MA, Wanli


WanliMa Full Professor


Academic history:

2011-           Full Professor, FUNSOM,Soochow University

2007-2010   Postdoc., UC Berkeley, Prof. Paul Alivisatos’ group

2000-2006   Ph.D. in Physics, UC Santa Barbara

                    Advisor: Prof. Alan J. Heeger (Nobel Laureate)

1997-2000   M.S. in Physics, Fudan University, Shanghai, China

1992-1997   B.S. in Physics, Fudan University, Shanghai, China  


Tel: 0512-65884280



Group webpage:


Research Interests:

Solution processed new generation solar cells based on conjugated polymers, quantum dots and perovskite materials.

Research Experience and Accomplishments:

Prof. Ma’s research in the past few years was mostly focused on the development of next-generation solar cells including organic solar cells, nanocrystal solar cells and perovskite solar cells, for the exploration of green energy. Starting from 2005, Prof. Ma has authored over 100 peer-reviewed papers, including Nat. Mater. (1), JACS (2), Phy. Rev. Lett. (1), Adv. Mater. (8), NanoLett. (2), Adv. Funct. Mater. (6), Adv. Energy Mater (5), ACS Nano (2), Nano Energy (2), which have received a total citation of > 14,000 times and given him an H-index of ~40. He was listed as one of the ‘Most Cited Chinese Researchers’ by Elsevier from 2014-2017. Prof. Ma is also the director of over 10 funding projects, including National Key Project, “863” Project, NSFC Project etc.


Academic Awards and Achievements:

Ø NFSC Excellent Young Scholar Award;

Ø Jiangsu Provincial “Elites Import Plan for Innovation and Enterprise Foundation”;

Ø Published the most cited paper on solar cells in the past few years: “Thermally Stable, Efficient Polymer Solar Cells with Nano-scale Control of the Interpenetrating Network Morphology” Adv. Funct. Mater. 2005, 15, 1617, cited approaching 5000 times;

Ø Obtained five US patents in solar cells and polymer light-emitting diodes.


Selected 10 Publications in past 5 years:

1) Yongjie Wang, Kunyuan Lu, Lu Han, Zeke Liu, Guozheng Shi, Honghua Fang, Si Chen, Tian Wu, Fan Yang, MengfanGu, Sijie Zhou, Xufeng Ling, Xun Tang, Jiawei Zheng, Maria AntoniettaLoi, Wanli Ma* “In Situ Passivation for Efficient PbS Quantum Dot Solar Cells by Precursor Engineering” Advanced Materials2018, DOI: 10.1002/adma.201704871.

2)  Fangchao Li, Jianyu Yuan,* Xufeng Ling, Yannan Zhang, Yingguo Yang, Sin Hang Cheung, Carr Hoi Yi Ho, Xingyu Gao, and Wanli Ma* “A Universal Strategy to Utilize Polymeric Semiconductors for Perovskite Solar Cells with Enhanced Efficiency and Longevity.” Advanced Functional Materials, 2018, 28, 1706377.

3)  Jianyu Yuan,* Michael J. Ford, Yalong Xu, Yannan Zhang, Guillermo C. Bazan,* and Wanli Ma* “Improved Tandem All-Polymer Solar Cells Performance by Using Spectrally Matched Subcells.” Advanced Energy Materials, 2018, 8, 1703291.

4)  Yannan Zhang, Michael J. Ford, Fangchao Li, Jianxia Sun, Yalong Xu, Xufeng Ling, Yongjie Wang, Jinan Gu, Jianyu Yuan,* Wanli Ma* Efficient Nonfullerene Solar Cells with High Tolerance of Blend Composition and Improved Thermal Stability Advanced Energy Materials, 2018, 8, 1800029.

5) Zeke Liu, YehonadavBekenstein, Xingchen Ye, Son C. Nguyen, Joseph Swabeck, Dandan Zhang, Shuit-Tong Lee, Peidong Yang, Wanli Ma* and A. Paul Alivisatos* “Ligand Mediated Transformation of Cesium Lead Bromide Perovskite Nanocrystals to Lead Depleted Cs4PbBr6Nanocrystals.” Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2017, 139 (15), 5309–5312.

6)  Shaohua Shi, Jianyu Yuan, Guanqun Ding, Michael Ford, Kunyuan Lu, Guozheng Shi, Jianxia Sun, Xufeng Ling, Yong Li and Wanli Ma* “Improved All-Polymer Solar Cell Performance by Using Matched Polymer Acceptor.” Advanced Functional Materials, 2016, 26 (31), 5669-5678.

7)  Zeke Liu, Haoran Mu, Si Xiao, Rongbin Wang, Zhiteng Wang, Weiwei Wang, Yongjie Wang, Xiangxiang Zhu, Kunyuan Lu, Han Zhang, Shuit-Tong Lee, QiaoliangBao* and Wanli Ma* “Pulsed Lasers Employing Solution-Processed Plasmonic Cu3−xP Colloidal Nanocrystals.” Advanced Materials, 2016, 28 (18), 3535-3542.

8) Jianyu Yuan, Huilong Dong, Ming Li, Xiaodong Huang, Jun Zhong, Youyong Li and Wanli Ma* “High Polymer/Fullerene Ratio Realized in Efficient Polymer Solar Cells by Tailoring of the Polymer Side-Chains.” Advanced Materials, 2014, 26 (22), 3624-3630.

9)   Zeke Liu, Yaxiang Sun, Jianyu Yuan, Huaixin Wei, Xiaodong Huang, Lu Han, Weiwei Wang, Haiqiao Wang and Wanli Ma* “High-Efficiency Hybrid Solar Cells Based on Polymer/PbSxSe1-x Nanocrystals Benefiting from Vertical Phase Segregation.”Advanced Materials, 2013, 25 (40), 5772-5778.

10) Jianyu Yuan, Zhichun Zhai, Huilong Dong, Jing Li, Zuoquan Jiang, Youyong Li and Wanli Ma* “Efficient Polymer Solar Cells with a High Open Circuit Voltage of 1 Volt.” Advanced Functional Materials, 2013, 23 (7), 885-892.

Edited by Juan Yang
