Presenter:Prof. David Pérez de Lara
Topic:Tuning the optical and electronic properties of 2D material
Time:9: 00 am, April 13th (Saturday)
Location:Conference Room 316, BLDG 910
The optical and electronic properties of 2D materials can be tuned in an easily and controlled fashion by means of mechanical deformations. Strain engineering provides a powerful route to modify the electrical and optical properties in 2D materials and thus it is an excellent candidate to be used as an external tuning knob. Some 2D materials can hold up to a 10-20% of strain before rupture, unprecedented in any conventional semiconductor based device. Additionally, strain engineering opens the possibility to explore new pathways in the understating of the intrinsic nature of 2D superconducting materials and their applications.
Prof. David Pérez de Lara got a PhD from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and Istituto di Cristallografia (UAM-IC-CNR) in 2003. Since then, he has had positions at the National Italian Research Council (IC-CNR), Italian Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN), and Universidad Complutense de Madrid (among others). Currently, he is assistant research professor at IMDEA Nanociencia since 2010. The main research activity of Prof. David Pérez de Lara is focused on the study of the optical and electronic properties of 2D materials and their applications. In addition, he is interest on modelling of superconducting devices, Superconducting Detectors, and Nano-devices based on magnetic/superconducting hybrids.
Contact:Prof.Mario Lanza
Editor:Ming Lu