Academic Talk: Combining Graphene and Polymer to Optimize Heat Spreading


Presenter: Prof. Sebastian Volz (CNRS, France/University of Tokyo,  Japan)

Topic: Combining Graphene and Polymer to Optimize Heat Spreading  

Time: 03:00PM, June. 8th (Thursday)

Location: Conference Room B, BLDG 909-1F


Thermal management of nano/microelectronic chips now includes thermal interface materials and heat spreader elements that allow for efficiently dissipating heat from the component to the package and for decaying the  temperature of local hot spots. We will first discuss the benefit of using Carbon Nanotubes as thermal interface materials and show how polymers can play a crucial role as thermal glue between tubes and superstrates. Secondly, we will show how few layer graphene films can be used to enhance heat spreading especially using organic materials related chemical functionalization based both on demonstrators and on theoretical investigations. The direct contact of graphene with the silica substrate is elaborately avoided thus recovering the high intrinsic lateral thermal conductivity of graphene. We show that the interplay between in-plane and cross-plane thermal transport in graphene mediated by functional molecules could lead to substantially improved thermal  management of a micro heater.



Dr. Sebastian Volz is a Full Professor at the French National scientific research center (CNRS), Ecole Centrale Paris (France) and University of Tokyo (Japan). He received his Ph.D degree in engineering physics from University of Poitiers (France) in 1993. He was then appointed post-doctoral  fellow at the University of Caliornia, Los Angeles (USA) with Prof. Gang Chen. He started his independent research career as an Associate Professor at the National Engineering School of Mechanics and Aerotechnics, France, in 1998. In  2002, he became a CNRS Research fellow at Ecole Centrale Paris and was promoted to Full Professorship in 2008. In 2016, he moved to the CNRS laboratory of the University of Tokyo, Japan. His research interests include nanoscale heat transfer, near-field radiation etc. So far, He has published 3 books, 11 book chapters and over 140 scientific articles, including Nature Materials, Nature Photonics, Nature Communications, PRL, and Adv Mater. Meanwhile, he has organized/co-organized 9 international conferences/workshops and has given more than 50 invited conference talks. Currently, he is the Associate Editor of the journal of Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical Engineering and the journal  of Nanoelecronics and Optoelectronics.


Contact: Dr. Shiyun Xiong
