CHENG, Liang


Liang Cheng, PhD

Principal Investigator (PI)

Institute of Functional Nano & Soft Materials (FUNSOM)

Soochow University, Suzhou, Jiangsu, 215123, China



Professional Activities

2015.8~2016.8, Visiting Scholar, University of Wisconsin-Madison

2019.11~Now, Professor (Principal Investigator), Institute of Functional Nano & Soft Material (FUNSOM), Soochow University, Suzhou, Jiangsu, China

2017.7~2019.10, Research Professor, Institute of Functional Nano & Soft Material (FUNSOM), Soochow University, Suzhou, Jiangsu, China

2014.7~2017.6, Associate Professor, Institute of Functional Nano & Soft Material (FUNSOM), Soochow University, Suzhou, Jiangsu, China

2012.8~2014.6, Lecturer, Institute of Functional Nano & Soft Material (FUNSOM), Soochow University, Suzhou, Jiangsu, China


Research Experiences and Accomplishments

Dr. Cheng’s work has focused on the preparation of functional nanostructured inorganic materials and their applications in nanomedicine. Over past several years, he has developed three types of functional biomaterials for imaging guided cancer photo-therapy and combined therapy. It has been shown that such novel strategies offer obvious advantages in realizing precise treatment of cancer and improving the specificity of tumor therapy.Dr Cheng has authored a total of over 174 peer-reviewed SCI papers, which have been cited by others for over 17,661 times (H-index = 67). Dr Cheng was listed as one of the ‘Highly Cited Researchers (Materials Science)’ by Clarivate Analytics in 20172-2020 and ‘China’s Highly Cited Researchers (Materials Science)’ in 2017-2019. Now, based on the previous studies of functional nanomaterials for in vivo multimodal imaging and tumor therapy, Dr. Cheng wants to develop new renal clearable or biodegradable functional nanomaterials for imaging guided combined tumor therapy. The goal is to find a few kinds of inorganic theranostic agents with low toxicity and high cancer therapeutic performances.


Publication /Citation List:


Representative papers in recent 5 years (2016-2020)

1.  Zhou, Z.; Wang, X.; Zhang, H.; Huang, H.; Sun, L.; Ma, L.; Du, Y.; Pei, C.; Zhang, Q.; Li, H.; Ma, L.; Gu, L.; Liu, Z.; Cheng, L*.; Tan, C.*, Activating Layered Metal Oxide Nanomaterials via Structural Engineering as Biodegradable Nanoagents for Photothermal Cancer Therapy. Small 2021, ASAP.

2.  Zhang, R.; Cheng, L.*; Dong, Z.; Hou, L.; Zhang, S.; Meng, Z.; Betzer, O.; Wang, Y.; Popovtzer, R.; Liu, Z.*; Ultra-small natural product based coordination polymer nanodots for acute kidney injury relief, Materials Horizons, 2021, ASAP.

3.  Gong, F.; Cheng, L.*; Yang, N.; Gong, Y.; Ni, Y.; Bai, S.; Wang, X.; Chen, M.; Chen, Q.; Liu, Z.*, Preparation of TiH1.924 nanodots by liquid-phase exfoliation for enhanced sonodynamic cancer therapy. Nature Communications 2020,11 (1), 3712.

4.  Wang, X.; Zhong, X.; Bai, L.; Xu, J.; Gong, F.; Dong, Z.; Yang, Z.; Zeng, Z.; Liu, Z.; Cheng, L.*, Ultrafine Titanium Monoxide (TiO1+x) Nanorods for Enhanced Sonodynamic Therapy. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2020,142 (14), 6527-6537.

5.  Son, S.; Kim, J. H.; Wang, X.; Zhang, C.; Yoon, S. A.; Shin, J.; Sharma, A.*; Lee, M. H.*; Cheng, L.*; Wu, J.*; Kim, J. S.*, Multifunctional sonosensitizers in sonodynamic cancer therapy. Chemical Society Reviews 2020,49 (11), 3244-3261.

6.  Cheng, L.*; Wang, X.; Gong, F.; Liu, T.; Liu, Z.*, 2D Nanomaterials for Cancer Theranostic Applications. Advanced Materials 2020,32 (13), 1902333.

7.  Gong, F.; Yang, N.; Wang, X.; Zhao, Q.; Chen, Q.; Liu, Z.; Cheng, L.*, Tumor microenvironment-responsive intelligent nanoplatforms for cancer theranostics. Nano Today 2020,32, 100851.

8.  Gong, F.; Chen, M.; Yang, N.; Dong, Z.; Tian, L.; Hao, Y.; Zhuo, M.; Liu, Z.; Chen, Q.*; Cheng, L.*, Bimetallic Oxide FeWOx Nanosheets as Multifunctional Cascade Bioreactors for Tumor Microenvironment-Modulation and Enhanced Multimodal Cancer Therapy. Advanced Functional Materials 2020,30 (49), 2002753.

