意大利国家核物理研究院弗拉斯卡蒂国家实验室(INFN-LNF)Augusto Marcelli教授10月16日上午学术报告


报告人:Augusto Marcelli教授(意大利国家核物理研究院弗拉斯卡蒂国家实验室

报告题目:IR and X-ray combinatorial experiments and imaging, an original approach to characterize materials and dynamical phenomena





In this talk, I will show representative experiments that show the great advantage of the IR SR sources and unique applications such as imaging and time-resolved spectroscopy. Indeed combining IRSR properties with Focal Plane Array (FPA) detectors the possibility to investigate many processes in real time is now feasible. Moreover, taking advantage of a high circulating current and a dedicated detector set up it is now possible to collect IR images of individual cells at high sensitivity and high spatial resolution within a few minutes. Still, many new opportunities are around the corner. The first IR-laser source enabled IR microscope covering the 7-12 µm spectral range was released in early 2014 using a series of quantum cascade laser (QCL) sources and the operation of the first mid-IR supercontinuum spanning from ~1 μm to more than 13 μm has been experimentally demonstrated. After more than a century, the mid-infrared molecular ‘fingerprint region’, which is of key importance for many applications still represent an area of great research opportunities.



Prof. Augusto Marcelli is a senior scientist at the Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati of the INFN, since 1984 he is involved in synchrotron radiation researches running in cooperation several scientific experiments in many facilities operational in the world such as Bessy, BSRF, Diamond, NSRL, PF, LURE, SSRL, SRS, UVSOR and ESRF. From 1997 to 2008 he was member of the International Scientific Committee of the X-Ray and Inner-Shell Conference Series and in 2002 he was co-Chair of the 19th International Conference of X-ray and Inner shell Process. He proposed and built in the DAΦNE-Light laboratory the first Italian Infrared synchrotron radiation beamline and was the scientist responsible for its operation till 2006. From 2005 to 2006 he was also responsible of the UV beamline at DAΦNE. He is one of the main proponents of the IKNO facility: a storage ring dedicated to the emission of coherent synchrotron radiation in the THz domain. In 2011, 2012 and 2014 he was a visiting professor at the University of Science and Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. At present, he is one of the High-end Foreign Experts of SAFEA. His research areas include: correlation phenomena in X-ray absorption spectroscopy, multiple scattering theory applied to core level X-ray absorption spectra of solid and liquid systems, circular magnetic X-ray dichroism in intermetallics rare earth compounds, x-ray absorption in elements of geophysical interest and under extreme conditions, dust and aerosol characterization and ultra-trace detection, FTIR microspectroscopy and imaging applied to protein, cells and tissues, time resolved concurrent experiments and synchrotron radiation instrumentation, in particular IR and x-ray optics and fast infrared detectors.


Contact: Prof. Qiao Zhang



