清华大学 陆奇教授 11月24日下午学术报告


报告人陆奇 教授 (清华大学)

报告题目Mechanistic Insights into the Electrochemical Reduction of CO2 and CO   





Electrochemical reduction of CO2 into value-added chemical feedstocks and fuels offers a promising strategy to store the renewable electricity and close the carbon loop. Copper-based electrocatalysts stand out in catalyzing CO2 electroreduction for their distinct capability to form hydrocarbons and oxygenates. However, significant enhancement in the rate and selectivity for valuable products to improve energy efficiency remains imperative for copper-based electrocatalysts to become viable for practical applications. Rational design to achieve advanced catalysts relies on the mechanistic understandings of key reaction steps that control the formation of the valuable hydrocarbons and oxygenates. Experimental study of CO2 electroreduction mechanisms in aqueous electrolyte is challenging. This is because the multitude of chemical equilibria among CO2, hydroxide, bicarbonate and carbonate make the isolation of roles of any specific species in the reaction difficult, which in many cases lead to contradictory conclusions. Thus, computational investigations have been intensively carried out to explore the reaction mechanisms and the dominant reaction pathways towards hydrocarbons and oxygenates. In this presentation, I would like to discuss our recent experimental efforts in gaining mechanistic insights into the CO2 electroreduction reaction, from which we propose advanced design strategies for achieving high-performance CO2 electrolysis technique.


个人简介 :


陆奇博士本科毕业于浙江大学,后于美国University of Delaware获得博士学位。之后分别于University of DelawareColumbia University进行了博士后工作。20161月正式加入清华大学化工系教师队伍,现为清华大学化工系副教授,主要从事新能源化工、多相催化和纳米结构材料的研究工作。曾获得Fondazione Oronzio and Niccolò De Nora Fellowship in Applied Electrochemistry2014)、Daicar-Bata Prizes for Best Research Paper, University of Delaware2011)等多项学术奖项。在Nature CommunicationsJournal of the American Chemical SocietyAngewandte Chemie-International EditionScience Advances发学术论文,学术成果曾被知名科学新闻媒体Science DailyChemistry ViewsMaterials View等进行专题报导。


