新加坡国立大学Chengkuo Lee教授5月16日下午学术报告


Presenter: Prof. Chengkuo Lee (National University of Singapore, Singapore)

Topic: From Conventional MEMS Sensors to Novel Self-powered Sensors - Enabling Technology for Future Healthcare and Smart Home

Time: 3:00 pm, May 16th (Thursday)

Location: 909-B


In the past few years, we have witnessed the significant progress in the smart phones and other mobile devices. Wide-range new applications in healthcare, human-machine interfaces, gaming, virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are becoming possible because of the new features provided by novel sensors and well-established smart phone industry infrastructure. Inertial sensors and microphones are the well-known MEMS devices in the smart phone market. In this talk, progress in silicon based MEMS and polymer MEMS is highlighted first. Then textile-based self-powered sensors and stretchable flexible polymer sensors towards diversified applications including energy harvesting, internet of things (IoT), healthcare monitoring, and novel human-machine interfaces for VR and AR applications are demonstrated.



Dr. Chengkuo Lee received his Ph.D. degree in precision engineering from The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, in 1996. Currently, he is the director of Center for Intelligent Sensors and MEMS at National University of Singapore, Singapore. He cofounded Asia Pacific Microsystems, Inc. (APM) in 2001, where he was Vice President of R&D from 2001 to 2005. From 2006 to 2009, he was a Senior Member of the Technical Staff at the Institute of Microelectronics (IME), A-STAR, Singapore. His research interests include MEMS, NEMS and flexible devices for IoT, energy harvesting, metamaterials and biomedical applications. He has co-authored 290+ journal articles and 300+ conference papers. He holds 10 US patents. His google scholar citation is more than 8700+. He is in the Executive Editor Board of J Micromechanics and Microeng. (IOP, UK). He is the Associate editor of Journal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS and MOEMS (JM3; SPIE). He is also the Editor of Scientific Reports (Nature Publisher), Editor of Journal of Sensors (Hindawi), and Editor of Sensors and Micromachines (MDPI). He serves on steering committee and technical program committee for various conferences such as Transducers 2015, IEEE MEMS 2015, IEEE NEMS 2015, IEEE SENSORS 2018, IEEE MEMS 2019 and Transducers 2019, etc. He has also chaired many conferences including IEEE NEMS’18, OMN ’16 and ’14, ISMM ’14, and Bio4Apps ’13 etc.

Contact:Prof.Xuhui Sun

Editor:Ming Lu
