明尼苏达大学 Hongbo Pang 博士 4月11日下午学术报告


报告人: Dr. Hongbo Pang, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN

报告题目:Tumor-specific macrophage targeting through recognition of retinoid X receptor beta

报告时间:400 PM, April 11th (Thursday)



Abstract: Dr. Pang’s lab studies how to transport cargo to a given site within the body more efficiently and specifically. Based on phage display technology, Pang lab has developed peptide selectively recognizing a specific disease tissue (e.g. tumor) or a give cell type within one organ but not elsewhere. A notable example is a peptide termed CRV, which can recognize macrophages selectively associated with infected tissue or solid tumors, but not in healthy organs. Through studying these peptides, we have identified novel receptors for these cells. More importantly, by tracing these peptides, we discovered novel cellular machineries that mediate cargo transport across blood vessels and complex tissues. These machineries provide novel linkage between drug delivery, metabolic signaling, and amino acid availability. Overall, Pang lab utilizes targeting peptides and nanotechnology to explore novel biology and therapies.



Dr. Pang obtained his BS in Peking University, College of Life Science, and PhD in Biochemistry from University of Utah studying the physical properties of HIV. In his postdoc study, he worked in the lab of Dr. Erkki Ruoslahti, who is a pioneer of discovering tissue-specific homing peptides with in vivo phage display technology. During this period, he was rewarded as “next generation star” speaker in AACR annual meeting, received quite a few local award, and received multiple NIH grants even before his independence. In 2018, he started his lab at UMN.



Contact: Prof. Zhuang Liu

Editor:Ming Lu
