Academic Talk: Design functional molecular nanomaterials at interfaces


Presenter: Dr. Yiqi Zhang (Technical University of Munich

Topic: Design functional molecular nanomaterials at interfaces

Time: 10:00 AM, Jun. 14th (Wednesday)

Location: Conference Room B, BLDG 909-1F


Interfacial molecular nanoscience is an interdisciplinary field where physics, chemistry and material science merge together. It is of great interest to explore novel molecule-based nanomaterials using design principles in analogy to inorganic solid-state compounds, targeting comparable or even superior functionalities and properties. The fabrication route is based on bottom-up supramolecular engineering [1,2] and on-surface synthesis [3], aiming towards molecular-level control of complex matters [4]. The physical and chemical properties of molecular nanomaterials are characterized using complementary  surface science techniques [5]. Five topics will be addressed to demonstrate the potential of such design principle.




2003-2008 Ph.D. in Condensed Matter Physics, University of Science and  Technology of China, Supervisor: Prof. Xiaoguang Li (李晓光)


1999-2003B.S. in Physics, East China University of Science and  Technology




Postdoctoral researcher, Department of Physics, Technical University  of

Munich, “On-surface synthesis  of carbon-based nanomaterials


Postdoctoral researcher, Max Planck Institute of Microstructure  Physics



Nanoscale spin mapping on  magnetic overlayers


Postgraduate student, University of Science and Technology of  China



Vortex dynamics in  stripe-ordered high-temperature superconductors

SELECTED PUBLICATIONS (Researcher  ID: N-2399-2014)

1. Y. -Q.  Zhang, M. Paszkiewicz, P.  Du, L. Zhang, T. Lin, M. Ruben, A. P. Seitsonen, J. V. Barth, and F.Klappenberger  Nature  Chemistry, under  revision.

2.  Y. -Q. Zhang,  T. Lin,et  al.,Angew. Chem. Int.  Ed.  10.1002/anie.201702771

3.  Y. -Q. Zhang,  J. Björk, J. V. Barth, and F. Klappenberger,Nano  Lett. 16, 4274  (2016).

4. F. Klappenberger,  Y.-Q.  Zhang, J. Björk, S.  Klyatskaya, M. Ruben, and J. V. Barth, Acc. Chem.  Res. 48, 2140  (2015).

5. Y. -Q. Zhang,  N. Kepčija, M. Kleinschrodt, K. Diller, S. Fischer, A. C. Papageorgiou, F.  Allegretti, J. Björk,S. Klyatskaya, F. Klappenberger, M. Ruben, and J. V. Barth,  Nat.  Commun.3, 1286  (2012).