9.  Wang, X.; Zhong, X.; Liu, Z.; Cheng, L.*, Recent progress of chemodynamic therapy-induced combination cancer therapy. Nano Today 2020,35, 100946.

10. Wang, X.; Zhong, X.; Gong, F.; Chao, Y.; Cheng, L.*, Newly developed strategies for improving sonodynamic therapy. Materials Horizons 2020,7 (8), 2028-2046.

11. Wang, X.; Wang, X.; Zhong, X.; Li, G.; Yang, Z.; Gong, Y.; Liu, Z.*; Cheng, L.*, V-TiO2 nanospindles with regulating tumor microenvironment performance for enhanced sonodynamic cancer therapy. Applied Physics Reviews 2020,7 (4), DOI: 10.1063/5.0027606.

12. Wang, X.; Fan, L.; Cheng, L.*; Sun, Y.; Wang, X.; Zhong, X.; Shi, Q.; Gong, F.; Yang, Y.; Ma, Y.; Miao, Z.; Zha, Z.*, Biodegradable Nickel Disulfide Nanozymes with GSH-Depleting Function for High-Efficiency Photothermal-Catalytic Antibacterial Therapy. Iscience 2020,23 (7), 101281.

13. Wang, X.; Cheng, L.*, Multifunctional Prussian blue-based nanomaterials: Preparation, modification, and theranostic applications. Coordination Chemistry Reviews 2020,419.

14. Zhong, X.; Wang, X.; Cheng, L.*; Tang, Y. a.; Zhan, G.; Gong, F.; Zhang, R.; Hu, J.*; Liu, Z.; Yang, X.*, GSH-Depleted PtCu3 Nanocages for Chemodynamic- Enhanced Sonodynamic Cancer Therapy. Advanced Functional Materials 2020,30 (4). 1907954.

15. Yang, N.; Li, W.; Gong, F.; Cheng, L.*; Dong, Z.; Bai, S.; Xiao, Z.; Ni, C.*; Liu, Z.*, Injectable Nonmagnetic Liquid Metal for Eddy-Thermal Ablation of Tumors under Alternating Magnetic Field. Small Methods 2020,4 (9), 2000147.

16. Gong, F.; Yang, N.; Wang, Y.; Zhuo, M.; Zhao, Q.*; Wang, S.; Li, Y.; Liu, Z.; Chen, Q.; Cheng, L.*, Oxygen-Deficient Bimetallic Oxide FeWOX Nanosheets as Peroxidase-Like Nanozyme for Sensing Cancer via Photoacoustic Imaging. Small 2020,16 (46), 2003496.

17. Siwawannapong, K.; Zhang, R.; Lei, H.; Jin, Q.; Tang, W.; Dong, Z.; Lai, R.-Y.; Liu, Z.; Kamkaew, A.*; Cheng, L.*, Ultra-small Pyropheophorbide-a Nanodots for Near-infrared Fluorescence/Photoacoustic Imaging-guided Photodynamic Therapy. Theranostics 2020,10 (1), 62-73.

18. Lei, H.; Wang, X.; Bai, S.; Gong, F.; Yang, N.; Gong, Y.; Hou, L.; Cao, M.*; Liu, Z.; Cheng, L.*, Biodegradable Fe-Doped Vanadium Disulfide Theranostic Nanosheets for Enhanced Sonodynamic/Chemodynamic Therapy. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2020,12 (47), 52370-52382.

19. Bai, S.; Yang, N.; Wang, X.; Gong, F.; Dong, Z.; Gong, Y.; Liu, Z.*; Cheng, L.*, Ultrasmall Iron-Doped Titanium Oxide Nanodots for Enhanced Sonodynamic and Chemodynamic Cancer Therapy. ACS Nano 2020,14 (11), 15119-15130.

20. Zhong, X.; Wang, X.; Zhan, G.; Tang, Y. a.; Yao, Y.; Dong, Z.; Hou, L.; Zhao, H.; Zeng, S.; Hu, J.*; Cheng, L*.; Yang, X.*, NaCeF4:Gd,Tb Scintillator as an X-ray Responsive Photosensitizer for Multimodal Imaging-Guided Synchronous Radio/Radiodynamic Therapy. Nano Letters 2019,19 (11), 8234-8244.

21. Zhang, R.; Fan, X.; Meng, Z.; Lin, H.; Jin, Q.; Gong, F.; Dong, Z.; Li, Y.; Chen, Q.; Liu, Z.; Cheng, L.*, Renal Clearable Ru-based Coordination Polymer Nanodots for Photoacoustic Imaging Guided Cancer Therapy. Theranostics 2019,9 (26), 8266-8276.

