Academic Talk: Molecular Simulations of Gas Storage/Separation in Nanoporous Materials


Presenter: Dr. Lifeng Ding (Department of Chemistry, Xi’an JiaoTong-Liverpool University)

Topic: Molecular Simulations of Gas Storage/Separation in Nanoporous Materials

Time: 10:00 AM, Mar. 20th

Location: 909-B


Adsorption of gas molecules inside nanoporous materials lies at the heart of many environmentally and industrially important applications, such as CO2 capture, hydrogen/methane storage, and gas mixtures’ separations etc. In recent years, the family of nanoporous materials has expanded significantly. Molecular modelling can be an economically viable way to characterize and investigate nanoporous materials for specific applications. Moreover, molecular modelling provides a molecular-level understanding of gas adsorption behaviour in nanoporous materials. In this talk, different molecular simulation approaches, such as density functional theory (DFT), Grand Canonical Monte Carlo simulation (GCMC) and Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations were utilized to investigate various nanoporous materials, such as MOFs, COFs and ZIFs, as well as in-silico designed hypothetical nanoporous materials for different adsorption applications, such as, hydrogen/methane storage/purification, CO2 capture/storage.


Research Interest

In-silico design and study of novel nanoporous materials for small molecules’ capture and storage.

Working Experience

Lecturer, Department of Chemistry, XJTLU, China, 2013 ~ Now

Marie Curie Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Chemical Engineering Department, University of Surrey, UK, 2010 ~ 2013


PhD, Department of Engineering, University of Leicester, UK, 2006 ~ 2010

Master of Research, Department of Chemistry, University of Nottingham, UK, 2004 ~ 2006

Bachelor of Science, Chemical Engineering Department, Nanjing University of Sci & Tech, China, 1999 ~ 2003

Contact: Prof. Youyong Li

Editor: Juan Yang
