, J. Li, M. Eleftheriou and R. H. Zhou*, Hydration and Dewetting near Fluoronated Superhydrophobic Plates, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 128, 12439-12447, 2006

21. R. H. Zhou*, Trp-cage: Folding Free Energy Landscape in Explicit Water, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.,100, 13280-13285, 2003

22. R. H. Zhou* and B. J. Berne, Can a continuum solvent model reproduce the free energy landscape of a beta-hairpin folding in water?, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 99, 12777-12782, 2002

23. R. H. Zhou, B. J. Berne* and R. Germain, Free energy landscape of a beta-hairpin folding in explicit water, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 98, 14931-14936, 2001


1. Bruce J. Berne and Ruhong Zhou, Fast methods for simulating biomolecular systems with long-range electrostatic interactions by molecular dynamics, US patent No. 5,915,230, Jun 22, 1999

2. Ruhong Zhou, Huafeng Xu, Ed Harder, and Bruce J. Berne, System and Method for Molecular Dynamics Simulation , US patent, No. 7,096,167 B2, August 22, 2006

3. Prasanna Athma, Ajay Royyuru, David Silverman, and Ruhong Zhou, Method and apparatus for protein structure analysis,US Patent 7,499,805, March 3, 2009

4. Ruhong Zhou, David Silverman, Ajay Royyuru, and Prasanna Athma, Hydrophobic moment of multi-domain proteins, US patent No. 7,877,214, Jan 25, 2011

5. Prasanna Athma, Ajay Royyuru, David Silverman, and Ruhong Zhou, Protein structure analysis, US Patent 8,010,297, Aug. 30, 2011

6. Ruhong Zhou, David Silverman, Ajay Royyuru, and Prasanna Athma, Hydrophobic Dipole Orientational Analysis for Multi-domain Protein Structures, US patent No. 8,010,332, Aug. 30, 2011

7. Prasanna Athma, Ajay Royyuru, David Silverman, and Ruhong Zhou, Protein structure analysis, (subdivision), US Patent 8,386,189, Feb. 26, 2013

8. Laxmi Parida and Ruhong Zhou, Visual Analysis of a Protein Folding Process, US patent No. 8,423,339, April 16, 2013

9. Laxmi Parida and Ruhong Zhou, Pattern Discovery Analysis for Protein Folding Trajectories, US patent search (IBM Docket No. YOR820040227), April, 2004

Laxmi Parida and Ruhong Zhou, Clustering of Multidimentional Real-valued Data Using Signature Patterns, US patent evaluation (IBM Docket No. YOR820040321), May, 2004

Laxmi Parida and Ruhong Zhou, Visual Analysis of PatternLandscape Animation, US patent (IBM Docket No. YOR920060233US1), March, 2006

Zhen Xia and Ruhong Zhou, Prediction of Influenza A Virus' Genetic Evolution with a Mutual Information Based Site Transition Network, IBM Docket No. YOR820090279, July 1, 2009

Payel Das and Ruhong Zhou, A biomimetic nano-pump for automatic separation of urea from water, DISCLOSURE NO. YOR820101155, November 12, 2010

Zhen Xia, Tien Hyunh, and Ruhong Zhou, Weighted mutual information method and automatic web server for influenza genetic variation prediction, DISCLOSURE NO. YOR820101065, October 18, 2010

James Kozloski, Cliff Pickover, Jacinta Wubben and Ruhong Zhou, System and Method for Competitive Binding of Sequence Annotations and Analysis Tools to Sequences in a Biological Data Repository, YOR820110975, October, 2011

Binquan Luan and Ruhong Zhou, Base-by-base Ratcheting DNA in a Y-shaped Carbon Nanotube, YOR820120589, May, 2012

Binquan Luan and Ruhong Zhou, Nanopore-Based Sensors for Detecting Nanotoxicity of a Carbon Nanotube to Proteins, YOR820120951, July, 2012

Binquan Luan and Ruhong Zhou, Nanopore-Based Devices for Drug-like Molecule Screening or Lead Optimization to a Targeted Protein, YOR820121376, October, 2012

Seung-gu Kang, Binquan Luan, Tien Huynh, and Ruhong Zhou, A new chemical compound targeting receptor SecA for Citrus Greening disease,YOR820131858, December 6, 2013

Binquan Luan, Seung-gu Kang, Tien Huynh, and Ruhong Zhou, A new chemical compound targeting receptor transcriptional factor for Citrus Greening disease,YOR820131859, December 6, 2013

21. Binquan Luan and Ruhong Zhou, Protein-Channel-Based Nanofluidic Devices for Drug-like Molecule Screening or Lead Optimization to a Targeted Protein, YOR820140291, 2014

22. Binquan Luan, Seung-gu Kang, Tien Huynh, and Ruhong Zhou, TCCC-IBM: Three new chemical compounds targeting receptor transcriptional factor for Citrus Greening disease, YOR820140660, August 8, 2014

23. Seung-gu Kang, Binquan Luan, Tien Huynh, and Ruhong Zhou, TCCC-IBM: Two new chemical compounds targeting receptor SecA for Citrus Greening disease,YOR820140659, August 8, 2014


1. 美国科学促进会会士 (AAAS Fellow), 2011

2. 美国物理学会会士 (APS Fellow), 2011

3. “One of Five Scientists Who are Likely to Make Most Contributions to IBM and to the World”, IBM Research, 2012

4. IBM Outstanding Technical Achievement Award (OTAA, the highest technical award of IBM), IBM Corp. (2014)

5. IBM Outstanding Innovation Award (OIA), IBM Corp. (2012)

6. National Medal on Innovation and Technology (presented by President Obama), 2009 (major contributor of the IBM Blue Gene Team)

7. IBM Invention Plateau Achievement Award, IBM Corporation (2009)

8. IBM Outstanding Technical Achievement Award (OTAA, the highest technical award of IBM), IBM Corp. (2008)

9. IBM Outstanding Technical Achievement Award (OTAA), IBM Corp. (2005)

IBM Research Division Award, IBM Research (2005)

IBM Invention Plateau Achievement Award, IBM Corporation (2004)

IBM Invention Achievement Award, IBM Corporation (2002)

The Hammett Award for Best Ph.D. Graduates, Columbia University (1997)

ACS Award on Computational Chemistry (DEC Award), American Chemical Society (1995)

Faculty Fellowship, Columbia University (1994-1997)

Second Prize, Research in Science & Technology, China Ministry of Education (1993)

Best Paper Award for Outstanding Research, Zhejiang University (1993)

Award for Outstanding Research, Zhejiang University (1992)


1. 生物物理化学;统计力学等课程。

2. 招收七年制和卓越医师班学生

3. 招收物理化学、高分子化学与物理、特种医学、放射医学、药物化学等专业硕、博士研究生及博士后