22. Xu, Y.; Wang, X.; Cheng, L.*; Liu, Z.; Zhang, Q.*, High-yield synthesis of gold bipyramids for in vivo CT imaging and photothermal cancer therapy with enhanced thermal stability. Chemical Engineering Journal 2019,378.

23. Xiao, J.; Cheng, L.*; Fang, T.; Zhang, Y.; Zhou, J.; Cheng, R.; Tang, W.; Zhong, X.; Lu, Y.; Deng, L.; Cheng, Y.*; Zhu, Y.; Liu, Z.; Cui, W.,* Nanoparticle-Embedded Electrospun Fiber-Covered Stent to Assist Intraluminal Photodynamic Treatment of Oesophageal Cancer. Small 2019,15 (49).

24. Wang, X.; Zhong, X.; Lei, H.; Geng, Y.; Zhao, Q.*; Gong, F.; Yang, Z.; Dong, Z.; Liu, Z.; Cheng, L.*, Hollow Cu2Se Nanozymes for Tumor Photothermal-Catalytic Therapy. Chemistry of Materials 2019,31 (16), 6174-6186.

25. Wang, X.; Cheng, L.*, Multifunctional two-dimensional nanocomposites for photothermal-based combined cancer therapy. Nanoscale 2019,11 (34), 15685-15708.

26. Tang, W.; Dong, Z.; Zhang, R.; Yi, X.; Yang, K.; Jin, M.; Yuan, C.;* Xiao, Z.*; Liu, Z.; Cheng, L.*, Multifunctional Two-Dimensional Core-Shell MXene@Gold Nanocomposites for Enhanced Photo-Radio Combined Therapy in the Second Biological Window. ACS Nano 2019,13 (1), 284-294.

27. Liu, T.; Shen, S.; Huang, Y.; Zhang, X.; Lai, Z.; Ha Tran, T.; Liu, Z.; Cheng, L.*, Controllable growth of Au nanostructures onto MoS2 nanosheets for dual-modal imaging and photothermal-radiation combined therapy. Nanoscale 2019,11 (47), 22788-22795.

28. Gong, F.; Cheng, L.*; Yang, N.; Betzer, O.; Feng, L.; Zhou, Q.; Li, Y.; Chen, R.; Popovtzer, R.; Liu, Z.*, Ultrasmall Oxygen-Deficient Bimetallic Oxide MnWOX Nanoparticles for Depletion of Endogenous GSH and Enhanced Sonodynamic Cancer Therapy. Advanced Materials 2019,31 (23)1900730.

29. Wu, C.; Zhang, R.; Du, W.; Cheng, L.*; Liang, G.*, Alkaline Phosphatase-Triggered Self-Assembly of Near-Infrared Nanoparticles for the Enhanced Photoacoustic Imaging of Tumors. Nano Letters 2018,18 (12), 7749-7754.

30. Jin, Q.; Liu, J.; Zhu, W.; Dong, Z.; Liu, Z.; Cheng, L.*, Albumin-Assisted Synthesis of Ultrasmall FeS2 Nanodots for Imaging-Guided Photothermal Enhanced Photodynamic Therapy. Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces 2018,10 (1), 332-340.

31. Gong, F.; Cheng, L.*; Yang, N.; Jin, Q.; Tian, L.; Wang, M.; Li, Y.; Liu, Z.*, Bimetallic Oxide MnMoOx Nanorods for in Vivo Photoacoustic Imaging of GSH and Tumor-Specific Photothermal Therapy. Nano Letters 2018,18 (9), 6037-6044.

32. Shen, S.; Jiang, D.; Cheng, L.*; Chao, Y.; Nie, K.; Dong, Z.; Kutyreff, C. J.; Engle, J. W.; Huang, P.; Cai, W.*; Liu, Z.*, Renal-Clearable Ultrasmall Coordination Polymer Nanodots for Chelator-Free Cu-64-Labeling and Imaging-Guided Enhanced Radiotherapy of Cancer. ACS Nano 2017,11 (9), 9103-9111.

33. Shen, S.; Chao, Y.; Dong, Z.; Wang, G.; Yi, X.; Song, G.; Yang, K.; Liu, Z.; Cheng, L.*, Bottom-Up Preparation of Uniform Ultrathin Rhenium Disulfide Nanosheets for Image-Guided Photothermal Radiotherapy. Advanced Functional Materials 2017,27 (28), 1700250.

34. Jin, Q.; Zhu, W.; Jiang, D.; Zhang, R.; Kutyreff, C. J.; Engle, J. W.; Huang, P.; Cai, W.*; Liu, Z.; Cheng, L.*, Ultra-small iron-gallic acid coordination polymer nanoparticles for chelator-free labeling of Cu-64 and multimodal imaging-guided photothermal therapy. Nanoscale 2017,9 (34), 12609-12617.

