加拿大维多利亚大学 Christoph Borchers教授 和 韩俊教授 4月25日上午学术报告



报告人: Christoph H. Borchers, Ph.D.Full Professor, University of VictoriaDirector, UVic Genome BC Proteomics Centre

报告题目:Quantitative proteomics in clinical research and diagnostics


报告地点:910 -308


Dr. Borchers received his B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. from the University of Konstanz, Germany.After his post-doctoral training and employment as a staff scientist at NIEHS/NIH/RTP in North Carolina, USA, he became the director of the UNC-Duke Proteomics Facility and held a faculty position at the UNCMedicalSchool in Chapel Hill, NC (2001-2006).Since then, Dr. Borchers has been employed at the University of Victoria (UVic), Canada and holds the current positions of Professor in the Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology and the Don and Eleanor Rix BC Leadership Chair in Biomedical and Environmental Proteomics.He is also the Director of the UVic – GenomeBC Proteomics Centre, which is a member of the Genome Canada funded Genomics Innovation Network. Dr. Borchers is also appointed as Professor at McGillUniversity in the Department of Oncology, Montreal, QC and where he holds the Segal Chair in Molecular Oncology at the Jewish General Hospital at McGillUniversity. Dr. Borchers is also a fellow of CanadianAcademy of Health Sciences.

Dr. Borchers’ research is centered around the improvement, development and application of proteomics technologies with a major focus on techniques for quantitative targeted proteomics for clinical diagnostics.Multiplexed LC-MRM-MS approaches and the immuno-MALDI (iMALDI) technique are of particular interest.Another focus of his research is on technology development and application of the combined approach of protein chemistry and mass spectrometry for structural proteomics.Dr. Borchers has published over 290 peer-reviewed papers in scientific journals and is the founder and CSO of two companies, Creative Molecules. Inc. and MRM Proteomics Inc.He is also involved in promoting proteomic research and education through his function as HUPO International Council Member, Past Scientific Director of the BC Proteomics Network and Vice-President, External of the Canadian National Proteomics Network.


报告人:韩俊 教授

报告题目:Quantitative pathway-centric metabolomics


报告地点:910 –308


韩俊,1987年毕业于18新利体育 化学系,1993年和1999年分别获中国药科大学硕士和博士学位。2001-2005年,在美国北卡莱罗纳大学和南卡罗莱纳医科大学从事蛋白质组学博士后研究,2006年任北卡莱罗纳大学代谢组学研究员。2007年初加盟加拿大维多利亚大学-基因组BC省蛋白质组学中心暨加拿大国家蛋白质组学技术创新中心,担任研究助理教授。现为该中心的研究教授和代谢组学与质谱成像课题组组长。自2011年加拿大国家代谢组学创新中心成立以来,兼任该中心高级科学家和维多利亚分中心负责人,领导课题组从事以代谢通路为中心的靶向代谢组学分析新方法的技术开发、转化和应用。迄今已建立了60多种LC-MS新方法,实现了10个主要代谢通路的全谱分析,覆盖1300种代谢物分子在不同类型生物样品中的精准靶向定量分析。发表92篇研究论文和综述,主编代谢组学专著1本,获美国专利1项,为Analytical Chemistry 20多种专业期刊任客座或临时审稿人。

联系人:刘坚 教授

