Nat. Commun. | 水对量子点太阳能电池的影响



       我院马万里教授和刘泽柯副教授研究发现,羟基化的量子点表面具有极强的吸附水能力。通过原位加热XPS、XAS测试及DFT理论模拟,验证了量子点表面吸附水的存在,并重新标定了XPS中O1s的OH峰及OH+H2O的吸附峰。更重要的是,研究发现周围环境中的水会促使量子点发生随机性的融合。由于量子限域效应,融合后的量子点具有更窄的光学带隙,从而在量子点薄膜内部引入光学敏感的缺陷,增加量子点薄膜斯托克斯位移,并大幅减少荧光寿命。该现象在其他卤素表面钝化的IV-VI族量子点中也普遍存在。为了抑制水对量子点的负面影响,作者发现采用对流组装法制备的量子点薄膜,相对于传统实验室规模的旋涂法制备的量子点薄膜排布更加有序致密,该形貌特征为量子点薄膜带来明显的自排水效应,可有效抑制周围环境中水的渗入及后续负面影响,大幅提升光伏器件性能及热稳定性。该发现为量子点表面羟基缺陷机制提供了更为深入的解释,并为大气环境中量子点光电器件印刷制备提供了有效方案。该成果以“The Effect of Water on Colloidal Quantum Dot Solar Cells”为题发表在Nature Communications上。

       在该工作中,我院Steffen Duhm教授、张亮教授、王璐教授和熊世云副教授在材料表征分析和理论模拟方面给予了帮助。


作者信息:Guozheng Shi, Haibin Wang, Yaohong Zhang, Chen Cheng, Tianshu Zhai, Botong Chen, Xinyi Liu,Ryota Jono, Xinnan Mao, Yang Liu, Xuliang Zhang, Xufeng Ling, Yannan Zhang, Xing Meng, Yifan Chen, Steffen Duhm, Liang Zhang, Tao Li, Lu Wang, Shiyun Xiong, Takashi Sagawa, Takaya Kubo, Hiroshi Segawa, Qing Shen, Zeke Liu,* and Wanli Ma*



项目资助:This work was supported by the National Key Research Projects (Grant No. 2016YFA0202402), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 22161142003, 61911530158, 52002260 and 51803144), the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province of China (BK20200872). This work is supported by Collaborative Innovation Center of Suzhou Nano Science & Technology, the 111 Project. The authors would like to thank SSRF (beamline 02B02) and TLS (beamline 20A1) for the allocation of synchrotron beamtime. This research also made use of resources at the Advanced Photon Source and the Center for Nanoscale Materials at Argonne National Laboratory, which was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, under Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357. T. L. thanks the NIU start-up fund for support. H.W and T.K thank the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) for a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (No. 16H03824 and 19H02534). Q. S. would like to thank the support of the MEXT KAKENHI (Grants 17H02736 and 20H02565). T. S. would like to thank the support of the MEXT KAKENHI (Grants 17H03536).