35. Hao, J.; Song, G.; Liu, T.; Yi, X.; Yang, K.; Cheng, L.*; Liu, Z.*, In Vivo Long-Term Biodistribution, Excretion, and Toxicology of PEGylated Transition-Metal Dichalcogenides MS2 (M = Mo, W, Ti) Nanosheets. Advanced Science 2017,4 (1), 1600160.

36. Cheng, L.*; Shen, S.; Jiang, D.; Jin, Q.; Ellison, P. A.; Ehlerding, E. B.; Goel, S.; Song, G.; Huang, P.; Barnhart, T. E.; Liu, Z.*; Cai, W.*, Chelator-Free Labeling of Metal Oxide Nanostructures with Zirconium-89 for Positron Emission Tomography Imaging. ACS Nano 2017,11 (12), 12193-12201.

37. Cheng, L.*; Jiang, D.; Kamkaew, A.; Valdovinos, H. F.; Im, H.-J.; Feng, L.; England, C. G.; Goel, S.; Barnhart, T. E.; Liu, Z.; Cai, W.*, Renal-Clearable PEGylated Porphyrin Nanoparticles for Image-Guided Photodynamic Cancer Therapy. Advanced Functional Materials 2017,27 (34), 1702928.

38. Chen, Y.; Cheng, L.*; Dong, Z.; Chao, Y.; Lei, H.; Zhao, H.; Wang, J.; Liu, Z.*, Degradable Vanadium Disulfide Nanostructures with Unique Optical and Magnetic Functions for Cancer Theranostics. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2017,56 (42), 12991-12996.

39. Xuan, J.; Wang, Z.; Chen, Y.; Liang, D.; Cheng, L.*; Yang, X.; Liu, Z.; Ma, R.; Sasaki, T.; Geng, F.*, Organic-Base-Driven Intercalation and Delamination for the Production of Functionalized Titanium Carbide Nanosheets with Superior Photothermal Therapeutic Performance. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2016,55 (47), 14569-14574.

40. Liu, T.; Chao, Y.; Gao, M.; Liang, C.; Chen, Q.; Song, G.; Cheng, L.*; Liu, Z.*, Ultra-small MoS2 nanodots with rapid body clearance for photothermal cancer therapy. Nano Research 2016,9 (10), 3003-3017.

41. Cheng, L.; Shi, S.; Shen, S.; Barnhart, T.; Cai, W.*; Liu, Z., FeSe2-Decorated Bi2Se3 Nanosheets for Chelator-Free 64Cu-labeling and Multimodal Image-Guided Photothermal-Radiation Therapy. Journal of Nuclear Medicine 2016,57.

42. Cheng, L.*; Shen, S.; Shi, S.; Yi, Y.; Wang, X.; Song, G.; Yang, K.; Liu, G.; Barnhart, T. E.; Cai, W.*; Liu, Z.*, FeSe2-Decorated Bi2Se3 Nanosheets Fabricated via Cation Exchange for Chelator-Free Cu-64-Labeling and Multimodal Image-Guided Photothermal-Radiation Therapy. Advanced Functional Materials 2016,26 (13), 2185-2197.

43. Cheng, L.*; Kamkaew, A.; Sun, H.; Jiang, D.; Valdovinos, H. F.; Gong, H.; England, C. G.; Goel, S.; Barnhart, T. E.; Cai, W.*, Dual-Modality Positron Emission Tomography/Optical Image-Guided Photodynamic Cancer Therapy with Chlorin e6-Containing Nanomicelles. ACS Nano 2016,10 (8), 7721-7730.

44. Cheng, L.; Kamkaew, A.; Shen, S.; Valdovinos, H. F.; Sun, H.; Hernandez, R.; Goel, S.; Liu, T.; Thompson, C. R.; Barnhart, T. E.; Liu, Z.*; Cai, W.*, Facile Preparation of Multifunctional WS2/WOx Nanodots for Chelator-Free Zr-89-Labeling and In Vivo PET Imaging. Small 2016,12 (41), 5750-5758.

45. Cheng, L.; Kamkaew, A.; Shen, S.; Valdovinos, H.; Barnhart, T.; Cai, W.*; Liu, Z., Chelator-Free 89Zr-labeling of Ultra-small WS2/WOx Quantum Dots for PET Imaging. Journal of Nuclear Medicine 2016,57.

46. Chao, Y.; Wang, G.; Liang, C.; Yi, X.; Zhong, X.; Liu, J.; Gao, M.; Yang, K.*; Cheng, L.*; Liu, Z.*, Rhenium-188 Labeled Tungsten Disulfide Nanoflakes for Self-Sensitized, Near-Infrared Enhanced Radioisotope Therapy. Small 2016,12 (29), 3967-3975.


Address: Building 910-408B, No.199, Ren’Ai Road, Soochow University, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province, China, 215123.

Contact: +86-512-65880317



Edited by Juan Yang
