Academic Talk: Self-assembly for Imaging and Sensing


Presenter: Prof.Luisa De Cola (Institutede Science et d'Ingénierie Supramoléculaires (I.S.I.S.),University of Strasbourg, France and KIT, Germany)

Topic: Self-assembly for Imaging and Sensing

Time: 10:00 AM, Apr. 29th (Saturday)

Location: Conference Room B, BLDG 909-1F


Luminescent molecules that can undergo self-assembly are of great interest for the development of new materials, sensors, biolabels….The talk will illustrate some of the recent  results on soft structures based on metal complexes able to aggregate in fibers, gels and soft mechanochromic materials. The use of platinum complexes as building block for luminescent reversible piezochromic and mechanochromic materials will be illustrated. The emission of the compounds can be tuned by an appropriate choice of the  coordinated ligands as well as of their aggregation in different structures. The formation of soft assemblies allows the tuning of the emission color, by pressure and temperature leading to a new class of materials possessing reversible properties. We demonstrate how even small changes in molecular design can completely inhibit or enhance the formation of organized supramolecular architectures, leading to a deep understanding of the key factor affecting the  whole self-assembly process.



Scientific Career

1978-1983    Laurea in Chemistry summa cum laude, University of  Messina (Italy).

1984-1986    Postdoctoral fellow (NIH) at the Virginia Commonwealth University,  Richmond, USA.

1986-1990    Researcher National Research Council, CNR, Instituto F.R.A.E,  Bologna.

1987-1988    Visiting researcher, University of Fribourg,  Switzerland.

1990-1998    Assistant Professori University of Bologna  (Italy).

1998-2004    Full Professor, University of Amsterdam (the Netherlands), chair of Molecular Photonic Materials.

since 2005    Full Professor (C4) in Physics and Chemistry,University of Münster (Germany) chair of Nanoelectronics and  Nanophotonics.

2005- 2006    Adjunct Professor, HIMS, University of Amsterdam, The  Netherlands

2006-2012    Part-time Professor Department of Chemistry University of Twente, The Netherlands

2012-       University of Strasbourg/ISIS AXA chair in Supramolecular and Biomaterials Chemistry Adjunct Scientist at the Karlsruher Institut für Technologie,  Germany


Selected publications:

C. A. Strassert, L. De Cola et al. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2011, 50,  946; M. Mauro, L. De Cola et al. Chem. Commun. 2014, 50, 7269  

A. Aliprandi, M. Mauro, L. De Cola Nature Chemistry  , 2016, 8, 10-15

S. Sinn, F. Biedermann, L. De Cola Chem. Eu. J., 2017, 23, 1965–1971

Contact: Prof. Lifeng Chi
