LIU, Zeke


Associate Professor (in Prof. Wanli Ma’s Group)


Education and Work Experience:


Associate   Professor, FUNSOM, Soochow   University, Suzhou, China


Visiting   Scholar, Indiana University   Bloomington, Indiana, USA


Postdoctor, Soochow University, Suzhou, China

Cooperative Advisor: Prof.   Wanli Ma


Joint   Ph.D. Student (CSC), University of Berkeley, California, USA

Advisor: Prof. A. Paul   Alivisatos


Ph.D., Soochow University, Suzhou, China

Advisor: Prof. Wanli Maand Prof. Shuit-Tong Lee


B.Sc., Anhui University of Science and Technology,   Huainan, China




Research Interests:

1.      Solution processed new generation solar cells based on lead chalcogenide and halide perovskite nanocrystals.

2.      Design and synthesis of plasmonic metal-oxide nanocrystals for use in optoelectronic devices.


Selected Publications: 

1.      Zeke Liu, Yaxu Zhong, Ibrahim Shafei, Soojin Jeong, Liguang Wang, Hoai T. Nguyen, Cheng-Jun Sun, Tao Li,* Jun Chen, Lei Chen, Yaroslav Losovyj, Xinfeng Gao, Wanli Ma,* Xingchen Ye,* Broadband Tunable Mid-infrared Plasmon Resonances in Cadmium Oxide Nanocrystals Induced by Size-dependent Nonstoichiometry. Nano Lett.,2020, 20, 2821-2828.


2.      Zeke Liu, Yaxu Zhong, Ibrahim Shafei, Ryan Borman, Soojin Jeong, Jun Chen, Yaroslav Losovyj, Xinfeng Gao, Na Li, Yaping Du, Erik Sarnello, Tao Li, Dong Su, Wanli Ma,* Xingchen Ye,* Tuning Infrared Plasmon Resonances in Doped Metal-oxide Nanocrystals through Cation-exchange Reactions, Nat. Commun.,2019, 10, 1394.


3.      Zeke Liu, Bekenstein Yehonadav, Xingchen Ye, Son C. Nguyen, Joseph Swabeck, Dandan Zhang, Shuit-Tong Lee, Peidong Yang, Wanli Ma,* and A. Paul Alivisatos,* Ligand Mediated Transformation of Cesium Lead Bromide Perovskite Nanocrystals to Lead Depleted Cs4PbBr6 Nanocrystals. J. Am. Chem. Soc.,2017, 139, 5309-5312.


4.      Zeke Liu, Haoran Mu, Si Xiao, Rongbing Wang, Zhiteng Wang, Weiwei Wang ,Yongjie Wang, Xiangxiang Zhu, Kunyuan Lu, Han Zhang, Shuit-Tong Lee, Qiaoliang Bao,* and Wanli Ma,* Pulsed Lasers Employing Solution-Processed Plasmonic Cu3-xP Colloidal Nanocrystals. Adv. Mater.,2016, 28, 3535-3542. (Back cover)


5.      Zeke Liu, Yaxiang Sun, Jianyu Yuan, Huaixin Wei, Xiaodong Huang, Lu Han, Weiwei Wang, Haiqiao Wang, Wanli Ma,* High-Efficiency Hybrid Solar Cells Based on Polymer/PbxSe1-x Nanocrystals Benefiting from Vertical Phase Segregation. Adv. Mater.,2013, 25, 5772-5778.

Edited by Juan Yang
