LIU, Yang


LIU, Yang, Ph.D., Professor


Tel: 0512-65880956 (O)       



Academic History:

B.S., Bohai University, Dept. of Chemistry, 2001

M.S., Northeast Normal University, Dept. of Chemistry, 2004

Ph.D., Northeast Normal University, Dept. of Chemistry, 2007

Post-Doc., City University of HongKong, Center of Super-Diamond and Advanced Films, 2007-2009


Research Interests:

Physical Chemistry, Colloidal and Interfacial Chemistry, Nanomaterials Chemistry


Research Experience and Accomplishments:

Mainly focused on the controlled synthesis and assembly of aligned semiconductor nano/microstructures through low temperature liquid phase method, investigation of fluorescent, photovoltaic, and catalytic properties of such materials, and their applications in biomolecule labeling and photovoltaic devices. Over 30 publications in top chemistry and materials journals since 2004. Funds include: two ongoing grants from National Natural Science Foundation of China, and one from Science Foundation for Young Teachers of Northeast Normal University.


Selected Publications:

1.  Y. Liu, Z. H. Chen, Z. H. Kang, I. Bello*, X. Fan, I. Shafiq, W. J. Zhang, S. T. Lee, “In situ self-catalytic synthesis of ZnO nanostructures in airtetrapods, nano-tetraspikes and nanowires”, Journal of Physical Chemistry 2008, 112, 9214.

2.  Y. Liu, Y. Chu*, Y. J. Zhuo, L. H. Dong, L. L. Li, M. Y. Li, “Controlled synthesis of various hollow Cu nano/micro- structures via a novel reduction route”,Advanced Functional Materials 2007, 17, 933.

3.  Y. Liu, Y. Chu*, L. L. Li, L. H. Dong, Y. J. Zhuo, “Controlled fabrication of highly oriented ZnO microrods/microtubes arrays on zinc substrate and photoluminescence properties”, Chemistry - A European Journal 2007, 13, 6667.

4.  Y. Liu, Y. Chu*, Y. J. Zhuo, M. Y. Li, L. L. Li, L. H. Dong, “Anion-controlled construction of CuO honeycombs and flowers-like assemblies on copper foils”, Crystal Growth & Design 2007, 7, 467.

5.  Y. Liu, Y. Chu*, M. Y. Li, L. L. Li, L. H. Dong, “In situ synthesis and assembly of copper oxide nanocrystals on copper foil via a mild hydrothermal  process”, Journal of Materials Chemistry 2006, 16, 192.

Edited by Juan Yang
