CHEN, Qiang


Qiang Chen

Principal Investigator, Professor


Academic Experience:

2023.04 - Present: Soochow University, FUNSOM, Professor

2020.09 - 2023.02: University of Oxford, Department of Chemistry, Postdoc ResearcherSupervisorProf. Harry L. Anderson (Fellow of the Royal Society)

2019.12 - 2020.8: Max-Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Postdoc ResearcherSupervisorProf. Klaus Müllen (Member of the German Academy of Science Leopoldina)

2015.05 - 2019.11: Max-Planck Institute for Polymer Research & Mainz University, PhD; SupervisorProf. Klaus Müllen

2011.09 - 2014.06: Nankai University & State Key Laboratory of Elemento-Organic Chemistry, MSc.; SupervisorProf. Jianyu Zheng

2007.09 - 2011.07: Shandong Agricultural University, Department of Chemistry, BSc.


Research Experience and Accomplishments:

Prof. Chen’s research focuses on the synthesis, property investigation and application of organic photo-electric magnetic functional materials. The detailed research activities involve preparation of atomically-precise π-conjugated functional molecules, for example heteroaromatic compounds, nano carbon molecules and low-dimensional carbon-based conjugated polymers, using controllable organic synthesis method (in solution or/and on metal surface), study of their chemical and physical properties, including photo absorption and emission, charge transportation, magnetism, as well as supramolecular assembly behavior. He is also interested in exploring the practical applications of these functional molecules in organic optoelectronic devices, such as organic lasers and photo detectors, single molecule electronic devices and bio-imaging. By now, he has published more than13 papers in top-tier journals as first and co-first author, including Nat. Chem. (1), J. Am. Chem. Soc. (3), Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. (4), etc. and his total publication is more than 28. In addition, he has been granted 2 European patents for his previous work. Prof. Chen has also been awarded “Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-Financed Students Abroad” from China Scholarship Council (CSC) and “Walter Benjamin Fellowship” from German Research Foundation (DFG).



Our research methods involve organic synthesis chemistry, spectroscopic analysis and theoretical calculations and students in the group are encouraged to learn different techniques. We are always eager to welcome postdoc, graduate and bachelor students with strong background in chemistry and materials to join. For postdoc position application, please send e-mail with a curriculum vitae, motivation letter and publication list to prof. Chen ( Group members with excellent performance will have the opportunity to be recommended to top universities and research institutes for exchanging and studying.


Selected Publications:(# co-first author, *co-corresponding author)

1.Chen Q.,#,* Lodi A.,# Zhang H.,# Gee A., Wang H., Kong F., Clarke M., Edmondson M., Hart J., O’Shea J., Stawski W., Narita A., Saywell A., Bonn M., Müllen K., Bogani L.,* Anderson L. H.,* “Porphyrin-Fused Graphene Nanoribbons Synthesized in Solution”, under review.

2.Biswas K.,# Soler D.,# Mishra S.,#Chen Q.,# Yao X.,# Sánchez-Grande A., Eimre K., Mutombo P., Martín C., Lauwaet K., Gallego M. J., Ruffieux P., Pignedoli A. C., Müllen K., Miranda R., Urgel I. José, Narita A., Fasel R., Jelínek P., Écija D., “Steering Large Magnetic Exchange Coupling in Nanographenes near the Closed-Shell to Open-Shell Transition”, J. Am. Chem. Soc.,2023, 145, 2968–2974.

3.Björk J.,# SánchezSánchez C.,#Chen Q.,# Pignedoli A C., Rosen J., Ruffieux P., Feng X., Narita A., Müllen K., Fasel R., “The Role of Metal Adatoms in a SurfaceAssisted Cyclodehydrogenation Reaction on a Gold Surface”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2022, 61, e2022123.

4.Paternò G. M.,#Chen Q.,# Mármol R. M.,# Guizzardi M., Bonal V., Kabe R., Barker A. J., Boj P. G., Chatterjee S., Ie Y., Villalvilla J. M., Quintana J. A., Scotognella F., Müllen K., Díaz-García M. A., Narita A., Lanzani G., “Excited States Engineering Enables Efficient Near-Infrared Lasing in Nanographenes”, Mater. Horiz., 2022, 9, 393-402.

5.Mishra S.,# Yao X.,#Chen Q.,# Eimre Kristjan, Gröning O., Ortiz R., Di Giovannantonio M., Sancho-García J. C., Fernández-Rossier J., Pignedoli C. A., Müllen K., Ruffieux P., Narita A., Fasel R., “Giant Magnetic Exchange Coupling in Rhombus-Shaped Nanographenes with Zigzag Periphery”, Nat. Chem., 2021, 13, 581–586.

6.Chen Q., Baumgarten M., Wagner M., Hu Y., Hou I, Narita A., Müllen K., “Dicyclopentaannelated Hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronenes with a Singlet Biradical Ground State”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2021, 60, 11300–11304.

7.Chen Q.,# Thoms S.,# Stöttinger S., Schollmeyer D., Müllen K., Narita A., Basché T., “Dibenzo[hi,st]ovalene as Highly Luminescent Nanographene: Efficient Synthesis via Photochemical Cyclodehydroiodination, Opto-electronic Properties and Single Molecule Spectroscopy”, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2019, 141, 16439-16449. (Highlighted by Synfacts 2019, 15, 1371)

8.Chen Q., Schollmeyer D., Müllen K., Narita A., “Synthesis of Circumpyrene by Alkyne Benzannulation of Dibrominated Dibenzo[hi,st]ovalene”, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2019, 141, 19994-19999.

9.Chen Q.,# Zajaczkowski W.,# Seibel J.,# Stöttinger S., Feyter S., Pisula W., Müllen K., Narita A., “Synthesis and Supramolecular Organization of Discotic Liquid Crystalline Dibenzo[hi,st]ovalene with Long-Range Helical Packing”, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2019, 7, 12898-12906. (Invited article for 2019 Emerging Investigators Themed Issue and selected as inside Front Cover.)

10.Chen Q., Wang D., Baumgarten M., Schollmeyer D., Müllen K., Narita A., “Regioselective Bromination of Dibenzo[hi,st]ovalene and Its Post-Synthetic Functionalization”, Chem. Asian J., 2019, 14, 1703–1707. (Invited article for Special Issue: π-Conjugated Compounds for Molecular Materials and highlighted in ChemistryViews, 23, MAR, 2019)

11.Chen Q., Brambilla L., Daukiya L., Mali K. S., De Feyter S., Tommasini M., Müllen K., Narita A. “Synthesis of Triply Fused Porphyrin-Nanographene Conjugates” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2018, 57, 11233–11237. (Highlighted by Synfacts 2018, 14, 1032)

12.Coles D. M.#, Chen Q.,# Flatten L. C., Smith J. M., Müllen K., Narita A., Lidzey D. G., “Strong Exciton-Photon Coupling in a Nanographene Filled Microcavity”, Nano Lett., 2017, 17, 5521–5525.

13.Paternò G. M., #Chen Q.,# Wang X. Y., Liu J., Motti S. G., Petrozza A., Feng X., Lanzani G., Müllen K, Narita A., Scotognella F., “Synthesis of Dibenzo[hi,st]ovalene and Its Amplified Spontaneous Emission in a Polystyrene Matrix”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2017, 56, 6753–6757.

14.Chen Q., Zhu Y. Z., Fan Q. J., Zhang S. C., Zheng J. Y., “Simple and Catalyst-Free Synthesis of meso-O-, -S-, and -C-Substituted Porphyrins”, Org. Lett., 2014, 16, 1590–1593.


Edited by Juan Yang
