加拿大国家研究院Dr. Ye Tao10月28日上午学术报告


Presenter:Dr. Ye Tao (Principal Research Officer, Information and Communications Technologies, National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada)

TopicPrintable Electronics-Their Applications and Limitations

Time900AM, Oct. 28 (Friday)




Printable Electronics is a promising technology that will enable the manufacturing of ubiquitous and low cost electronic devices, which covers from simple printed conducting lines, resistors, capacitors, to OLEDs, OFETs, OPV, and memory cells. More complicated electronic circuits can be formed using these basic building blocks to perform logic, sensing, human-machine interaction, and control functions. In the past 5 years, this field has gone through a cycle from low to hype, and back to reality. In this talk, I will introduce the research activities on the development of printed flexible electronics under NRC’s Printable Electronics Flagship Program. I will analyze the limitations of printing technology, the pros and cons of the printed electronic devices, their potential applications as well as some important issues in the printing processes.



陶冶博士,教授,现任加拿大国家研究院信息与通讯技术部(NRC-ICT)高级终身研究员,在加拿大国家研究院的塑料电子重点项目中担任器件设计和制备团队的负责人。陶冶博士是加拿大女王大学,中科院长春应用化学研究所,18新利体育 功能纳米与软物质研究院的客座教授。陶冶博士多年来一直从事电子材料和器件方面的研究,多次参加加拿大国家研究院(NRC)、加拿大国家自然科学、工程基金会(NSERC)和加拿大/美国工业公司的材料和器件的合作研究项目。

目前已获权8项美国和加拿大专利。还有3项美国专利,2项加拿大专利,1项台湾专利待批。在JACS, Adv. Mater., Appl. Phys. Lett., Adv. Mater, Adv. Funct. Mater, Macromolecules, Chem. Mater.等国际刊物上发表论文130余篇,多次在国际、国内学术会议上做科学报告。



Contact: Wanli Ma
