加州大学洛杉矶分校JEFFREY J. SCHWARTZ博士 2月22日上午学术报告


Presenter: Dr. Jeffrey J. Schwartz  (University of California, Los, Angeles

Topic: What’s on The Outside Counts Too: Surface-Dipole Modulated Assembly

Time: 10:00 AM, Feb. 22th (Wednesday)

Location: Conference Room B, BLDG 909-1F



Detailed understanding and control of the intermolecular forces that govern molecular assembly are necessary to engineer structure and function at the nanoscale. Liquid crystal (LC) assembly is exceptionally sensitive to surface properties, capable of transducing nanoscale intermolecular interactions into a macroscopic optical readout. Self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) modify surface interactions and are known to influence LC alignment. Here, we exploit the different dipole magnitudes and orientations of carboranethiol and -dithiol positional isomers to deconvolve the influence of SAM-LC dipolar coupling from variations in molecular geometry, tilt, and order. Director orientations and anchoring energies are measured for LC cells employing various carboranethiol and -dithiol isomer alignment layers. The normal component of the molecular dipole in the SAM, toward or away from the underlying substrate, was found to determine the in-plane LC director orientation relative to the anisotropy axis of the surface. By using LC alignment as a probe of interaction strength, we elucidate the role of dipolar coupling of molecular monolayers to their environment in determining molecular orientations. We apply this understanding to advance the engineering of molecular interactions at the nanoscale.




Doctor of Philosophy(Ph.D.), Physics

University of California, Los Angeles                                     2009-2016

Advisor: Paul S. Weiss


Master of Science(M.S.), Physics                                          2009-2010

University of California, Los Angeles


Bachelor of Science(B.S.), Physics

The University of Texas at Dallas                                           2005-2009

Minor: Mathematics



Surface Dipole Control ofLiquid Crystal Alignment. Jeffrey J. Schwartz, Alexandra M.Mendoza, Natcha Wattanatorn, Yuxi Zhao, Vinh Nguyen, Alexander M. Spokoyny, Chad A.Mirkin, Toma´sˇ Basˇe, and Paul S. Weiss, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 138, 5957 (2016).

Defect-Tolerant Aligned Dipoles within Two-Dimensional Plastic Lattices. John C. Thomas, Jeffrey J. Schwartz, J. Nathan Hohman, Shelley A. Claridge, Harsharn S. Auluck, Andrew C. Serino, Alexander M. Spokoyny, Giang Tran, Kevin F. Kelly, Chad A. Mirkin, Jerome Gilles

Differentiating Amino Acid Residues and Side Chain Orientations in Peptides Using Scanning Tunneling Microscopy. Shelley A. Claridge, John C. Thomas, Miles A. Silverman, Jeffrey J.Schwartz, Yanlian Yang, Chen Wang, and Paul S. Weiss, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 135, 18528

Molecular Flux Dependence of Chemical Patterning by Microcontact Printing.  Jeffrey J.Schwartz, J. Nathan Hohman, Elizabeth I. Morin, and Paul S. Weiss, ACS Appl. Mater.

Electrons, Photons, and Force: Quantitative Single-Molecule Measurements from Physics to Biology. Shelley A. Claridge, Jeffrey J. Schwartz, and Paul S. Weiss, ACS Nano5, 693

Field Emission Properties ofZnO, ZnS and GaN Nanostructures. Y. Mo, J. J. Schwartz, M. H. Lynch, P. A. Ecton, A. Neogi, J. M. Perez, Y. Fujita, H. W. Seo, Q. Y. Chen, L. W.Tu, and N. J. Ho, in Nanoscale Photonics and Optoelectronics, edited by Z. M. Wang and A.

                                                              Contact: Prof. Lifeng Chi

