Angel Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy


Instrument name

Angel  Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy

Manufacturer and Model

Germany SPECS, PD300-IR


1. UV: He, X-ray source: Mg, Al

2. Max. working voltage: 15 kV, max. working   current: 8 A

3. Analyzer: ±30°acceptance angle,   double μ-metal shielding, up to 3500 eV   kinetic energy

Function and


1) Multiple integration: UPS, XPS, LEED, sputtering and annealing, load-lock

2) Surface sensitive: information detect depth around 1-5 atomic layers

3) Monochromaticity: He I for UPS, Al Kα for XPS, both with monochrometer

4) High resolution: ~0.08 eV for UPS   and ~0.1 eV for XPS

5) None beam damage: soft X-ray is friendly to most of the samples

6) Hemispherical energy analyzer: 150   mm mean radius, 1000*800 (with channel binning)

7) Wide range of detection: almost all the elements except H and He

8) Informative: sample elements, valence band, work function, distribution and depth


Removable evaporator, detachable   load-lock

Contacts: Steffen   Duhm

Contact   number: 65880371


Editor: Wenchang Zhu
