Prof. Xueliang Sun won the 2018 Canadian Society for Chemistry Award for Research Excellence in Materials Chemistry


Xueliang (Andy) Sun, professor with Lifetime Tenure of Western University and chair professor of FUNSOM & CNST, has won the 2018 Canadian Society for Chemistry Award for Research Excellence in Materials Chemistry. The award will be presented to Prof. Sun during the 101st Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition which is taking place in Edmonton from May 27-31, 2018. Congratulations to Prof. Sun!


According to Canadian Society for Chemistry, this award is presented to a Canadian citizen or landed immigrant who has made an outstanding contribution to materials chemistry while working in Canada. Nominations may be made for candidates within 15* years of their first independent appointment.



Xueliang (Andy) Sun is recognized for his innovative solutions for critical andlong-standing problems in clean energy using nanotechnology and creative engineering. He has invented nanosynthesis processes for electrocatalysts infuel cells and electrode materials in Li ion batteries to revolutionarily reduce cost and increase lifetime. His patented technologies have beensuccessfully transferred to a number of Canadian companies and led to the recent start-up of a company.


Prof. Sun’s Research Group


*excluding time spent on parental leave.


(Editor: Xiaoyu Jin)
