Academic Talk: The understanding and development of high performance catalytic systems


Presenter: Professor Wenyu Huang (Iowa State University, USA)

Topic: The understanding and development of high performance catalytic systems

Time: 1:30 PM, Jul. 5th (Thursday)

Location: 909-D


The depletion of fossil fuels and the serious environmental problems resulting from their combustion are two critical challenges facing society. The understanding and development of high performance catalytic systems can effectively address these problems in two ways: (i) by reducing energy consumption through efficient conversion of reactants to desired products, and (ii) by increasing the effectiveness of the methods by which energy is obtained from renewable energy sources. The ultimate goal of the Huang group is to understand and develop integrated catalytic systems based on controlled nanostructures to improve the efficiency of catalytic processes and renewable energy-related reactions.


Dr. Huang received a B.S. in Chemistry from Nanjing University, China in 2000. After receiving an M.S. in 2002 also from Nanjing University, he started his Ph.D. research with Professor Mostafa A. El-Sayed at Georgia Institute of Technology and received his Ph.D. in 2007. Dr. Huang then began postdoctoral research with Professor Gabor A. Somorjai at University of California, Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in August 2007. He joined the faculty at Iowa State University in August 2011.

Contact: Prof. Qiao Zhang

Editor: Juan Yang
