德国慕尼黑工业大学Prof. Johannes Barth12月10日上午学术报告


Presenter:Prof. Johannes Barth

Technische Universität München

Topic: Design and manipulation of functional molecular nanosystems at interfaces

Time: 10:00 AM, Dec. 10th (Saturday)

Location: Conference Room G, BLDG 909-1F



The control and organization of molecular species at interfaces is key to advance molecular science, nanochemistry and the development of novel materials. We explore the pertaining bonding, assembly and dynamic behaviour at well-defined homogenous surfaces, textured templates and sp2-sheet layers. The developed bottom-up fabrication protocols employ biological and de novo synthesized building blocks, exploiting error-corrective bonding schemes as well as covalent chemistry. Our approach provides a rationale for the interfacial control of single molecular units and the design of nanoarchitectures with remarkable structural features, intricate dynamics and tailored properties.



Position: University Professor (W3)




Private Address:

Physik Department

Rotwandweg 7

Technische Universität München

85748 Garching

James-Franck-Str. 1


85748 Garching





Date of birth: February 14th1962



+49 89 289 12609



+49 89 289 12338











Venia Legendi, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne


Dr. rer. nat., Freie Universität Berlin (summa cum laude, with G. Ertl)


Diploma in Physics, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München


Selected, most recent publications as main author/principal investigator:


Author of more than 200 peer-reviewed publications during the research career (see attached publication list) . Many studies appeared in leading journals such as Nature and its sub-journals, PNAS, J. Chem. Phys., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., JACS, ACS Nano, Nano Letters, J. Phys. Chem Lett. or Physical Review Letters. Published a series of influential review articles. According to Google Scholar (early 2016) there is considerable scientific impact (h -index=62, i10 -index=160), with two (>thirty) papers cited >1000 (>100) times. A complete publication list is also available via ResearcherID at E-4060-2013.


Key publications include:


JI Urgel, D Écija, G Lyu, R Zhang, CA Palma, W Auwärter, N Lin & JV Barth:


Quasicrystallinity expressed in two- dimensional coordination networks,Nature Chem. 8,(2016). DOI: 10.1038/nchem.2507.


S Wieghold, J Li, P Simon, M Krause, Y Avlasevich, C Li, JA Garrido, U Heiz, P Samorì, K Müllen, F Esch, JV Barth & C-A Palma: Photoresponse of supramolecular self- assemblednetworks on graphene-diamond interfaces,Nature Comm. 7, 10700 (2016). DOI:




W. Auwärter, D. Ecija, F. Klappenberger & J.V. Barth: Porphyrins at interfaces, Nature


Chem. 7, 105-120. DOI: 10.1038/nchem.2159 (2015).


F. Klappenberger, Y.-Q. Zhang, J. Björk, S. Klyatskaya, M. Ruben, J.V. Barth: On-SurfaceSynthesis of Carbon- Based Scaffolds and Nanomaterials Using Terminal Alkynes,Acc.Chem. Research 48 (7), 2140 (2015).


J. Li, S. Wieghold, M.A. Öner, P. Simon, M. Hauf, E. Margapoti, J.A. Garrido, F. Esch, C.-A. Palma & J.V. Barth: Three-dimensional Bicomponent Supramolecular Nanoporous Self -assembly on a Hybrid All-carbon Atomically Flat and Transparent Platform,Nano Lett. 14,(2014). DOI: 10.1021/nl501452s


W. Auwärter, K. Seufert, F. Bischoff, D. Ecija, S. Vijayaraghavan, S. Joshi, F. Klappenberger, N. Samudrala & J.V. Barth: A surface-anchored molecular four-level conductance switchbased on single proton transfer,Nature Nanotech. 7, 41 (2012)


D. Écija, W. Auwärter, S. Vijarayaraghavan, K. Seufert, F. Bischoff, K. Tashiro & J.V. Barth:


Assembly and manipulation of cerium-porphyrinato sandwich complexes on a surface,

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 50, 3872 (2011)


D. Kühne, F. Klappenberger, W. Krenner, S. Klyatskaya, M. Ruben & J.V. Barth: Rotationaland constitutional dynamics of caged supramolecules,Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 107, 21332(2010)


Y. Pennec, W. Auwärter, A. Schiffrin, A. Weber-Bargioni and J.V. Barth: Supramoleculargratings for tunable confinement of electrons on metal surfaces,Nature Nanotech. 2, 99(2007).


J.V. Barth: Molecular architectonic on metal surfaces, Annu. Rev. Phys. Chem. 58, 375 (2007).


J.V. Barth, G. Costantini and K. Kern: Engineering atomic and molecular nanostructures atsurfaces,Nature 437, 671 (2005)



Contact: Prof. Lifeng Chi
